diff --git a/doc/musig-spec.mediawiki b/doc/musig-spec.mediawiki
index 7d5fca5d8..7a6eea78d 100644
--- a/doc/musig-spec.mediawiki
+++ b/doc/musig-spec.mediawiki
@@ -126,6 +126,19 @@ The algorithm ''NonceAgg(pubnonce1..u)'' is defined as:
** Let ''Ri = R'i'' if not ''is_infinite(R'i)'', otherwise let Ri = G''
* Return ''aggnonce = cbytes(R1) || cbytes(R2)''
+===== Note on ''is_infinite(R'i)'' =====
+If ''is_infinite(R'i)'' there is at least one dishonest signer (except with negligible probability).
+If we would fail here, we will never be able to determine who it is.
+Therefore, we should continue such that the culprit is revealed when collecting and verifying partial signatures.
+However, dealing with the point at infinity requires defining a serialization and may require extra code complexity in implementations.
+Instead, we set the aggregate nonce to some arbitrary point, the generator.
+This modification does not affect the security of the scheme.
+''NonceAgg'' (both the original and modified version) only depends on publicly available data (the set of public pre-nonces from every signer).
+Thus in the multi-signature security game (EUF-CMA), we can consider ''NonceAgg'' to be performed by the adversary (rather than the challenger) without loss of generality.
+The modification changes neither the behavior of the EUF-CMA challenger nor the condition required to win the security game (the adversary still has to output a valid forgery according to the unmodified MuSig2* scheme). Since we've already proved that MuSig2* is secure against an arbitrary adversary, we can conclude that the modified scheme is still secure.
==== Signing ====
diff --git a/src/modules/musig/session_impl.h b/src/modules/musig/session_impl.h
index 7cdcebe3e..1231b2fc0 100644
--- a/src/modules/musig/session_impl.h
+++ b/src/modules/musig/session_impl.h
@@ -362,21 +362,7 @@ int secp256k1_musig_nonce_agg(const secp256k1_context* ctx, secp256k1_musig_aggn
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(&aggnonce_ptj[i])) {
- /* There must be at least one dishonest signer. If we would return 0
- here, we will never be able to determine who it is. Therefore, we
- should continue such that the culprit is revealed when collecting
- and verifying partial signatures.
- However, dealing with the point at infinity (loading,
- de-/serializing) would require a lot of extra code complexity.
- Instead, we set the aggregate nonce to some arbitrary point (the
- generator). This is secure, because it only restricts the
- abilities of the attacker: an attacker that forces the sum of
- nonces to be infinity by sending some maliciously generated nonce
- pairs can be turned into an attacker that forces the sum to be
- the generator (by simply adding the generator to one of the
- malicious nonces), and this does not change the winning condition
- of the EUF-CMA game. */
+ /* Set to G according to the specification */
aggnonce_pt[i] = secp256k1_ge_const_g;
} else {
secp256k1_ge_set_gej(&aggnonce_pt[i], &aggnonce_ptj[i]);