- Version: 1.0.0-r1
- Minecraft Forge
- 124 Mods
- 22 Dependency/Core Mods
Mod | Version | Authors | Description |
Actually Additions | r106 | Ellpeck | Do you want Automation? Wireless Transport? Better Machines? A cup o' Coffee? Chests? Better Hoppers? Leaf Blowers? Faster Growth? Plants? Well, Actually Additions has all that and a lot more! |
ActuallyComputers | 2.0.0 | canitzp | Interaction between ActuallyAdditions machines and OpenComputers functions |
Advanced Generators | | bdew | Freeform Multiblock generators that produce MJ, RF and EU |
Akashic Tome | 1.1-7 | Vazkii | The book of books. |
AngelRing 2 Bauble | 0.2.3 | Portablejim | Make the Extra Utils 2 Angel Ring into a bauble |
Animania | | RazzleberryFox Purplicious_Cow cy4n |
Immersive and realistic animals in Minecraft, with improved models, textures, animation, behaviors, and drops. |
AppleSkin | 1.0.6 | squeek | Adds various food-related HUD improvements |
Augmented Interactions | 1.0.0 | pau101 | Interact with the world differently |
Auto Ore Dictionary Converter | 1.11-1.0.2 | MattDahEpic | Converts specified ore dictionary items automatically or on keybinding. |
Baubles | 1.4.3 | Azanor | Adding a touch of bling to Minecraft |
Better Achievements | 0.4.3 | way2muchnoise | An improvement to the Achievementscreen |
Better Builder's Wands | 0.11.1 | Portablejim | Wands that allow placing of multiple blocks at a time |
Better Foliage | 2.1.4 | octarine-noise | Better Foliage is a Forge mod that will make your Minecraft worlds more impressive, mainly by improving how vegetation looks. It is fully compatible with other visual enhancement mods (Optifine, Shaders Mod, Colored Lights Core). |
Better Fonts | 1.11.2-1.7.3 | CubeX2 | OpenType font support for Minecraft |
BiomeTweaker | 2.2 | superckl | Used to tweak various characteristics of biomes. |
Bloodmoon | 1.5.1 | lumien | Adds the bloodmoon from terraria to minecraft |
Botania | r1.9-342 | Vazkii williewillus wiiv dylan4ever |
Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft. This time with a fancy number in front. |
BotaniaVisualizer | 1.0 | mariri2u | This mod visualize mana of Botania |
Buildcraft | 7.99.0 | Spacetoad covertJaguar Asie |
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more! |
Chameleon | 3.0.2 | jaquadro | Shared code and render support for mods. Used by jaquadro's mods. |
ChastMob | 2.0.0 | Schr0 | Chast is kawaii |
Chisel | | tterrag Drullkus minecreatr |
Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel. |
Chisels & Bits | 13.10 | AlgorithmX2 | a mod about Sculpting, Decorating and Aesthetics |
Clipboard | 1.11-1.2.1 | Shadowfacts | A simple clipboard for keeping track of your todo list. |
Custom Main Menu | 2.0.5 | lumien | Allows you to edit the mainmenu using json |
Custom Ore Generation | 1.2.26-81-g6580ec2 | JRoush noogenesis |
Allows the player to customize how ore is generated. |
Default Options | 8.2.2 | BlayTheNinth | A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. |
Default World Generator | 1.11-0.5 | EzTerry FireBall1725 |
A small mod to automatically select the default world generator for both single player and servers |
DiscordChat | -1.11.2-2.0.4 | shadowfactsmc | Forge (server-side only) mod to relay MC chat to Discord and vice versa. |
Dynamic Surroundings | 1.11.2- | OreCruncher Abastro |
Improving Minecraft's sight and sound experience |
ElecCore | 1.7.418 | Elec332 | Shared code for Forge mods |
Embers | 0.206 | Elucent AlexisMachina ShadowGamerXY werty1124 |
Dwarven-style Magitech Mod |
Extra Bit Manipulation | 1.11.2-3.0.6 | MolecularPhylo | Adds extra in-world bit manipulation to the Chisels & Bits mod. |
Extra Utilities | 1.4.1 | RWTema | Just a bunch of useful things |
