The script module takes python code as input. Any python code and imports should work fine. This document describes the specific calls you get from bespoke and can make into bespoke.
If you have jedi installed, python autocomplete is supported. The typical way to install jedi on your system is to enter 'pip install jedi' into your system's terminal.
(Note from the editor: If you would like to download this file, be mindful that "oscillator~pw" under m.set_connection has a backslash in it. This is to escape the character in markdown. Omit it when using it in your script.)
- on_pulse(): called by pulse input
- on_note(pitch, velocity): called by note input
- on_grid_button(col, row, velocity): called by grid input
- on_osc(message): called by external osc source, after registering with me.connect_osc_input(port)
- on_midi(messageType, control, value, channel): called by midicontroller, after registering with add_script_listener(
- bespoke.get_measure_time()
- bespoke.get_measure()
- bespoke.reset_transport()
- bespoke.get_step(subdivision)
- bespoke.count_per_measure(subdivision)
- bespoke.time_until_subdivision(subdivision)
- example: me.schedule_call(bespoke.time_until_subdivision(1), "on_downbeat()")
- bespoke.get_time_sig_ratio()
- bespoke.get_root()
- bespoke.get_scale()
- bespoke.get_scale_range(octave, count)
- bespoke.tone_to_pitch(index)
- bespoke.name_to_pitch(noteName)
- bespoke.pitch_to_name(pitch)
- bespoke.pitch_to_freq(pitch)
- bespoke.get_tempo()
- bespoke.set_background_text(str, size, xPos, yPos, red, green, blue)
- optional: size=50, xPos = 150, yPos = 250, red = 1, green = 1, blue = 1
- bespoke.random(seed, index)
- bespoke.get_modules()
- me.play_note(pitch, velocity, length, pan, output_index)
- optional: length=1.0/16.0, pan = 0, output_index = 0
- example: me.play_note(60, 127, 1.0/8)
- me.schedule_note(delay, pitch, velocity, length, pan, output_index)
- optional: length=1.0/16.0, pan = 0, output_index = 0
- example: me.schedule_note(1.0/4, 60, 127, 1.0/8)
- me.schedule_note_msg(delay, pitch, velocity, pan, output_index)
- optional: pan = 0, output_index = 0
- me.schedule_call(delay, method)
- example: me.schedule_call(1.0/4, "dotask()")
- me.note_msg(pitch, velocity, pan, output_index)
- optional: pan = 0, output_index = 0
- me.set(path, value)
- example: me.set("oscillator~pw", .2)
- me.schedule_set(delay, path, value)
- me.get(path)
- example: pulsewidth = me.get("oscillator~pulsewidth")
- me.adjust(path, amount)
- me.highlight_line(lineNum, scriptModuleIndex)
- me.output(obj)
- example: me.output("hello world!")
- me.stop()
- me.get_caller()
- example: me.get_caller().play_note(60,127)
- me.set_num_note_outputs(num)
- me.connect_osc_input(port)
- me.send_cc(control, value, output_index)
- optional: output_index = 0
- static:
- notesequencer.get(path)
- instance:
- n.set_step(step, row, velocity, length)
- optional: velocity = 127, length = 1.0
- n.set_pitch(step, pitch, velocity, length)
- optional: velocity = 127, length = 1.0
- n.set_step(step, row, velocity, length)
- static:
- drumsequencer.get(path)
- instance:
- d.set(step, pitch, velocity)
- d.get(step, pitch)
- static:
- grid.get(path)
- example: g = grid.get("grid") #assuming there's a grid called "grid" somewhere in the layout
- grid.get(path)
- instance:
- g.set(col, row, value)
- g.get(col, row)
- g.set_grid(cols, rows)
- g.set_label(row, label)
- g.set_color(colorIndex, r, g, b)
- g.highlight_cell(col, row, delay, duration, colorIndex)
- optional: colorIndex=1
- g.set_division(division)
- g.set_momentary(momentary)
- g.set_cell_color(col, row, colorIndex)
- g.get_cell_color(col, row)
- g.add_listener(script)
- g.clear()
- static:
- notecanvas.get(path)
- instance:
- n.add_note(measurePos, pitch, velocity, length)
- n.clear()
- static:
- sampleplayer.get(path)
- instance:
- s.set_cue_point(pitch, startSeconds, lengthSeconds, speed)
- s.fill(data)
- s.play_cue(cue, speedMult, startOffsetSeconds)
- optional: speedMult = 1, startOffsetSeconds = 0
- s.get_length_seconds()
- static:
- midicontroller.get(path)
- instance:
- m.set_connection(messageType, control, controlPath, controlType, value, channel, page, midi_off, midi_on, scale, blink, increment, twoway, feedbackControl, isPageless)
- optional: controlType = Default, value = 0, channel = -1, page=0, midi_off=0, midi_on = 127, scale = false, blink = false, increment = 0, twoway = true, feedbackControl = -1, isPageless = false
- example: m.set_connection(m.Control, 32, "oscillator~pw"), or m.set_connection(m.Note, 10, "oscillator~osc", m.SetValue, 2)
- m.send_note(pitch, velocity, forceNoteOn, channel, page)
- optional: forceNoteOn = false, channel = -1, page = 0
- m.send_cc(ctl, value, channel, page)
- optional: channel = -1, page = 0
- m.send_program_change(program, channel, page)
- optional: channel = -1, page = 0
- m.send_pitchbend(bend, channel, page)
- optional: channel = -1, page = 0
- m.send_data(a, b, c, page)
- optional: page = 0
- m.send_sysex(data, page)
- optional: page = 0
- description: Sends a system exclusive message. The given data will be wrapped with header and tail bytes of 0xf0 and 0xf7. The example enables Programmer-Mode on a Launchpad X.
- example: m.send_sysex(bytes([0, 32, 41, 2, 12, 14, 1])
- m.add_script_listener(script)
- m.resync_controller_state()
- m.set_connection(messageType, control, controlPath, controlType, value, channel, page, midi_off, midi_on, scale, blink, increment, twoway, feedbackControl, isPageless)
- static:
- linnstrument.get(path)
- instance:
- l.set_color(x, y, color)
- static:
- osccontroller.get(path)
- instance:
- o.add_control(address, isFloat)
- static:
- oscoutput.get(path)
- instance:
- o.send_float(address, val)
- o.send_int(address, val)
- o.send_string(address, val)
- static:
- envelope.get(path)
- instance:
- e.start(stages)
- e.schedule(delay, stages)
- static:
- drumplayer.get(path)
- instance:
- d.import_sampleplayer_cue(samplePlayer, srcCueIndex, destHitIndex)
- static:
- vstplugin.get(path)
- instance:
- v.send_cc(ctl, value, channel)
- v.send_program_change(program, channel)
- v.send_data(a, b, c)
- static:
- module.get(path)
- module.create(moduleType, x, y)
- instance:
- m.set_position(x, y)
- m.get_position_x()
- m.get_position_y()
- m.get_width()
- m.get_height()
- m.set_target(target)
- m.set_target(targetPath)
- m.get_target()
- m.get_targets()
- m.set_name(name)
- m.delete()
- m.set(path, value)
- m.get(path)
- m.adjust(path, amount)