- how to spy / stub network calls
- how to wait for the network calls from tests
- how to use network calls in assertions
- keep
app running - open
- note stubbing
is NOT implemented yet, but will be issue #687
- there is no resetting the state before each test
- the test passes but something is wrong
it('starts with zero items', () => {
cy.get('li.todo').should('have.length', 0)
- page loads
- web application makes XHR call
GET /todos
- meanwhile it shows an empty list of todos
- Cypress assertion passes!
GET /todos
returns with 2 items- they are added to the DOM
- but the test has already finished
it('starts with zero items', () => {
cy.get('li.todo').should('have.length', 0)
better to wait on a specific XHR request. Network is just observable public effect, just like DOM.
In 05-xhr/spec.js
test "starts with zero items"
- start Cypress mock server with
- should we start mock server before or after
- should we start mock server before or after
- spy on specific route with
- save as an alias
- wait for this XHR alias
- then check the DOM
tips: cy.server
, cy.route
, Network requests guide
💡 No need to cy.wait(...).then(...)
. All Cypress commands will be chained automatically.
cy.route('GET', '/todos').as('todos')
// cy.get() will run AFTER cy.wait() finishes
cy.get('li.todo').should('have.length', 0)
Read Introduction to Cypress "Commands Run Serially"
add to test "starts with zero items":
- wait for the XHR alias like before
- its response body should be an empty array
Update test "starts with zero items (stubbed response)"
- instead of just spying on XHR call, let's return some mock data
// returns an empty list
// when `GET /todos` is requested
cy.route('GET', '/todos', [])
it('starts with zero items (fixture)', () => {
// start Cypress network server
// stub `GET /todos` with fixture "empty-list"
// visit the page
// then check the DOM
cy.get('li.todo').should('have.length', 0)
tip: use cy.fixture
it('loads several items from a fixture', () => {
// start Cypress network server
// stub route `GET /todos` with data from a fixture file "two-items.json"
// THEN visit the page
// then check the DOM: some items should be marked completed
// we can do this in a variety of ways
When you add an item through the DOM, the app makes POST
XHR call.
Note: It is important to be able to use DevTools network tab to inspect the XHR and its request and response.
Todo 1/2
- write a test "posts new item to the server" that confirms that new item is posted to the server
see instructions in the 05-xhr/spec.js
for the test
Todo 2/2
- write a test "posts new item to the server response" that confirms that RESPONSE when a new item is posted to the server
see instructions in the 05-xhr/spec.js
for the test
Network requests guide at https://on.cypress.io/network-requests. Question: which requests do you spy on, which do you stub?
In the application we are showing (very quickly) "Loading" state
<div class="loading" v-show="loading">Loading data ...</div>
- delay the loading XHR request
- assert the UI is showing "Loading" element
- assert the "Loading" element goes away after XHR completes
⌨️ test "shows loading element"