- sudo apt install arduino
- pip install pymavlink
- cd ~
- git clone https://github.com/ardupilot/arduremoteid
- cd arduremoteid/
- git submodule init
- git submodule update --recursive
- ./scripts/install_build_env.sh
- ./scripts/regen_headers.sh
- ./scripts/add_libraries.sh
- cd RemoteIDModule
- make setup
- cd RemoteIDModule
- make
- cd RemoteIDModule
- make upload
If the board does not flash, hold-down the BOOT pushbutton on the PCB while pressing the RESET pushbutton briefly [to force it into bootloader mode] and retry. The ESP32-S3 is now running and emitting test/demo remote-id bluetooth
If you get an error about missing serial support from python, install it with python -m pip install pyserial
Plugin your ep32-s3 with ANOTHER usb cable using the port labeled "UART" on the pcb - this is where mavlink and debug is coming/going, and you can connect to this with mavproxy, etc.
Plugin your ep32-s3 into a flight-controller UART using pins RX(17)/TX(18)/GND on the pcb - this listens for mavlink from an autopilot, and expects to find REMOTE_ID* packets in the mavlink stream, and it broadcast/s this information from the drone as bluetooth/wifi on 2.4ghz in a manner that can be received by Android mobile phone App [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.opendroneid.android_osm] and hopefully other open-drone-id compliant receivers.
Plugin your ep32-s3 into a flight-controller CAN port by wiring a standard CAN Tranciever (such as VP231 or similar) to pins 47(tx),38(rx),GND on the pcb.
Setup/Configuration of ArduPilot/Mavlink/CAN to communicate together is not documented here, please go to ArduPilot wiki for more, eg: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-remoteid.html