Fast Leave Decay | 1.2.3 | lumien | Makes leave decay faster |
Foamfix | 0.5.4-beta2-anarchy | asiekierka | FoamFix is a mod which makes Minecraft go fast - by which I mean use less memory. |
Forestry | | SirSengir mezz |
Trees, bees and more. |
Fullscreen Fix | 1.0 | gudenau | Fixes the resizable fullscreen bug. |
Fullscreen Windowed | 1.5.0 | Hancin | Activates fullscreen windowed mode for Minecraft |
GenDustry | | bdew | Adds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry addon) |
Gravestone | 1.7.2 | Max Henkel | Gravestone |
HelpFixer | 1.4+17 | matthewprenger | Fixes the help command from mod derpyness |
huds | beta-1.0.2 | Elec332 | Multiple HUD's alle in one mod! Fully configurable with ingame configs! |
IndustrialCraft 2 | 2.6.188-ex110 | Alblaka Player RichardG Thunderdark GregoriusT alexthesax Drashian Elementalist Feanturi Lurch1985 SirusKing tahu44 Aroma1997 estebes Chocohead |
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft. |
Integrated Dynamics | 1.11.2-0.6.11 | rubensworks (aka kroeserr) | Take full and automated control of your appliances. |
Integrated Tunnels | 1.11.2-1.1.1 | rubensworks (aka kroeserr) | Transfer other stuff over Integrated Dynamics networks |
Inventory Tweaks | 1.62+beta.84 | Jimeo Wan Kobata |
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic replacement of broken tools or exhausted stacks of items. |
Iron Chest | | cpw | New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is the crystal chest, which is transparent - some inventory contents are visible without opening the chest |
JEI Bees | | bdew | Adds JEI recipes that show breeding and products from Forestry bees, trees and butterflies. |
JourneyMap | 1.11.2-5.4.6 | techbrew mysticdrew |
JourneyMap Unlimited Edition: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore. |
Just Enough Items | | mezz | Simple recipe and item helper. |
Just Enough Resources | | way2muchnoise | Adds Resources and Mob Drops to JEI |
Literal Ascension | 1.11.2- | JamiesWhiteShirt | Adds intuitive solutions for vertical mobility. |
Login Shield | 1.11-3-g0422a90 | Glasspelican | protects users from taking damage between when they login and they can start interacting with the world |
LootTweaker | 1.11.2- | Leviathan143 | An addon for CraftTweaker that allows modification of loot tables |
MalisisDoors | boo | Ordinastie | Better doors! |
MalisisSwitches | 1.11.2-4.1.0 | Ordinastie | Wireless Switches for Minecraft |
MineTweaker 3 | 1.11.2-3.0.24 | Stan Hebben | Customize your minecraft experience! |
Missing Pieces | 4.1.0 | sboy205 | Some blocks I wanted in the game. |
MNU | 1.11.2-1.0 | abecderic | High-tech power generation |
Modular Routers | 1.11.2-2.1.1 | desht | Item routers with pluggable modules to define behaviour |
MoreOverlays | 1.9 | feldim2425 | Adds some overlays from NEI (Mob spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search) |
Morph-o-Tool | 1.1-13 | Vazkii | The wrench to end all wrenches. |
Morpheus | 1.11.2-3.2.13 | Quetzi | Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. When a player sleeps, all other players in the same dimension are notified so it is easier to coordinate. |
Mouse Tweaks | 2.8 | YaLTeR | A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functions to the usual mouse buttons. |
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod | 4.1.2 | MrCrayfish | Adds over 50 unique pieces of furniture to the game! |
MusicCraft | 3.2 | Ktos94852 | Musical instruments in Minecraft! |
Natural Pledge | 2.0 | WireSegal | The successor to Botanical Addons from 1.7. |
NBTEdit | 0.4 | malte0811 | In-game NBT editing for Entities and TileEntities |
Neat | 1.4-13 | Vazkii | Minimalistic Functional Unit Plates for the modern Minecrafter |
