Use the guidance below to run the Automated Architecture Assessment. Refer to Automated Architecture Assessment to learn more before running the script.
- Already deployed/running Azure VMware Solution (AVS) Software Defined Data Center (SDDC).
or higher level access to Azure subscription hosing AVS SDDC.- Access to a jumpbox which has access to Azure, vSphere, NSX-T and HCX APIs. This can run either in Azure or on-premises environment.
- PowerShell 7 installed on the jumpbox.
- Clone of this repository on the jumpbox.
Navigate to
folder -
Update the parameter values in
as discussed below.$tenantId
="<Provide your Azure tenant ID.>"
="<Provide the Azure subscription ID which has AVS SDDC deployed in it.>"
=@("<Provide the names of AVS SDDCs to be assessed in comma-separated format(e.g. @("Prod-SDDC", "Dev-SDDC"). Leave it blank for assessing all the AVS SDDCs in a given subscription.>")
=@("<Provide names of design areas to be evaluated in comma-separated format(e.g. "Networking", "Security"). Leave it blank for assessing all design areas.>")
Run the script
using following option.
Run the assessment script from either a jumpbox in Azure or on-premises machine which has network connectivity with Azure, vSphere, NSX-T and HCX APIs.
cd BrownField\Auto-assessment\scripts
A prompt displaying Account to be used for assessment is shown. Select the Account. Account needs to have
or higher level of access to AVS SDDC. -
If assessment is run for
desgin areas then another prompt asking for AVS guest VM credentials is displayed. These credentials are used for tests like validating if a VM is domain joined or not. If fake/dummy credentials are provided, these tests will be skipped. -
Assessment will run displaying the progess on console
When the assessment is successfully completed, path to results in a CSV file is displayed.
Open the CSV file from the Path shown after successful completion of the assessment.
Assess the recommendation against each observation. Use Reference link provided as part of the assessment to learn more and implement the recommendation