diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.cs b/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.cs
index 4e470f0..be67979 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.cs
+++ b/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.cs
@@ -54,13 +54,790 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API returning data.
+ /// By default the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// a Task
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForUserAsync<IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task GetForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task GetForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task GetForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API returning data.
+ /// By default the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// a Task
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForAppAsync<IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task GetForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API returning data.
+ /// By default the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// a Task
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForAppAsync<IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task GetForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task GetForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
/// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
- /// Generic output type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task GetForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PostForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PostForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PostForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task PostForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PostForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PostForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PostForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task PostForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PostForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PostForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PostForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task PostForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PostForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PostForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PostForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task PostForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PutForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PutForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PutForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task PutForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PutForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PutForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PutForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public Task PutForUserAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+ ///
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PutForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
+ public Task PutForAppAsync(
+ string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+ /// Generic input type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -68,14 +845,11 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
- /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
- /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
- /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PutForAppAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -84,55 +858,61 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task GetForUserAsync(
+ public Task PutForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API returning data.
- /// By default the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own deserializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ /// Generic input type.
/// Generic output type.
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
/// needs to be set.
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
- /// a Task
+ /// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForAppAsync<IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PutForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
+ /// myItem,
/// options =>
/// {
- /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist";
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist/{myItem.Id}";
/// });
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task GetForAppAsync(
+ public Task PutForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
+ TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
/// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -144,7 +924,7 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.GetForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PutForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -153,17 +933,19 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task GetForAppAsync(
+ public Task PutForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
@@ -182,7 +964,7 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.PostForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PatchForUserAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -194,20 +976,22 @@ public partial interface IDownstreamApi
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PostForUserAsync(
+ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
- /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -222,7 +1006,7 @@ public Task PostForUserAsync(
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PostForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PatchForUserAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -231,22 +1015,22 @@ public Task PostForUserAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PostForUserAsync(
+ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -254,11 +1038,14 @@ public Task PostForUserAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.PostForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PatchForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -270,19 +1057,24 @@ public Task PostForUserAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PostForAppAsync(
+ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
/// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -290,11 +1082,14 @@ public Task PostForAppAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PostForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PatchForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -303,17 +1098,18 @@ public Task PostForAppAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PostForAppAsync(
+ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
@@ -325,14 +1121,11 @@ public Task PostForAppAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
- /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
- /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
- /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.PutForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PatchForAppAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -344,20 +1137,21 @@ public Task PostForAppAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PutForUserAsync(
+ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
- /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -365,14 +1159,11 @@ public Task PutForUserAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
- /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
- /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
- /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PutForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.PatchForAppAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -381,22 +1172,21 @@ public Task PutForUserAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PutForUserAsync(
+ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -408,7 +1198,7 @@ public Task PutForUserAsync(
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.PutForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PatchForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -420,19 +1210,23 @@ public Task PutForUserAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PutForAppAsync(
+ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
/// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -444,7 +1238,7 @@ public Task PutForAppAsync(
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PutForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PatchForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -453,19 +1247,19 @@ public Task PutForAppAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PutForAppAsync(
+ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
@@ -484,7 +1278,7 @@ public Task PutForAppAsync(
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.PatchForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.DeleteForUserAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -496,20 +1290,22 @@ public Task PutForAppAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PatchForUserAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
- /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -524,7 +1320,7 @@ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PatchForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.DeleteForUserAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -533,22 +1329,22 @@ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PatchForUserAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -556,11 +1352,14 @@ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.PatchForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.DeleteForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -572,19 +1371,24 @@ public Task PatchForUserAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PatchForAppAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
/// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -592,11 +1396,14 @@ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.PatchForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.DeleteForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -605,16 +1412,15 @@ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task PatchForAppAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
/// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
@@ -629,14 +1435,11 @@ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
- /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
- /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
- /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.DeleteForUserAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.DeleteForAppAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -648,20 +1451,21 @@ public Task PatchForAppAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
- /// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -669,14 +1473,11 @@ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
/// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
/// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
/// by .
- /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
- /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
- /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// var result = await _downstreamApi.DeleteForUserAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
+ /// await _downstreamApi.DeleteForAppAsync<MyItem>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -685,22 +1486,21 @@ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
- /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data .
