- Enables simple sprint mode:
- adds stamina bar on screen
- depleting stamina bar will result in sprint being disabled together with 4 seconds cooldown period
- jumping and fighting consumes significant amount of stamina
- potions of speed disable stamina consumption with the potions still having the same effect
- potions of speed have their own texture of stamina bar - you will see how much time is left from potion effect
- this feature restores speed potion effect (timed overlay) on game load
- it also fixes error where multiple potion effects (multiple timed overlays with different times) would remove overlay
* Sprint mode
* - toggle 'afsp.keySprintModeToggleKey' key to enable/disable sprint mode
* - 'afsp.keySprintModeToggleKey' can be defined either in Gothic.ini file section [KEYS] or mod.ini file section [KEYS]. (master is Gothic.ini)
* - if 'afsp.keySprintModeToggleKey' is not defined then by default KEY_RSHIFT will be used for toggling
* - you need to maintain stamina levels for player by yourself - set PC_SprintModeStaminaMax to whatever value makes sense to you at the beginning of the game in your STARTUP function:
* PC_SprintModeStaminaMax = 80; //Max stamina level
* PC_SprintModeStamina = PC_SprintModeStaminaMax; //Current stamina level
* PC_SprintModeConsumeStamina = TRUE; //Make sure this is set to true
* Requires LeGo flags: LeGo_HookEngine | LeGo_FrameFunctions | LeGo_Bars
[![G1&2 Sprint mode](https://img.youtube.com/vi/x8N7AS1mawo/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8N7AS1mawo)
Init function: G12_SprintMode_Init();
- Required LeGo flags:
LeGo_HookEngine | LeGo_FrameFunctions | LeGo_Bars