- Sidebar icons are not centered. They do not align with the hamburger menu. Text width is zero.
- Toggle Active state in sidebar.
- Picker is firing click of the document upon resizing, leading to premature-closing.
- Navbar hover on closed State.
- Billabe line-height issues. Probable solution: Capsizecss
- documentFragment for better perf???
- Layout shift on resetting tag and project tracker. ( Solution : replaceChildren instead of replacing the entire element, have a prefixed width)
- Use replaceWith() instead of innerHTML or replaceChildren()
- Refactor ProjectPicker component
- Something is wrong with the projectButton Event Listener.
- Delete event is fired when in the input field of the picker. BAKA BAKA BAKA!!!!!!!! Look at alternate solutions before going on your own.
- Edge case: When there is filter and li is clicked, picker.remove() throws error.
- clear projectFilter onBlur
- Parent Blur event to be prevented when child is clicked.
- Tag Picker get other tag data when the picker is open and someother tag is clicked.
- Tag picker is not closed when project button is clicked.
- Creating new entry after discard fails.
- BUG(EmptyProject):
- BUG: Click on the tags button of an entry and click on the project button of the recorder.
- Solution: Auto-resizing input: https://codepen.io/rkhivsara/pen/JjmygdJ
- Configure Linter
- How to avoid document level event listeners?
- How to avoid module level variables? / Best practices
- Auto-resizing input.
- Use display:none instead of DOM manipulation.
- mouseleave event.
- sub-nav css z-index hover.