Chain ID | Latest Version Tag | Custom Port |
lava-mainnet-1 | v4.2.0 | 144 |
Since we are using Cosmovisor, it makes it very easy to prepare for upcomming upgrade. You just have to build new binaries and move it into cosmovisor upgrades directory.
# Clone project repository
cd $HOME
rm -rf lava
git clone
cd lava
git checkout v4.2.0
# Build binaries
export LAVA_BINARY=lavad
make build
# Prepare binaries for Cosmovisor
mkdir -p $HOME/.lava/cosmovisor/upgrades/v4.2.0/bin
mv build/lavad $HOME/.lava/cosmovisor/upgrades/v4.2.0/bin/
rm -rf build
Thats it! Now when upgrade block height is reached, Cosmovisor will handle it automatically!