- Add support for partitioned collections
- Added client side partitioning support
- Add upsert support
- Skipped to bring version numbers in alignment with other SDKs
- Move to seperate repository
- Added support for GeoSpatial index.
- Validates id property for all resources. Ids for resources cannot contain ?, /, #, \, characters or end with a space.
- Adds new header "index transformation progress" to ResourceResponse.
- Implements V2 indexing policy
- Issue [#40] (Azure/azure-cosmosdb-node#40) - Implemented eslint and grunt configurations in the core and promise SDK
- Resolved issue #45 - promises wrapper does not include header with error.
- Implemented ability to query for conflicts by adding readConflicts, readConflictAsync, queryConflicts;
- Updated API documentation
- Resolved issue #41 - client.createDocumentAsync error