GBIF recommended guidelines for specimen-related occurrence records:
- institutionCode: main code for institute in GBIF Registry
- collectionCode: CETAF-DiSSCo-oriented collection coding (cf. comparison)
- institutionID: ROR ID
- (Grosjean et al. 2024): The preferred identifiers should be RORs for institutions.
- (Agosti et al. 2022): To identify research organisations, ROR is currently the most recommended option.
- collectionID: GRSciColl UUID = UUID by GBIF Registry: is an already applicable, suggested option according to ongoing discourses (beside doi that could be minted in due course)
Main objectives:
- to optimise relevant data aggregation in GRSciColl collections
- to avoid issued flags -
Technical methods for these refinements via
OpenRefine = possible for ds:
- Therevidae ds (collectionCode: INV-ENT --> INV-INS)
- Bees ds (")
- Moths ds (")
- MODIRISK:RBINS Diptera: Culicidae Collection or alt. method w/ R (")
Rscript + github MODIRISK:RBINS Diptera: Culicidae Collection: possibly appropriate to keep track of adjustements in the ITG repo:
SQL db:
- Beetles (")
- Ants Chaco (")
- Ants formidabel (", also change institutionCode: KBVE-SRBE --> RBINS)
- African Mammalia (collectionCode: Rodentia --> VER-MAM)
- RMCA Metafro-Infosys - Xylarium (just shorten the institutionCode into RMCA)
4 essential datafields per specimen-related occurrence record:
- institutionCode = Ugent (ok, already added)
- yet to add ROR ID as institutionID =
- possibly yet to refine collectionCode
- possibly add collectionID