It is crucial to monitor the resource utilization in order to take timely action. This tutorial walks through setting up Azure Monitor alerts for Azure VMware Solution Private Cloud. Action owners will receive email notifications if utilization metrics exceeds set threshold.
This scenario also includes service health alerts to ensure you don't miss any updates or events that may impact the target Private Cloud.
AVS Private Cloud up and running.
A list of email address(es) who will receive Alerts from Azure VMware Solution Private Cloud.
Update the parameter values in appropriate parameter file.
Run one of the following scripts.
cd Bicep
az deployment group create -g AVS-Step-By-Step-RG -n AVS-Monitoring-Deployment -c -f "AVSMonitor.bicep" -p "@AVSMonitor.parameters.json"
cd ARM
az deployment group create -g AVS-Step-By-Step-RG -n AVS-Monitoring-Deployment -c -f "AVSMonitor.deploy.json" -p "@AVSMonitor.parameters.json"
Edit terraform.tfvars
file with appropriate settings, then:
terraform plan
terraform apply
- Navigate to Azure Monitor service in Azure Portal. Click "Alerts" tab and navigate to "Manage alert rules". Newly created alert - AVSAlert - should be listed with status as "Enabled".