This SDK is in EA, so all existing features are supported by Okta in a production setting
To build and install:
- Clone the repo
- Navigate to the repo directory. It should contain pom.xml
- Build with tests
mvn install
or without testsmvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
###Client configuration
import com.okta.sdk.framework.ApiClientConfiguration;
ApiClientConfiguration oktaSettings = new ApiClientConfiguration(
###AuthApiClient This client is used to authenticate and validate user credentials. Information about the various states of authentication are available at
AuthApiClient authClient = new AuthApiClient(oktaSettings);
// Check if the user credentials are valid
AuthResult result = authClient.authenticate(username, password, someRelayState);
// The result has a getStatus method which is a string of status of the request.
// Example - SUCCESS for successful authentication
String status = result.getStatus();
###UserApiClient and CRUD This client is used to perform CRUD operations on user objects (
UserApiClient userApiClient = new UserApiClient(oktaSettings);
// Create a new user
// First Name, Last Name, Email and Login are required. Password is optional.
// The boolean variable is for activate which means that activate the user as soon as
// it is created.
User newUser = userApiClient.createUser(
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
// Create a new user with a password.
// For this you need to create a UserProfile object and a LoginCredentials object
UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile();
userProfile.setEmail("[email protected]");
userProfile.setLogin("[email protected]");
LoginCredentials loginCredentials = new LoginCredentials();
Password password = new Password();
User user = new User();
// true is for activate user as soon as it is created
userApiClient.createUser(user, true);
// Read/Search
// There are plenty of methods for reading users.
// 1. Search user when user ID/loginName/loginShortName is known
User user = userApiClient.getUser("ID/loginName/loginShortName");
// 2. Search user using filters. You can query the API for searching a user
// with the help of filters mentioned at -
// Example - search for first name. Returns a list of users matching that query
FilterBuilder filterBuilder = new FilterBuilder("profile.firstName eq \"" + firstName + "\"");
List<User> users = userApiClient.getUsersWithFilter(filterBuilder);
// 3. Advanced search provides the option to filter on any user profile attribute, any custom defined
// profile attribute, as well as the following top-level attributes: id, status, created, activated,
// statusChanged and lastUpdated. The advanced search performs a case insensitive filter against all fields
// specified in the search parameter. Note that the results might not yet be up to date, as the most up to date
// data can be delayed up to a few seconds, so use for convenience.
FilterBuilder filterBuilder = new FilterBuilder("profile.flightNumber eq \"A415\"");
List<User> users = userApiClient.getUsersWithSearch(filterBuilder);
// 4. Search users only on firstName, lastName or email
// The parameter passed is searched in the attributes - firstName, lastName and email of all Users.
List<User> users = userApiClient.getUsersWithQuery("firstName/lastName/email");
// Update
// Delete (for Users this is the same as deactivate)
PagedResults<User> pagedResults = userApiClient.getUsersPagedResultsWithLimit(10);
while (true) {
for (User user : pagedResults.getResult()) {
// Do something with user
if (!pagedResults.isLastPage()) {
pagedResults = userApiClient.getUsersPagedResultsByUrl(pagedResults.getNextUrl());
} else {