diff --git a/packages/storybook8/stories/Concepts/BreakoutRooms/Docs.mdx b/packages/storybook8/stories/Concepts/BreakoutRooms/Docs.mdx
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index 000000000000..ad6c455884cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/storybook8/stories/Concepts/BreakoutRooms/Docs.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import { Meta, Source } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
+import { DetailedBetaBanner } from '../../BetaBanners/DetailedBetaBanner';
+import BreakoutRoomsEventSnippetText from '!!raw-loader!./snippets/BreakoutRoomsUpdatedEvent.snippet.tsx';
+# Breakout Rooms
+## Overview
+ACS users are now ready to be moved into breakout rooms in Teams meetings when the meeting organizer assigns the ACS
+user a breakout room and opens that breakout room. ACS users, however, will not yet have the ability to choose their
+breakout room when they are granted by meeting organizer. ACS users joining with Teams identity can be move into
+breakout rooms but they will not yet have the ability to create and manage breakout rooms when they are an organizer
+or co-organizer.
+Click [here](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-breakout-rooms-in-microsoft-teams-meetings-7de1f48a-da07-466c-a5ab-4ebace28e461)
+to learn more about breakout rooms in Teams meetings and how to create and manage breakout rooms as a Teams user.
+## Composites
+ACS users using the CallComposite and CallWithChatComposite will now be able move to breakout rooms in Teams meetings.
+When the meeting organizer assigns a breakout room to an ACS user and that breakout room is opened, the composite will
+automatically change the current call to the breakout room. When the breakout room is closed, the ACS user user will
+automatically be moved back the the main meeting.
+There are notifications that will be shown to guide the ACS user through the composite transitions between the main
+meeting and breakout room. The notifications are shown when:
+- the user's assigned breakout room opens and the user will be automatically moved to the breakout room
+- the user's assigned breakout room opens and the user is prompted to join
+- the user joins a breakout room
+- the user's assigned breakout room is changed while already in a breakout room
+- the user's breakout room has a time limit and is closing soon
+## Handling breakoutRoomsUpdated events
+The [CallAdapter](?path=/docs/composites-adapters--docs#calladapter) and CallWithChatAdapter are able to receive
+`breakoutRoomsUpdated` events and allows you to handle these events by defining your own `BreakoutRoomsUpdateListener`
+callback. The following code snippet shows an example of a `BreakoutRoomsUpdateListener` that outputs the event to the
+browser console.
+## Incorporating breakout rooms to your stateful application
+Breakout rooms is handled automatically in our CallComposite and CallWithChatComposite. But if you are not using
+composites, breakout rooms can be added to your application by accessing our stateful layer. To demonstrate the
+changes needed to do so, we will build off of a simple calling app that joins a Teams meeting like this quickstart
+sample detailed in this [commit](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/communication-services-javascript-quickstarts/commit/7fed90cd6bb9045a4cf4b3a82392902958e43a45).
+The 4 following steps will guide you through the changes that will be applied to two files:
+`App.tsx` and `CallingComponents.tsx`.
+1. Manage call transitions
+2. Add notifications
+3. Add buttons to join the breakout room and to return to main meeting
+4. Add chat components and manage chat thread transitions
+Each step's code changes are summarized in a Github commit link.
+### 1. Manage call transitions
+The code in the following commit should first be added to your application, in order to manage the call transitions
+between the main meeting and breakout room.
+Github commit: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/communication-services-javascript-quickstarts/commit/7fc41691c0eb8580961a871b689004d166b1b1a1
+The above code maintains a state of the origin call in the `mainMeeting` so that the user knows which call to return
+to when leaving the breakout room. The above code also sets call state variable when the user joins the breakout room
+ie. when a `breakoutRoomsUpdated` event is received with type 'join'. Lastly, the above code also sets the call state
+variable back to `mainMeeting` call when the user's assigned breakout room is closed, ends, or the user is unassigned
+any breakout rooms.
+### 2. Add notifications
+The code in the following commit will add notifications to your application in `CallingComponents.tsx` so that the user
+is notified as the call transitions occur between main meeting and breakout room.
+Github commit: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/communication-services-javascript-quickstarts/commit/46c2f6673520fc681f3be1e69e583cb7cfa19ef8
+### 3. Add buttons to return to main meeting and re-join the breakout room
+The following code will add 2 buttons. The buttons will allow the user to:
+1. return to the main meeting when the meeting organizer allows the setting
+2. to re-join the breakout room while it is still open when they are in the main meeting
+Github commit: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/communication-services-javascript-quickstarts/commit/9c502999ad9c97a3d9c8c18559a822ae04b14152
+### 4. Add chat and manage chat thread transitions
+If chat is not already present in your application, the following code will add chat to your application so that the
+user can also chat in the Teams meeting chat thread. The following code will also manage the chat thread correctly
+when the user is in the main meeting or in a breakout room.
