This is the git repository for the source code of my master thesis "Scalable solving of boundary element methods utilizing the Green cross approximation method and GPUs" based on Approximation of integral operators by Green quadrature and nested cross approximation and building on the implementation of the Green cross approximation for boundary element methods for the H2Lib.
Older versions or other vendors might also work, but untested.
Following bash script should retrieve the source and compile it in debug mode:
git clone
cd master-thesis || exit 1
mkdir -p "${PROJECT_DIR}/builds/debug"
cd "${PROJECT_DIR}/builds/debug" || exit 1
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DH2INC:PATH=<H2Lib/Header> -DH2LINK:PATH=<H2Lib/Library/Object> -DDOC:BOOL=ON ../..
make -j2
where <H2Lib/Header> needs to be replaced with the path to the H2Lib header files and <H2Lib/Library/Object> needs to be replaced with the path containing the library object file (libh2.{a/so}). All executables reside in ${PROJECT_DIR}/builds/master-thesis-debug/Bin