This component creates a procedural cylinder model. You can move it, change its scale, color and transparency.
Name | Id | Type | Description |
Number sides | "nb_sides" | int | the number of sizes for the cylinder to be generated |
Radius | "radius" | float | radius height of the cylinder |
Length | "length" | float | height of the cylinder |
Is tranparent? | "tranparent" | boolean | if true, the alpha channel of the color will be used for sepcifying the transparency of the model |
Init transform | "init_transform" | Transform | Init transform to be applied |
Do not apply | "init_transform_do_not_apply" | boolean | If checked, the init transform will not be applied |
Name | Id | Type | Description |
Transform | "transform" | Transform | Config transform to be applied |
Do not apply | "transform_do_not_apply" | boolean | If checked, the config transform will not be applied |
Color | "color" | Color | model material color |
Metallic | "metallic" | float | model material metallic value |
Smoothness | "smoothness" | float | model material smoothness value |