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Waggle 1.2: The Online Swarm Robotics Lab
Waggle is a web application allowing you to visually program a simulated robot swarm. Its primary purpose is to provide a gentle introduction to the field of Swarm Robotics. The following slides introduce Swarm Robotics and guide you through visual programming exercises using Waggle:
Waggle is a web application allowing you to visually program a simulated robot swarm. Its primary purpose is to provide a gentle introduction to the field of Swarm Robotics.
Waggle has a number of different levels focussing on different problems studied in Swarm Robotics. You are suggested to read through the slides posted above and go to the links below when prompted:
@@ -35,7 +38,8 @@
Waggle 1.2: The Online Swarm Robotics Lab
Pheromones: Ant-inspired pheromone trail following
Note that Waggle is not a self-contained tutorial application. The slides provide the background and context while the Waggle application provides the simulation and programming environment.
The following demo controllers can be downloaded and then loaded into Waggle: