Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous extensions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate with a different name.
- Make an individual pull request for each file changed. PULL REQUESTS WITH LOTS OF UNRELATED BUNCH OF FILES WILL BE REJECTED INSTANTLY.
- Update the with your addition with clear and fun examples.
- Add a short documentation before your function describing what your code does:
/// EZSE: Prints "Awesome!"
func myAwesomeFunction() {
- Check your spelling and grammar.
- Look at how other parts of the code are written, mimic what you see in terms of style and conventions.
//All other code:
/// EZSE: This function does cool stuff
func myCoolFunction() -> Bool {
let isItCool: Bool = doCoolStuff()
return isItCool
//Don't write something like this:
/// ThiS funcTion doEs cool sTuff
func MY_COOL_FUNC()->Bool {
var Very_Cool_Var:Bool = doCoolStuff()
return Very_Cool_Var
//The doc looks retarded, function name capital letters & underscores, spaces between "->",
//var instead of let, variable name retarded, :Bool no space, etc.. Don't be that guy!
//Check this out:
- Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace.
- Make sure swiftlint warnings do not increase.
- Add a unit test for your function.
- When adding new files make sure to include it in the /Sources folder and make sure its referenced in both EZSwiftExtensionsExamples and EZSwiftExtensions projects.
- If you are not sure ask in our chat room
- Also check this: Esqarrouth#183
Your contributions are always welcome! Thank you for your contributions!