A module for efficiently making data from another clock domain available to local bus readout, without violating CDC rules
The simple localbus used in bedrock and lcls2_llrf makes a lot of things easy at the Verilog source level, with minimal FPGA fabric footprint. In particular, localbus writes to a large number of registers in a handful of clock domains can be handled effectively and correctly. This is done by making a whole copy of the (lightweight) bus in each such domain, and then implementing the register writes and decoding in the proper domain. A few cycles of latency are added, but since this is all about software control over the network, and software and the network are not real-time to begin with, that's not a problem.
Reading results from clock domains other than the primary is harder, because the memory gateway requires a synthesis-time choice of the exact number of clock cycles latency. One typical practice is to just ignore CDC problems, and hope that registers in domain B are not corrupted when read in domain A. Converting such code to use this module will address that design flaw.
We have a fair amount of warning at the beginning of a LASS UDP packet before any actual read cycles happen. Our strategy is to copy 16 words from the app_clk domain into a 16x32 dpram. Then those data are trivially available to read out in the local bus domain.
In a QF2-pre, we get about 300 ns warning, because cycles are slow (20 ns), and packets start with eight bytes of nonce. With Packet Badger, the raw_l signal comes up about 352 ns before the client receives any data. In either case, we have time to cycle the application side (adc_clk in the case of lcls2_llrf) 16 times to read 16 values into the dpram mentioned above.
Unlike the existing (broken CDC) case, it's not possible to repeatedly poll a signal within the same packet. Well, you can, but you're guaranteed to get the same answer each time. Unlike our slow-readout scheme, the data read is not a single-time atomic snapshot. On the plus side, its hardware footprint is pretty small, and it has been dropped in to lcls2_llrf without requiring any changes to high-level code.
If you really want or need atomic capture, a hook is provided that lets you do that. See the demo code, described below.
Some use cases merge localbus requests from the network with locally generated requests from e.g., a soft core. That could get messy, if the soft core and network both need access to the cross-domain registers.
jit_rad_gateway.v is the primary module of interest. It attaches to the main localbus with traditional signals:
- lb_clk
- lb_addr
- lb_strobe
- lb_data (result)
Then there's the connection to the external 16-in 32-bit wide multiplexer
- xfer_clk
- xfer_strobe
- xfer_addr
- xfer_odata (result)
The parameter "passthrough" either enables full functionality (default) or directly connects the multiplexer signals to the localbus, matching old-style (broken CDC) behavior. The other ports are
- app_clk (normally routed to xfer_clk),
- lb_prefill (which triggers the transfer of data into the dpram),
- xfer_snap (supporting atomic capture use cases)
- lb_error (output bit which might detect violations in the timing assumptions).
A full demo of this system is in jit_rad_gateway_demo.v. That consists of a production local bus controller (jxj_gate or mem_gateway, preprocessor-selectable), an instantiation of jit_rad_gateway, the external multiplexer in the xfer_clk domain, and some minimal localbus implementation so you can see activity.
A Verilator driver for jit_rad_gateway_demo is in xfer_sim.cpp, that can put the simulated chip on a live localhost UDP socket. A WIP iverilog test bench is in jit_rad_gateway_tb.v.
This Verilog program depends on a few files from other parts of bedrock, as listed in the Makefile: dpram.v flag_xdomain.v reg_tech_cdc.v. The testbench additionally depends on files from Packet Badger.
Assume for the moment you're running on a full-featured Linux development box, with modern copies of iverilog, verilator, and yosys installed. I tested on Debian Stable (12.5) with stock copies of those programs. Then a basic "make" command here will
- check syntax with iverilog (of both QF2 and Packet Badger configurations)
- test CDC-correctness
- build a Verilator-based simulator (Vjit_rad_gateway_demo) that can attach to a live UDP port
- build and run an iverilog-based simulation, that should eventually perform functional regression tests
Note that attribute handling in yosys was only recently fixed. yosys-0.38 and later versions work fine, but yosys-0.37 and earlier lose track of the magic_cdc attribute because of attribute settings in jxj_gate.v, resulting in misleading output from cdc_snitch.
Just for fun, set the default passthrough parameter to 1 in jit_rad_gateway.v, and re-run the CDC test. It will fail badly!
To run the live simulator, in one console:
make live
then at another console:
PYTHONPATH=$BEDROCK/badger sh stim.sh
where PYTHONPATH is set up to gain access to lbus_access.py. This can be followed by
gtkwave xfer_demo.vcd xfer_demo.gtkw
- expand and clean up this documentation
- document acceptable relationship between lb_clk and app_clk
- finish up the regression check