Welcome to LSColored, a custom implementation of the traditional ls
command written in Rust 🦀. This project is being developed as a fun and educational journey into Rust programming. It replicates the functionality of the classic directory listing command but also introduces improved colored output 🎨 and several additional features to enhance the user experience. I'm adding features I think are useful and ignoring others, so do not expect a perfect ls
- Enhanced Colored Output: Utilizes a rich color palette to distinguish file types, permissions, and other attributes.
- Additional Listing Options: Includes different flags and parameters to customize the directory listing.
- User-Friendly Interface: Improved readability and user interaction.
- Recursive Folder Listing: Using the -ll flag it is possible to see a limited amount of subfolders and files.
- Faster than ls: If you are not trying to recursivly list root, lsc is around 1ms faster then
To install LSColored, ensure you have Rust and Cargo 📦 installed on your machine. Follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/BoostedDampi/LSColored.git
- Change to the directory:
cd LSColored
- Build and install:
cargo install --path .
After installation, LSColored can be used similarly to the traditional ls
command. Here's how you can use it:
- List files in the current directory:
- List files with detailed information:
lsc -l
- List files with more detailed information:
lsc -ll
- Show hidden files:
lsc -a
For more options, refer to the help:
lsc --help
- Better Color Profile Editing: User editabele color profiles. [Updated color library, TOML color profile not yet implemented]
- Dynamic Directory Traversal: Enable dynamic navigation through directories. [IN PLANNING]
- More Metadata in Verbose Mode: Display additional file metadata when using verbose mode (-ll).
- Add Tests: Add a series of tests for simplified development and updating.
- Better Error Handling: I need better error handling in the code.
LSColored is released under the GNU GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Enjoy your colorful directory listings with LSColored! 🎉📂