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Using BigWigs source as an addon

elvador edited this page Jul 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

BigWigs gets distributed on Twitch, CurseForge, GitHub, etc. as a packaged addon.

It is possible to run BigWigs directly from the repo however. This is especially useful if you're actively developing, so you only need to reload your client to have your changes in game. If they work, you can directly commit. No need to copy any files, etc.

⚠ Note that is is for advanced users only. You'll have to manually update the addons if you're using this method!


This will guide you through the setup of BigWigs, LittleWigs and all modules for older raids. If you only want one of the addons, adjust the steps accordingly.

1. Locate your BigWigs folder

  • In my case, the main repository is in J:\Projects\BigWigs.
  • LittleWigs is in J:\Projects\LittleWigs.
  • The older expansions are in a sub folder like J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_BurningCrusade.

2. Go to your C:\World of Warcraft\_beta_\Interface\AddOns folder and remove every BigWigs/LittleWigs related folder.

3. Create the symlinks to your project folder

  • You can either do this manually or run this script we've prepared.

⚠ Make sure to adjust your paths and place the script in your Interface folder (i.e. C:\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface). Then run it as admin.

@echo off

rem Change to current directory
cd /D "%~dp0"

echo Create legacy links:
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_BurningCrusade" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_BurningCrusade"
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_Cataclysm" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_Cataclysm"
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_Classic" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_Classic"
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_MistsOfPandaria" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_MistsOfPandaria"
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_WarlordsOfDraenor" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_WarlordsOfDraenor"
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing"
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs_Legion" "J:\Projects\BigWigsOrg\BigWigs_Legion"

echo Create BigWigs link:
mklink /D "Addons\BigWigs" "J:\Projects\BigWigs"

echo Create LittleWigs link:
mklink /D "Addons\LittleWigs" "J:\Projects\LittleWigs"

echo Done.
