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Anxend Interview Mini Project

Welcome to the Anxend software engineer interview challenge.

This challenge should take around 1-2hrs of your time. We know your time is precious so this is a short challenge and the change for you to show us what you can do.

This project uses typescript (for frontend and backend), react, remix, tailwind and edgedb as it's main dependencies.

If you are unfamiliar with any of these please refer to their documentation if needed, but we won't be using any of their technologies too much and the mini projects below are typical web development tasks. There is an example page for you to refer to if needed and example db entry in the models folder.

To get started make sure your have nodejs setup on your system and then:

Install Dependencies

npm ci


To setup Edgedb follow the instructions on to setup the Edgedb cli. Then use edgedb project init to create an edgedb database and run the migration The databse will be populated with a starting schema defined by the default.esdl file.

If needed you can run a migration with: edgedb migrate (and to create a new one run edgedb migration create)


To start development, run the remix server use: npm run dev


For the projects below we have outlined a small core task.

For stretch goals for each of those tasks, consider typical production ready requirements for each, eg. security, validation, tests, progressive enhancement, caching and for the more visual tasks, responsive design and accessibility. If you are unfamiliar with any of these best practices (or short of time) instead briefly describe how you might begin to tackle them.

Project 1:

Create a page with a form to add a school and it's address to the database. With that form created add a handful of schools and then display (on the same page or a new one) a list of schools filtered for your home town (CapeTown, London etc..). No visual or styling needed for this task.

Project 2:

Create a very mini quiz game where the user (eg a student at a school) would pick an image for their avatar and an accessory (hat etc..) Then give them a multiple choice question to answer (with 4 possible answers, 1 correct answer). The quicker they pick the correct answer the higher their score would be. Show their score at the end.

Project 3:

Display a stacked bar chart showing mental health questionniare scores for a school. Use a bar to represent each school year. Split the scores in each year into quartiles (any range and total score is fine) and display the quartiles in a stacked bar chart (so each quartile for that year is stacked on top of each other). Generate some simple dummy data that has the year and the results and can be used for your chart. The visx library would be a good option to help display the results.

How to submit your project

To submit your project email us (Axend careers) a link to your public github repo with your completed challenge.

Good luck!

If any of the challenges are unclear please email Anxend careers.