NeoTech | 1.11.2-5.0.0 | Dyonovan pauljoda |
Ore Processing |
NetherPortalFix | 1.11-4.3.1 | BlayTheNinth | Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Portals in Multiplayer. |
Not Enough Wands | 1.1x-1.5.4 | romelo333 McJty |
Wands, wands, and more wands |
NuclearCraft | 2.1b | turbodiesel4598 (call me Tom) | Nuclear Physics, Minecraft Style (WIP) |
OpenComputers | | Sangar Vexatos payonel magik6k Lord Joda Github Contributors |
This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua. |
Ore Dowsing | 11.11.2-1.0.1-BETA | Popsnorkle Buuz135 |
Dowsing rods to help find ores and other blocks. |
Ore Flowers | 4.0.1 | Draco18s | Adds ore indicator plants, allowing for easier prospecting of COG ore veins. |
Packing Tape | 1.11.0-0.6.1 | gigaherz | Adds a simple means to carry thigns with you |
Pam's HarvestCraft | 1.11.2h | Pamela Collins | Expanding minecraft's food system. |
Pipes | 1.11- | CrafterKina | Pipes |
Placeable Items Mod | 3.0.4 | Ferdz MasterianoX |
This mod allows players to place items as 3D models |
Placement Preview | 0.3.1 | masa | Shows a preview of the block that will be placed |
Platforms | 1.11.0-1.3.4 | ShetiPhian | This mod adds platforms with a range of customization. You can make decks, bridges, mine shafts, or even wooden coaster supports. |
Pressure Pipes | | bdew | Unlimited Fluid Transport |
Psi | r1.1-47 | Vazkii | Psionic Spellcasting Instruments |
Quark | r1.2-90 | Vazkii wiiv |
Small things. |
Random Things | 3.8.1 | Lumien | Random Things packed into one Mod. |
Realistic Terrain Generation | | Team RTG | Adds a new world type which generates realistic terrain for Overworld biomes. |
ReAuth | 3.4.1 | TechnicianLP | A Mod to renew your Session |
Refined Storage | 1.4.3 | Refined Storage contributors | An elegant solution to your hoarding problem |
Reliquary | 1.11.2- | x3n0ph0b3 TheMike P3pp3rF1y |
Two words: magical swag. Oh, and a gun. |
Resource Loader | 1.5.1 | lumien | Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts resources without making a resource pack. |
RF Lux | 0.1.1 | romelo333 McJty |
Lights, lights, and more lights |
Roguelike Dungeons | 1.11.2-1.6.6 | Greymerk | Adds randomized dungeons to the world |
Roots 2 | 0.016 | Elucent AlexisMachina werty1124 SirShadow |
Druidic magic mod. |
Rustic | 0.2 | mangoose | A simple decoration mod |
Shield | 1.0 | yousui115 | Shield Ability Up. |
Shulkerbox | 1.1.1 | Max Henkel | Shulkerbox |
Simply Conveyors & More | 3.0.3 | Zundrel | Logistics and item transport go great together. With conveyors, it looks even cooler. |
Sophisticated Wolves | 3.6.5 | NightKosh Metroidfood |
Improves wolves through gameplay tweaks, AI improvements, and new features. |
Sound Filters | 0.9_for_1.11 | Tmtravlr | Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind walls. |
Spartan Shields | 1.3 | ObliviousSpartan | Spartan Shields adds a variety of new shields to Minecraft. |
Stellar Sky | | Abastro | Constellations & Planets in Minecraft! You can see Real Sky with this mod. |
Steve's Carts 2 | | Vswe | A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, through the creation of modular carts. |
Storage Drawers | 4.2.2 | jaquadro | Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval. |
Streams | 0.3 | delvr | This mod introduces real flowing rivers, with a true current, to your Minecraft worlds. Compatible with many terrain generators. |
Super Crafting Frame | | EdgarAllen | An item frame that can craft items when punched. |
TechReborn | | modmuss50 Gigabit101 tntrololol joflashstudios Prospector |
TechReborn, The Gregtech revival you dream about on a cool mid summer's eve. |
Tell Me | 0.5.2 | masa | Can provide information about blocks, items, entities, biomes etc. |
