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Release process

John R. D'Orazio edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

For each new release, these are the steps which must be followed for a successful publish of the release to the WordPress plugins repo:

  1. Make any functional edits needed to the plugin code, whether in a development branch (git style) or in the master branch (svn style)
  2. Once the edits are ready for release, before tagging a new release, make sure the new version number is updated in bibleget-io.php
  3. You may want to up the new release version number in also
  4. Tag the new release: this will trigger the action that will push the new tag to SVN.
  5. Update the readme.txt with changelog info, upgrade notice, and stable tag. This will trigger the action that will push the readme.txt with the new stable tag, triggering the WordPress plugin repository to publish the new release. The readme.txt will be pushed both to trunk and to the tag for that release.
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