These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
A Mac is not essential, but the dev world is Mac-first, so it makes it easier
2nd choice is Linux (whatever flavour you like)
3rd choice is Windows, use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linuc) or a VM running Linux
You need at least 16GB of RAM and an SSD, anything less will struggle to do the job.
- Install Meteor here:
- Git
- Node Version Manager (Recommended, set your default to
) - Mongodb local server (recommended)
- If you don't want to run a local mongo, you can run
npm run debug-local
- If you don't want to run a local mongo, you can run
- Github account and set up an ssh key
- Create a folder for your projects. Some people put projects in
, some use~/dev
. I use~/customer-name
# clone the admin-app repository
$ git clone [email protected]:Back2Dev/attendance.git # Assumes you are using ssh
# navigate into `attendance/b2b-app` folder and run
cd attendance/b2b-app
meteor npm install
# serve at localhost:3080
$ npm run debug
It may take a minute or two to finish setting up Meteor version to match the project and do a build. You should see some output like this:
> [email protected] debug
> DEBUG=app:* MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost/b2b meteor --port 4090 --exclude-archs web.cordova,web.browser.legacy --settings dev.settings.json --inspect
[[[[[ ~/back2bikes/attendance/b2b-app ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
W20220925-11:46:02.326(10)? (STDERR) Debugger listening on ws://
W20220925-11:46:02.330(10)? (STDERR) For help, see:
I20220925-11:46:11.680(10)? {"level":"info","message":"Winston is logging to console at level info"}
I20220925-11:46:11.680(10)? {"message":"Unable to find Loggly configuration in settings. Loggly is NOT running.","level":"warn"}
I20220925-11:46:11.680(10)? {"message":"Unable to find Sentry DSN. Sentry is NOT running.","level":"warn"}
I20220925-11:46:11.953(10)? {"message":"SMS Sending is false","level":"info"}
W20220925-11:46:11.956(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:11.956Z app:messages:sms { cfgs: null }
W20220925-11:46:11.958(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:11.958Z app:messages:email { cfgs: null }
W20220925-11:46:12.399(10)? (STDERR) Fixtures: Loading boot
W20220925-11:46:12.399(10)? (STDERR) Checking roles
I20220925-11:46:12.400(10)? Adding 'MEM' to roles
W20220925-11:46:12.400(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:12.400Z app::fixtures Inserting MEM
I20220925-11:46:12.404(10)? Adding 'ADM' to roles
W20220925-11:46:12.404(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:12.404Z app::fixtures Inserting ADM
I20220925-11:46:12.405(10)? Adding 'CUS' to roles
W20220925-11:46:12.406(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:12.405Z app::fixtures Inserting CUS
I20220925-11:46:12.407(10)? Adding 'COA' to roles
W20220925-11:46:12.407(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:12.407Z app::fixtures Inserting COA
I20220925-11:46:12.408(10)? Adding 'GRE' to roles
W20220925-11:46:12.408(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:12.408Z app::fixtures Inserting GRE
I20220925-11:46:12.409(10)? Adding 'MEC' to roles
W20220925-11:46:12.409(10)? (STDERR) 2022-09-25T01:46:12.409Z app::fixtures Inserting MEC
I20220925-11:46:12.415(10)? Adding user [email protected] [email protected]
W20220925-11:46:12.532(10)? (STDERR) Error loading users: Role 'PM' does not exist.
I20220925-11:46:12.533(10)? Adding user [email protected] [email protected]
I20220925-11:46:12.632(10)? Adding user [email protected] [email protected]
I20220925-11:46:12.713(10)? Adding user [email protected] [email protected]
I20220925-11:46:12.795(10)? Adding user [email protected] [email protected]
I20220925-11:46:13.470(10)? Adding user [email protected] [email protected]
I20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? Checking for settings...
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) Errors found in public section of settings.json
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) [
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) {
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) name: 'S3_REGION',
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) type: 'keyNotInSchema',
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) value: 'ap-southeast-2'
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) },
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) { name: 'S3_IDENTITY_POOL_ID', type: 'keyNotInSchema', value: '' },
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) { name: 'S3_BUCKET_NAME', type: 'keyNotInSchema', value: '' },
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) { name: 'S3_PUBLIC_URL', type: 'required', value: undefined }
W20220925-11:46:13.581(10)? (STDERR) ]
=> Started your app.
=> App running at: http://localhost:4090/
Point your browser to http://localhost:4090/ and click the login link at top-right. Login as
This account hss admin access.
Swith to admin at top right:
Now the hamburger menu on the left gives you access to the admin functions