Thut Essentials | 1.6.8 | Thutmose | Essentials mod for Forge |
Thut's Elevators | 5.0.0 | patnevis | Adds elevators to minecraft |
Tool Belt | 1.5.0 | gigaherz | Adds a (baubles-aware) belt that you can use to hold multiple tools at once. |
TorchMaster | | xalcon | Adds a special torch which prevents mobs from spawning in a configurable range |
TrashSlot | 7.4.1 | BlayTheNinth | Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items. |
Tree Chopper | 1.1 | DuchLord | Simple mod for chop down whole tree and much more.. Recommended forge version: 1.11 - |
Village Names | 1.0 | AstroTibs | Generates random names for villages and villagers. |
Villager Fix | 1-11 | Epigenetic | Tweak for villagers and mobGriefing in 1.8 |
Waila Harvestability | 1.1.9 | squeek | An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at |
Waystones | 3.0.13 | BlayTheNinth | Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers. |
What's That Slot | 1.0.1 | gegy1000 | What's That Slot (WTS) allows you to check what items can be put into hovered slot with a single press of a key! |
Wolf Armor and Storage | | CenturionFox | Adds armors and storage for wolves! |
World Stripper | 1.3.0-1.11.2 | Ewy | Strip The World! #AllNude |
WorldEdit | 6.1.6-SNAPSHOT;e34fc1a | sk89q wizjany TomyLobo kenzierocks |
WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both single player and multiplayer. |
WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 2 | 2.1.1-mf-1.11.2- | Hexosse | WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 2 is a forge client-side user interface for WorldEdit |
Mod | Version | Authors | Description |
AutoRegLib | 1.1-4 | Vazkii | Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods. |
BD Lib | | bdew | A library of generic code for my other mods |
Beyond Reality Core | 1.11.2-2.0.3-BETA | Dyonovan Dominance PaulJoda Buuz135 |
Added features for the Beyond Reality ModPacks |
Bookshelf | 5.0.0-B96 | Dyonovan pauljoda |
Library of useful functions used by TeamBR |
CommonCapabilities | 1.11.2-1.3.1 | rubensworks (aka kroeserr) | Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods |
compatlayer | 1.11.2-0.2.5 | McJty | Compatibility layer to make migrating between different vanilla/forge versions easier |
Cyclops Core | 1.11.2-0.10.0 | rubensworks (aka kroeserr) immortaleeb (aka EeB) |
Coremod for EvilCraft, Integrated Dynamics and others. |
EXCore | 2.0.0-alpha10-1.11.2 | Elix_x | Elix'x Core |
Farseek | 2.1 | delvr | A Scala API for Minecraft mods. |
HardLib | 1.0 | Draco18s | Library Core for Reasonable Realism |
LibrarianLib | 3.1.3 | thecodewarrior wiresegal LordSaad44 Elucent Eladkay murapix werty1124 Leviathan143 |
A library for the Team Wizardry mods |
LLibrary | 1.7.4-1.11.2 | iLexiconn | The lightweight Minecraft modding library |
MalisisCore | 1.11.2-5.1.1 | Ordinastie PaleoCrafter |
MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during a mod development. |
MattDahEpic Core | 1.11-1.0 | MattDahEpic | Base Mod for all MattDahEpic mods. |
RebornCore | | modmuss50 Gigabit101 |
RebornCore, A core set of classes. |
Shadowfacts-Forgelin | 1.4.1 | shadowfactsmc | My fork of Emberwalker's Forgelin, with some sprinkles on top. |
ShadowMC | 1.11.2-3.7.5 | Shadowfacts | A library mod required for all my other mods. |
ShetiPhian-Core | 1.11.0-3.4.4 | ShetiPhian | Core set of files needed by ShetiPhians mods |
Stellar API | | Abastro | API for mods related with sky and celestial sphere. |
Thut Permissions | 1.0.0 | Thutmose | Permissions mod for Forge |
ThutCore | 4.3.2 | patnevis | API used by Thut's Mods |
Waila | 1.8.9 | ProfMobius | Hwyla (Here's What You're Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly in-game. It is al... |