- Updated code that queries Ensembl for new version of biomaRt.
- Make sure there're no NAs in tr2g_intron when chrs_only = TRUE.
- Bypassed issue in BSgenome::getSeq in get_velocity_files when genome is DNAStringSet.
- Now
functions can also extract transcriptomes. - By default,
functions write thetr2g.tsv
to disk. - Write filtered GTF and GFF3 files.
- List of available gene and transcript biotypes from Ensembl can be queried by
. - RefSeq GFF3 annotations can now be used in
- Allow filtering gene and transcript biotypes in tr2g and get_velocity_files
- Allow removing scaffolds and haplotypes from genome annotations for tr2g
- Removed RcppParallel and data.table dependencies, and hence all C++ multithreading
- Added knee_plot function
- Changed default in read_count_output to tcc = FALSE
- Sort GRanges for RNA velocity to make sure that exons are in the right order;
no longer sorts within each element of GRangesList. - Export subset_annot, which makes sure that all chromosomes in the annotation are present in the genome prior to transcriptome extraction.
- Added message to indicate when get_velocity_files is extracting exon-exon junctions.
- Restored "separate" to be default isoform_action in get_velocity_files.
- When sorting tr2g from file, now the file must be formatted in ways required by bustools.
- Previous two version bumps did not accompany changes; those were used to trigger rebuilds on Bioconductor.
- Added the functionality to use L-1 (L is read length) bases around exon-exon junction to better distinguish between spliced and unspliced transcripts for RNA velocity.
- Fixed serious problem with get_velocity_file that counted reads mapping to exons of length between L-1 and 2(L-1) as from unspliced transcript. This was done by an reimplementation of the method to get flanked intronic ranges.
- Changed default isoform_action to "collapse".
- Make sure that all transcripts in tr2g.tsv from get_velocity_files are in the transcriptome.
- Addressed Bioconductor review.
- Finished get_velocity_files to generate files required for kallisto | bustools RNA velocity.
- Submitted package to Bioconductor for review