- /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON but you can provide your own serializer in the action
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
+ /// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
/// you pass-in through the parameter.
/// Generic input type.
+ /// Generic output type.
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -712,7 +1512,7 @@ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
/// The value returned by the downstream web API.
- /// await _downstreamApi.DeleteForAppAsync<MyItem>(
+ /// var result = await _downstreamApi.DeleteForAppAsync<MyItem, IEnumerable<MyItem>>(
/// "MyService",
/// myItem,
/// options =>
@@ -724,12 +1524,13 @@ public Task DeleteForUserAsync(
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
- public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
+ public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
/// Calls, using , a downstream API with some input data and returning data.
/// By default the input data is serialized in JSON and the returned data is deserialized from JSON but you can provide your own serializer and your own deserializer in the action
@@ -737,6 +1538,9 @@ public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
/// Generic input type.
/// Generic output type.
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
/// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
/// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
/// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
@@ -757,13 +1561,13 @@ public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
/// });
- [RequiresUnreferencedCode("This method's implementations also use generic types and are not trim-friendly.")]
public Task DeleteForAppAsync(
string? serviceName,
TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)where TOutput : class;
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.tt b/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.tt
index f9eb7fd..bd65cfa 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.tt
+++ b/src/Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions/DownstreamApi/IDownstreamApi.HttpMethods.tt
@@ -106,6 +106,70 @@ namespace Microsoft.Identity.Abstractions
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
<# } #>
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)<#= hasOutput?"where TOutput : class;" :";" #>
+ ///
+ /// Calls, using , a downstream API <#= hasInput ? "with some input data " : ""#><#= hasInput&&hasOutput ? "and " : ""#><#= hasOutput ? "returning data" : ""#>.
+ /// By default <#= hasInput ? "the input data is serialized in JSON " : ""#><#= hasInput&&hasOutput ? "and " : ""#><#= hasOutput ? "the returned data is deserialized from JSON" : ""#> but you can provide <#= hasInput ? "your own serializer " : ""#><#= hasInput&&hasOutput ? "and " : ""#><#= hasOutput ? "your own deserializer " : ""#>in the action
+ /// you pass-in through the parameter.
+ ///
+<# if (hasInput){ #>
+ /// Generic input type.
+<# } #>
+<# if (hasOutput){ #>
+ /// Generic output type.
+<# } #>
+<# if (hasInput){ #>
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TInput
+<# } #>
+<# if (hasOutput){ #>
+ /// JSON serialization metadata for TOutput
+<# } #>
+ /// Name of the service describing the downstream API. There can
+ /// be several configuration named sections mapped to a ,
+ /// each for one downstream API. You can pass-in null, but in that case
+ /// needs to be set.
+<# if (hasInput){ #>
+ /// Data sent to the downstream web API, through the body or the HTTP request.
+<# } #>
+ /// [Optional] Overrides the options proposed in the configuration described
+ /// by .
+<# if (!hasApp){ #>
+ /// [Optional] Claims representing a user. This is useful in platforms like Blazor
+ /// or Azure Signal R, where the HttpContext is not available. In other platforms, the library
+ /// will find the user from the HttpContext.
+<# } #>
+ ///
+ /// <#= hasInput? "The value returned by the downstream web API." : "a Task" #>
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// <#= hasOutput?"var result =" : "" #> await _downstreamApi.<#= httpMethod #>For<#= token #>Async<#= sampleCodeTemplate #>(
+ /// "MyService",
+<# if (hasInput){ #>
+ /// myItem,
+<# } #>
+ /// options =>
+ /// {
+ /// options.RelativePath = $"api/todolist<#= hasInput? "/{myItem.Id}": ""#>";
+ /// });
+ ///
+ ///
+ public <#= returnType #> <#= httpMethod #>For<#= token #>Async<#= template #>(
+ string? serviceName,
+<# if (hasInput){ #>
+ TInput input,
+ JsonTypeInfo inputJsonTypeInfo,
+<# } #>
+<# if (hasOutput){ #>
+ JsonTypeInfo outputJsonTypeInfo,
+<# } #>
+ Action? downstreamApiOptionsOverride = null,
+<# if (!hasApp){ #>
+ ClaimsPrincipal? user = null,
+<# } #>
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)<#= hasOutput?"where TOutput : class;" :";" #>