+Github commit: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/communication-services-javascript-quickstarts/commit/18acd269b9a95a448de3bd2616a57fb1967b4c22
+## Difference in experience between ACS Web UI composites and Teams
+The list below outlines the breakout room experience in the ACS Web UI Library and highlights the differences from Teams.
+1. The ACS composite user will stay on hold in the main meeting while they are in their breakout room and will resume
+ once they leave the breakout room. Alternatively, a Teams user will leave the main meeting when they join a breakout
+ room.
+2. When the breakout room is set to automatically move people to breakout rooms, the ACS composite user will be moved
+ to their breakout in 5 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds for Teams users.
+3. When the breakout room is closed, ACS composite users will not get a notification that their breakout room has
+ closed and will immediately resume their main meeting. In Teams, there is a notification that the breakout room has
+ closed with a 10 second wait time before re-joining the main meeting.
+Note: These differences in experience will be aligned with Teams when we release breakout room for general availability.
+## FAQs
+### Are breakout rooms supported in calls other than Teams meetings?
+No. Breakout rooms is a feature that is currently only available in Teams meetings
+### Can ACS users choose their own breakout room to join?
+When the meeting organizer lets users in a Teams meeting choose their own breakout room, ACS users will
+not yet be able. The meeting organizer must assign the breakout room for the ACS user.
+### Where can I learn about managing breakout rooms and their settings?
+This [documentation](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-breakout-rooms-in-microsoft-teams-meetings-7de1f48a-da07-466c-a5ab-4ebace28e461)
+will guide you on everything you need to know about creating and managing breakout rooms as a Teams user.
+Note: ACS Web UI Library cannot manage breakout rooms and their settings
diff --git a/packages/storybook8/stories/Concepts/BreakoutRooms/snippets/BreakoutRoomsUpdatedEvent.snippet.tsx b/packages/storybook8/stories/Concepts/BreakoutRooms/snippets/BreakoutRoomsUpdatedEvent.snippet.tsx
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index 000000000000..41e23641a60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/storybook8/stories/Concepts/BreakoutRooms/snippets/BreakoutRoomsUpdatedEvent.snippet.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential, CommunicationUserIdentifier } from '@azure/communication-common';
+import {
+ CallAdapter,
+ CallComposite,
+ CallCompositeOptions,
+ CompositeLocale,
+ useAzureCommunicationCallAdapter
+} from '@azure/communication-react';
+import { PartialTheme, Theme } from '@fluentui/react';
+import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
+export type ContainerProps = {
+ userId: CommunicationUserIdentifier;
+ token: string;
+ formFactor?: 'desktop' | 'mobile';
+ fluentTheme?: PartialTheme | Theme;
+ locale?: CompositeLocale;
+ options?: CallCompositeOptions;
+ // Teams user ids need to be in format '28:orgid:'. For example, '28:orgid:87d349ed-44d7-43e1-9a83-5f2406dee5bd'
+ meetingLink: string;
+export const ContosoCallContainer = (props: ContainerProps): JSX.Element => {
+ const credential = useMemo(() => {
+ try {
+ return new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(props.token);
+ } catch {
+ console.error('Failed to construct token credential');
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }, [props.token]);
+ const callAdapterArgs = useMemo(
+ () => ({
+ userId: props.userId,
+ credential,
+ locator: props.meetingLink
+ }),
+ [props.userId, credential, props.meetingLink]
+ );
+ const afterCallAdapterCreate = useCallback(async (adapter: CallAdapter): Promise => {
+ adapter.on('breakoutRoomsUpdated', (event) => {
+ console.log('Breakout rooms updated event: ', event);
+ });
+ return adapter;
+ }, []);
+ const leaveCall = async (adapter: CallAdapter): Promise => {
+ await adapter.leaveCall().catch((e) => {
+ console.error('Failed to leave call', e);
+ });
+ };
+ const adapter = useAzureCommunicationCallAdapter(callAdapterArgs, afterCallAdapterCreate, leaveCall);
+ if (!props.meetingLink) {
+ return <>Teams meeting link not provided.>;
+ }
+ if (adapter) {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ if (credential === undefined) {
+ return <>Failed to construct credential. Provided token is malformed.>;
+ }
+ return <>Initializing...>;