Command | Description |
docker system prune |
Remove all resources that are dangling (images, containers, volumes and networks). |
docker system prune -a |
Remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images). |
Command | Description |
docker images -a |
List all docker images. |
docker images -f dangling=true |
List all dangling docker images (images with no relation to tagged images). |
docker images purge |
Remove all dangling docker images. |
docker images -a | grep "pattern" |
List all docker images where their name matches the supplied pattern. |
docker images -a | grep "pattern" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi |
Remove all docker images where their name matches the supplied pattern. |
docker rmi IMAGE |
Remove the docker images matching the supplied name of identifier. |
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) |
Remove all docker images from the host. |
Command | Description |
docker ps |
List active docker containers. |
docker ps -a |
List all docker containers. |
docker start CONTAINER |
Start a docker container, where CONTAINER is the name or identifier of the container to be started. |
docker stop CONTAINER |
Stop a docker container, where CONTAINER is the name or identifier of the container to be stopped. |
docker rm CONTAINER |
Remove a docker container matching the supplied name or identifier. |
docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q) |
Remove all docker containers. |
Execute a command on a running container. For example to start an interactive bash shell on a container named “ubuntu_bash” run: docker exec -it ubuntu_bash bash . |
- Official documentation:
- Containerd website:
- Code repository: