diff --git a/hadron/class_baseplugins.php b/hadron/class_baseplugins.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5b60a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadron/class_baseplugins.php
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+perms = $perms;
+ }
+ public function add($name, $callback)
+ {
+ $this->hooks[$name] = $callback;
+ }
+ public function run($name, &$vars1 = null, &$vars2 = null, &$vars3 = null, &$vars4 = null, &$vars5 = null)
+ {
+ return $this->hooks[$name]($vars1,$vars2,$vars3,$vars4,$vars5);
+ }
+ public function check($name)
+ {
+ if(isset($this->perms[$name]) && $this->perms[$name]==1) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+class BasePlugins
+ protected $plugins = [];
+ protected $runQueue = [];
+ protected $current = null;
+ protected $nohooks = false;
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->plugins = [];
+ $this->runQueue = [];
+ $this->nohooks = false;
+ }
+ public function hook($name, &$vars1 = null, &$vars2 = null, &$vars3 = null, &$vars4 = null, &$vars5 = null)
+ {
+ if(isset($this->runQueue[$name]) && count($this->runQueue[$name])!=0)
+ {
+ $queue = $this->runQueue[$name];
+ foreach($queue as $plugin) $ret = $this->plugins[$plugin]->run($name,$vars1,$vars2,$vars3,$vars4,$vars5);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public function bind($name, $callback)
+ {
+ if($this->nohooks) return;
+ $current = &$this->plugins[$this->current];
+ $current->add($name, $callback);
+ $this->runQueue[$name][] = $this->current;
+ }
+ public function loadPluginFromArray($name, $autoclose = false, $callback = null)
+ {
+ $this->plugins[$name] = new Plugin;
+ // Switch the current context to this plugin..
+ $this->current = $name;
+ if($callback!=null) $exec($this);
+ if($autoclose) $this->current = null;
+ }
+ public function dump()
+ {
+ return [
+ 'plugins' => $this->plugins,
+ 'runQueue' => $this->runQueue,
+ 'nohooks' => $this->nohooks
+ ];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hadron/class_container.php b/hadron/class_container.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..654d226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadron/class_container.php
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+error = new Error($this);
+ $this->plugins = new BasePlugins;
+ $this->settings = ['cache_templates' => true,'cache_expiry' => ONE_MONTH];
+ }
+ public function init(array $config = [])
+ {
+ // Go through the available database engines
+ switch($config['database_engine'])
+ {
+ case "mysqli": $engine = "mysqli"; break;
+ default: $engine = 'mysqli';
+ }
+ // Load up the database class
+ require_once(HADRON_BASE."/database/class_{$engine}.php");
+ $this->db = new Database($this);
+ $this->db->connect($config['database_host'], $config['database_username'], $config['database_password']);
+ $this->db->select_db($config['database_name']);
+ $this->db->set_prefix($config['table_prefix']);
+ $this->tmpls = new Templates($this);
+ $this->plugins->hook("hadron_start");
+ $this->cache = new Cache($this, $config);
+ if(extension_loaded('pthreads'))
+ {
+ require_once(HADRON_BASE."/threading.php");
+ $this->worker = new HadronWorker;
+ $this->tasks = [];
+ }
+ }
+ public function initLang($lang, $path = null, $dir = null)
+ {
+ if($path==null) $path = dirname(HADRON_BASE."/languages");
+ $this->langs = new Language($this, $path, $lang, $dir);
+ }
+ public function setPluginHandler($plugins)
+ {
+ $this->plugins = $plugins;
+ }
+ public function getDatabase()
+ {
+ if($this->db==null) return false;
+ return $this->db;
+ }
+ public function getTemplates()
+ {
+ if($this->tmpls==null) return false;
+ return $this->tmpls;
+ }
+ public function getPlugins()
+ {
+ if($this->plugins==null) return false;
+ return $this->plugins;
+ }
+ public function getLanguages()
+ {
+ if($this->langs==null) return false;
+ return $this->langs;
+ }
+ public function getCache()
+ {
+ if($this->cache==null) return false;
+ return $this->cache;
+ }
+ public function getErrors()
+ {
+ if($this->error==null) return false;
+ return $this->error;
+ }
+ public function addShutdownEvent($callback)
+ {
+ register_shutdown_function($callback);
+ }
+ public function addParallelTask($callback)
+ {
+ if(extension_loaded('pthreads'))
+ {
+ $this->worker->stack($this->tasks[] = new HadronTask($callback));
+ $this->worker->start();
+ }
+ else register_shutdown_function($callback, false);
+ }
+ public function runParallelTask($callback)
+ {
+ $tid = count($this->tasks) - 1;
+ if(extension_loaded('pthreads'))
+ {
+ $this->worker->stack($this->tasks[$tid] = new HadronTask($callback));
+ $this->worker->start();
+ }
+ else $this->tasks[$tid] = $callback(false);
+ return $tid;
+ }
+ public function pollParallelTask($tid)
+ {
+ if(!$this->tasks[$tid] instanceof HadronTask) return $this->tasks[$tid]->getResult();
+ return $this->tasks[$tid];
+ // finish this later
+ }
+ public function waitForParallelTask($tid)
+ {
+ if(!$this->tasks[$tid] instanceof HadronTask)
+ {
+ $this->tasks[$tid]->wait();
+ return $this->tasks[$tid]->getResult();
+ }
+ return $this->tasks[$tid];
+ }
+ function __destruct()
+ {
+ $this->cache->commit();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hadron/database/class_mysqli.php b/hadron/database/class_mysqli.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c7adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadron/database/class_mysqli.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1173 @@
+ $entry)
+ {
+ // TO-DO: Fetch these from the Main Hadron Container.
+ global $db, $error;
+ if($entry=="AND" && is_numeric($key)) $wstring .= " AND ";
+ elseif($entry=="OR" && is_numeric($key)) $wstring .= " OR ";
+ elseif(is_array($entry) && isset($entry['type']) && $entry['type']=="IN" && is_numeric($key))
+ {
+ if(!is_array($entry) || !isset($entry['field'], $entry['values']))
+ die($error->getError(500,"Database Error: Illegal use of IN in a WHERE field."));
+ $values = "";
+ foreach($entry['values'] as $value) $values .= $db->sanitise($value).",";
+ $wstring .= "{$entry['field']} IN ('".rtrim($values,',')."')";
+ }
+ elseif(is_numeric($key)) $wstring .= " ".$entry." ";
+ else $wstring .= "{$key}="."'".$db->sanitise($entry)."'";
+ }
+ return $wstring;
+// This class holds fields for use in table creations
+final class fields
+ public $name = null;
+ public $type = null;
+ public $size = null;
+ public $isNull = false;
+ public $increment = false;
+ public $fDefault = false;
+ public $primary = false;
+ /**
+ *
+ * $name - A string holding the name of the field.
+ * $type - A string holding what the type of the field is.
+ * $size - An integer holding what the size of the field is.
+ * $increment - A boolean value saying whether this field is to automatically increment or not.
+ * $default - The default value which this field will have.
+ *
+ **/
+ function __construct($name, $type, $size = null, $increment = false, $default = false)
+ {
+ $this->name = $name;
+ $this->type = $type;
+ // If no size is given then, fallback to default value
+ if($type=='int' && $size==null) $size = 11;
+ elseif($type=='tinyint' && $size==null) $size = 1;
+ elseif($type=='varchar' && $size==null) $size = 100;
+ elseif($type=='text' && $size!=null) $size = null;
+ $this->size = $size;
+ if($increment) $this->primary = true;
+ $this->increment = $increment;
+ $this->fDefault = $default;
+ }
+ function output($con = null)
+ {
+ $type = $this->type;
+ if($this->size!=null) $type .= '('.$this->size.')';
+ if(!$this->isNull) $null = ' NOT';
+ else $null = "";
+ // Do we have a default value specified?
+ if($this->fDefault!==false)
+ {
+ if(ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) $default = stripslashes($this->fDefault);
+ $default = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $this->fDefault);
+ $default = " DEFAULT '{$default}'";
+ }
+ else $default = "";
+ // Do we want to automatically increment the value with each row?
+ if($this->increment) $inc = ' AUTO_INCREMENT';
+ else $inc = "";
+ return "`{$this->name}` {$type}{$null} NULL{$default}{$inc}";
+ }
+final class Query
+ // Add a locking system here..
+ private $str = null;
+ private $prefix = "";
+ private $addition = false;
+ private $tables = [];
+ public function setPrefix($prefix) { $this->prefix = $prefix; }
+ public function buildSelect($columns, $table, $where = null, $limit = null, $order = null, $options = array())
+ {
+ if(is_array($columns)) {
+ $first = true;
+ foreach($columns as $com) {
+ if(!$first) $comstring .= ','.$com;
+ else {
+ $comstring = $com;
+ $first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ $columns = $comstring;
+ } else $columns = '*';
+ // Has a WHERE clause been provided?
+ if($where==null) $where = '';
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ // Has a LIMIT clause been provided?
+ if($limit==null) $limit = '';
+ else $limit = " LIMIT {$limit}";
+ // Does someone want this in a specific order?
+ if($order==null) $order = '';
+ elseif(is_array($order))
+ {
+ $ostring = " ORDER BY ";
+ $last = count($order);
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach($order as $key => $item)
+ {
+ $ostring .= " {$key} {$item}";
+ if($last!=$i) $ostring .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $order = $ostring;
+ }
+ else $order = " ORDER BY {$order}";
+ if(isset($options, $options['distinct']) && $options['distinct']) $distinct = "DISTINCT ";
+ else $distinct = "";
+ if($this->addition) $this->str .= " SELECT {$distinct}{$columns} FROM {$this->prefix}{$table}{$where}{$order}{$limit}";
+ else $this->str .= " SELECT {$distinct}{$columns} FROM {$this->prefix}{$table}{$where}{$order}{$limit}";
+ }
+ function buildJoin($table, $table2, $tmain, $tmain2, $where = null)
+ {
+ // Has a WHERE clause been provided?
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ if($this->addition) $this->str .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->prefix}{$table2} AS {$table2} ON {$table}.{$tmain}={$table2}.{$tmain2}{$where}";
+ else $this->str = " LEFT JOIN {$this->prefix}{$table2} AS {$table2} ON {$table}.{$tmain}={$table2}.{$tmain2}{$where}";
+ }
+ function buildInnerJoin($table, $table2, $tmain, $tmain2, $where = null, $options = null)
+ {
+ // Has a WHERE clause been provided?
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ // Extra options..
+ $h1 = $this->prefix.$table2;
+ if($options==null) $options = "";
+ else {
+ if(!is_array($options)) $options = [$options];
+ $o = "";
+ foreach($options as $key => $value)
+ {
+ if($key=='post-keyword' && $value instanceof Query)
+ {
+ $res = $value->output();
+ if($res!=null) $h1 = " ({$res})";
+ $intables = $value->getTables();
+ if(count($intables) > 0)
+ {
+ foreach($intables as $cols)
+ $columns = str_replace("{$cols}.",$this->prefix.$cols.'.',$columns);
+ }
+ $value->flush();
+ }
+ }
+ $options = &$o;
+ }
+ if($this->addition) $this->str .= " INNER JOIN {$h1} AS {$table2} ON {$table}.{$tmain}={$table2}.{$tmain2}{$where}";
+ else $this->str = " INNER JOIN {$h1} AS {$table2} ON {$table}.{$tmain}={$table2}.{$tmain2}";
+ }
+ public function add()
+ {
+ $this->addition = true;
+ }
+ public function addTable($table)
+ {
+ $this->tables[] = $table;
+ }
+ public function getTables()
+ {
+ return $this->tables;
+ }
+ public function output() { return $this->str; }
+ public function flush() { $this->str = null; $this->addition = false; }
+final class AsyncResource
+ public $db;
+ public $main;
+ public $id;
+ public $executed = false;
+ public $query;
+ public $result = null;
+ public $multi_query = false;
+ public function __construct($query, $db, $main)
+ {
+ $this->query = $query;
+ $this->db = $db;
+ $this->main = $main;
+ }
+ public function execute()
+ {
+ if($this->executed) return false;
+ $this->executed = true;
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->db->getConnection(), $this->query, MYSQLI_ASYNC);
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->db->getConnection()), true);
+ exit;
+ }
+ $this->db->count++;
+ }
+ // Coming Soon..
+ public function poll()
+ {
+ return true;
+ if(!$this->executed) $this->execute();
+ }
+ public function getResult()
+ {
+ if(!$this->executed) $this->execute();
+ if($this->result!==null) return $this->result;
+ $conpool = [$this->db->getConnection()];
+ $error = [];
+ $reject = [];
+ if(!mysqli_poll($conpool, $error, $reject, 10))
+ die("SQL Error: The polling period has timed out.");
+ $this->result = mysqli_reap_async_query($this->db->getConnection());
+ return $this->result;
+ }
+// The main database abstraction layer
+final class database// implements int_database
+ // The handle for the database connection
+ public $con = null;
+ // Name of the database engine
+ public $engine = "mysqli";
+ // Table prefix..
+ public $prefix = "";
+ protected $dbname = null;
+ private $query = null;
+ protected $main = null;
+ // This is to count the number of queries
+ public $count = 0;
+ public $asyncQueue = [];
+ public $asyncCount = 0;
+ // Query builder..
+ function __construct($main)
+ {
+ $this->main = $main;
+ $this->query = new Query;
+ }
+ function getQuery() { return $this->query; }
+ function getConnection() { return $this->con; }
+ function connect($host,$user,$pass)
+ {
+ if(!$this->con = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass))
+ die("Database Error: Unable to connect to the database.
+ May be due to a configuration issue or the database server itself.
+ ".mysqli_error()."");
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $name - The name of the database which you wish to select.
+ *
+ **/
+ function select_db($name)
+ {
+ if(!mysqli_select_db($this->con,$name))
+ die("Database Error: Unable to select the database.
+ May be due to a configuration issue or the database server itself.
+ ".mysqli_error($this->con)."");
+ $this->dbname = $name;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function set_prefix($prefix = "")
+ {
+ $this->prefix = $prefix;
+ $this->query->setPrefix($prefix);
+ }
+ function create_table($name,$fields,$primary = null)
+ {
+ $last = count($fields);
+ $i = 1;
+ $data = "";
+ if(!is_array($fields)) $fields = [$fields];
+ // Loop through the fields..
+ foreach($fields as $field)
+ {
+ if($last!=$i) $data.= $field->output($this->con).',';
+ else $data .= $field->output($this->con);
+ if($field->primary && $primary==null) $primary = $field->name;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ // Primary key..
+ if($primary==null) $primary = "";
+ else $primary = ", PRIMARY KEY ({$primary})";
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ $query = mysqli_query($this->con, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$prefix}{$name} ({$data}{$primary}) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$query) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->custom("Database Error: Unable to insert '{$prefix}{$name}' table into the database.\n".mysqli_error($this->con)."");
+ }
+ return $query;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $table - The table which you wish to insert data into.
+ * $values - An array of values which you wish to insert into the table.
+ *
+ **/
+ function insert($table,$values)
+ {
+ if(!is_array($values)) $values = array($values);
+ $first = true;
+ foreach($values as $key => $value)
+ {
+ if(!$first) {
+ $columns .= ",`".$this->sanitise($key)."`";
+ $content .= ",'".$this->sanitise($value)."'";
+ } else {
+ $columns = "`".$this->sanitise($key)."`";
+ $content = "'".$this->sanitise($value)."'";
+ $first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ $query = mysqli_query($this->con, "INSERT INTO {$prefix}{$table} ({$columns}) VALUES ({$content})");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$query) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->custom("Database Error: Unable to insert data into the {$prefix}{$table} table.\n".mysqli_error($this->con)."");
+ }
+ return $query;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $table - The table which you wish to insert data into.
+ * $values - An array of values which you wish to insert into the table.
+ * $where - Existing column to delete.
+ *
+ **/
+ function force_insert($table, $values, $where = null)
+ {
+ if($where!=null) $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = "";
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ $query = mysqli_query($this->con, "DELETE FROM {$prefix}{$table}{$where}");
+ if(!is_array($values)) $values = array($values);
+ $first = true;
+ foreach($values as $key => $value)
+ {
+ if(!$first) {
+ $columns .= ",".$this->sanitise($key);
+ $content .= ",'".$this->sanitise($value)."'";
+ } else {
+ $columns = $this->sanitise($key);
+ $content = "'".$this->sanitise($value)."'";
+ $first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Execute this..
+ $query = mysqli_query($this->con, "INSERT INTO {$prefix}{$table} ({$columns}) VALUES ({$content})");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$query) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->custom("Database Error: Unable to insert data into the {$prefix}{$table} table.\n".mysqli_error($this->con)."");
+ }
+ return $query;
+ }
+ function delete($table, $where = null)
+ {
+ if($where!=null) $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = "";
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ $query = mysqli_query($this->con, "DELETE FROM {$prefix}{$table}{$where}");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$query) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->custom("Database Error: Unable to delete data into the {$prefix}{$table} table.\n".mysqli_error($this->con)."");
+ }
+ return $query;
+ }
+ /**
+ * May be deprecated when it's job is taken over by other more cross-engine methods.
+ * $query - The raw query which you wish to execute.
+ * $critical - Whether this is an important query to halt program execution over, if it fails.
+ **/
+ function query($query, $critical = false)
+ {
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, $query);
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), $critical);
+ }
+ trigger_error("You are not permitted to execute raw queries.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
+ $this->count++;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * $query - The raw query which you wish to execute.
+ * $critical - Whether this is an important query to halt program execution over, if it fails.
+ **/
+ function __invoke($query)
+ {
+ $query = str_replace('{$prefix}',$this->prefix,$query);
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, $query);
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ }
+ $this->count++;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function queue($query, $bulk = null)
+ {
+ // When the queue is empty, execute this immediately..
+ $res = new AsyncResource($query, $this, $this->main);
+ if(count($this->asyncQueue)==0) $res->execute();
+ // Using asyncCount to emulate "truly asynchronous" queries..
+ $this->asyncQueue[$this->asyncCount] = $res;
+ $this->asyncCount++;
+ if($bulk===true) $res->multi_query = true;
+ return $res;
+ }
+ function reap_async(AsyncResource $res = null)
+ {
+ if($res==null) $res = $this->asyncQueue[$this->asyncCount];
+ if($res->id!=0)
+ {
+ // Clear the backlog..
+ $queue = &$this->asyncQueue;
+ foreach($queue as $query)
+ {
+ if($query->id < $res->id) $query->getResult();
+ else break;
+ }
+ }
+ //unset() // Remove this from the queue.. TO-DO: Should we use a real queue for this..?
+ return $res->getResult();
+ }
+ function poll(AsyncResource $res = null)
+ {
+ if($res==null) $res = $this->asyncQueue[$this->asyncCount];
+ if(!$res instanceof AsyncResource) return false;
+ if($res->id!=0)
+ {
+ foreach($queue as $query)
+ {
+ if($query->id < $res->id) $query->getResult();
+ else break;
+ }
+ }
+ $res->poll();
+ }
+ /*function pollAll()
+ {
+ $queue = &$this->asyncQueue;
+ foreach($queue as $query)
+ {
+ $query->poll();
+ }
+ }*/
+ function executeAll()
+ {
+ $queue = $this->asyncQueue;
+ foreach($queue as $item) $item->getResult();
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $string - A string which you wish to sanitise in preparation for a query.
+ *
+ **/
+ function sanitise($string)
+ {
+ if(ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) $string = stripslashes($string);
+ $string = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con,$string);
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $result - A MySQLi resource variable.
+ *
+ **/
+ function num_rows($result) { return mysqli_num_rows($result); }
+ function row_count($table, $row = '*', $where = null, $options = array())
+ {
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ // Extra options..
+ $h1 = "";
+ if($options==null) $options = "";
+ else {
+ if(!is_array($options)) $options = array($options);
+ $o = "";
+ foreach($options as $key => $value)
+ {
+ if($key=='post-table' && $value instanceof Query)
+ {
+ $res = $value->output();
+ if($res!=null) $h1 = ' '.$res;
+ $intables = $value->getTables();
+ if(count($intables) > 0)
+ {
+ foreach($intables as $cols) $columns = str_replace("{$cols}.",$this->prefix.$cols.'.',$columns);
+ }
+ if(!isset($options['noFlush']) || !$options['noFlush']) $options['post-table']->flush();
+ }
+ }
+ $options = &$o;
+ }
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, "SELECT COUNT({$row}) AS count FROM {$prefix}{$table} AS {$table} {$where}{$h1}");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $data = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
+ if($data) return $data['count'];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $columns - A variable holding a single column or an array of columns which you wish to fetch.
+ * $table - The table which you wish to fetch data from.
+ * $where - An optional parameter for specifying what conditions you wish for the content to match.
+ * $limit - Controls how many rows may be returned by the query.
+ * $order - The order in which the results are done in.
+ * $options - Additional options to use in this query.
+ * $critical - A true or false value over whether this is a query that is critical to the script's operation.
+ *
+ **/
+ function get($columns, $table, $where = null, $limit = null, $order = null, $options = null)
+ {
+ if(is_array($columns)) {
+ $first = true;
+ $comstring = "";
+ foreach($columns as $key => $com) {
+ if(!$first) $comstring .= ',';
+ if(!is_numeric($key)) $comstring .= "{$key} AS {$com}";
+ else $comstring .= $com;
+ $first = false;
+ } $columns = $comstring;
+ }
+ // Has a WHERE clause been provided?
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ // Does someone want this in a specific order?
+ if($order==null) $order = "";
+ elseif(is_array($order))
+ {
+ $ostring = " ORDER BY ";
+ $last = count($order);
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach($order as $key => $item)
+ {
+ $ostring .= " {$key} {$item}";
+ if($last!=$i) $ostring .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $order = $ostring;
+ }
+ else $order = " ORDER BY {$order}";
+ // Has a LIMIT clause been provided?
+ if($limit!=null) $order .= " LIMIT {$limit}";
+ // Extra options..
+ $h1 = "";
+ $async = false;
+ if($options==null) $options = "";
+ else {
+ if(!is_array($options)) $options = array($options);
+ if(isset($options['post-table']) && $options['post-table'] instanceof Query)
+ {
+ $res = $options['post-table']->output();
+ if($res!=null) $h1 = ' '.$res;
+ $intables = $options['post-table']->getTables();
+ if(count($intables) > 0)
+ {
+ foreach($intables as $cols) $columns = str_replace("{$cols}.",$this->prefix.$cols.'.',$columns);
+ }
+ if(!isset($options['noFlush']) || !$options['noFlush']) $options['post-table']->flush();
+ }
+ if(isset($options, $options['distinct']) && $options['distinct']) $columns = "DISTINCT {$columns}";
+ if(isset($options, $options['groupby']) && $options['groupby']) $where .= " GROUP BY {$options['groupby']} ";
+ if(isset($options, $options['async']) && $options['async']) $async = true;
+ }
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ if($async) $result = $this->queue("SELECT {$columns} FROM {$prefix}{$table} AS {$table}{$h1}{$where}{$order}");
+ else
+ {
+ if(count($this->asyncQueue)!=0) $this->executeAll();
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, "SELECT {$columns} FROM {$prefix}{$table} AS {$table}{$h1}{$where}{$order}");
+ $this->count++;
+ }
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$async)
+ {
+ // Grab the number of rows..
+ $c = $this->num_rows($result);
+ if($c==0) return 0;
+ if($limit==1) return mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
+ //if($c>1)
+ else
+ {
+ $res = array();
+ /*while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) $res[] = $row;
+ return $res;*/
+ return mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $columns - A variable holding a single column or an array of columns which you wish to fetch.
+ * $table - The table which you wish to fetch data from.
+ * $table2 - The second table which we're trying to join.
+ * $tmain - The primary key which we're using as a unique identifier.
+ * $tmain2 - The Table 2 equivalent which corresponds to $tmain.
+ * $where - An optional parameter for specifying what conditions you wish for the content to match.
+ * $limit - Controls how many rows may be returned by the query.
+ * $order - The order in which the results are done in.
+ *
+ **/
+ function join($columns, $table, $table2, $tmain, $tmain2, $where = null, $limit = null, $order = null, $options = array())
+ {
+ if(is_array($columns)) {
+ $first = true;
+ $comstring = "";
+ foreach($columns as $key => $com) {
+ if(!$first) $comstring .= ',';
+ if(!is_numeric($key)) $comstring .= "{$key} AS {$com}";
+ else $comstring .= $com;
+ $first = false;
+ } $columns = $comstring;
+ }
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where))
+ {
+ $wstring = " WHERE ";
+ foreach($where as $key => $entry)
+ {
+ if($entry=="AND" && is_numeric($key)) $wstring .= " AND ";
+ elseif($entry=="OR" && is_numeric($key)) $wstring .= " OR ";
+ else $wstring .= $key."='{$entry}'";
+ }
+ $where = $wstring;
+ } else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ if($limit==null) $limit = "";
+ else $limit = " LIMIT {$limit}";
+ // Does someone want this in a specific order?
+ if($order==null) $order = "";
+ elseif(is_array($order))
+ {
+ $ostring = " ORDER BY";
+ $last = count($order);
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach($order as $key => $item)
+ {
+ $ostring .= " {$key} {$item}";
+ if($last!=$i) $ostring .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $order = $ostring;
+ } else $order = " ORDER BY {$order}";
+ $async = false;
+ $distinct = '';
+ if(isset($options))
+ {
+ if(isset($options['distinct']) && $options['distinct']) $distinct = "DISTINCT ";
+ if(isset($options['async']) && $options['async']) $async = true;
+ }
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ if($async) $result = $this->queue("SELECT {$distinct}{$columns} FROM {$prefix}{$table} AS {$table} LEFT JOIN {$prefix}{$table2} AS {$table2} ON {$table}.{$tmain}={$table2}.{$tmain2}{$where}{$order}{$limit}");
+ else
+ {
+ if(count($this->asyncQueue)!=0) $this->executeAll();
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, "SELECT {$distinct}{$columns} FROM {$prefix}{$table} AS {$table} LEFT JOIN {$prefix}{$table2} AS {$table2} ON {$table}.{$tmain}={$table2}.{$tmain2}{$where}{$order}{$limit}");
+ $this->count++;
+ }
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$async)
+ {
+ $c = $this->num_rows($result);
+ if($c==0) return 0;
+ /*if($c>1) {
+ $res = array();
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) $res[] = $row;
+ $result = &$res;
+ } else $result = mysqli_fetch_array($result);*/
+ if($limit==" LIMIT 1") return mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
+ else return mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Optimal for three joins. Use the query builder for more.
+ *
+ * $columns - A variable holding a single column or an array of columns which you wish to fetch.
+ * $tables - The tables which you wish to fetch data from.
+ * $tmain - An array of primary keys which you wish to use as identifiers.
+ * $where - An optional parameter for specifying what conditions you wish for the content to match.
+ * $limit - Controls how many rows may be returned by the query.
+ * $order - The order in which the results are done in.
+ *
+ **/
+ function super_join($columns, $tables, $tmain, $where = null, $limit = null, $order = null, $options = array())
+ {
+ $snippet = "";
+ $first = true;
+ $rtables = array();
+ $rrtables = array();
+ foreach($tables as $key => $table)
+ {
+ $rtables[] = "#{$table}.#";
+ $rrtables[] = "{$this->prefix}{$table}.";
+ if($first) {
+ $snippet .= "{$this->prefix}{$table} AS {$table}";
+ $first = false;
+ } else {
+ $cur = $tmain[$tables[$key - 1]];
+ if(is_array($cur)) $snippet .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->prefix}{$table} AS {$table} ON ".$tables[$key - 1].".".$cur[$table]."={$table}.{$tmain[$table]}";
+ elseif(is_array($tmain[$table]) && isset($tmain[$tables[$key - 1]]))
+ $snippet .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->prefix}{$table} AS {$table} ON ".$tables[$key - 1].".{$cur}={$table}.".$tmain[$tables[$key - 1]];
+ else $snippet .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->prefix}{$table} AS {$table} ON ".$tables[$key - 1].".{$cur}={$table}.{$tmain[$table]}";
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_array($columns)) {
+ $first = true;
+ foreach($columns as $key => $com) {
+ if(!$first) $comstring .= ','.$com;
+ else {
+ if(!is_numeric($key)) $comstring = "{$key} AS {$com}";
+ else $comstring = $com;
+ $first = false;
+ }
+ } $columns = $comstring;
+ }
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where))
+ {
+ $wstring = " WHERE ";
+ foreach($where as $key => $entry)
+ {
+ if($entry=="AND") $wstring .= " AND ";
+ elseif($entry=="OR") $wstring .= " OR ";
+ else $wstring .= $key."='{$entry}'";
+ }
+ $where = $wstring;
+ }
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ if($limit==null) $limit = "";
+ else $limit = " LIMIT {$limit}";
+ // Does someone want this in a specific order?
+ if($order==null) $order = "";
+ elseif(is_array($order))
+ {
+ $ostring = " ORDER BY";
+ $last = count($order);
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach($order as $key => $item)
+ {
+ $ostring .= " {$key} {$item}";
+ if($last!=$i) $ostring .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $order = $ostring;
+ }
+ else $order = " ORDER BY {$order}";
+ $async = false;
+ $distinct = "";
+ if(isset($options))
+ {
+ if(isset($options['distinct']) && $options['distinct']) $distinct = "DISTINCT ";
+ if(isset($options['async']) && $options['async']) $async = true;
+ }
+ // Execute this..
+ if($async) $result = $this->queue("SELECT {$distinct}{$columns} FROM {$snippet}{$where}{$order}{$limit}");
+ else
+ {
+ if(count($this->asyncQueue)!=0) $this->executeAll();
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, "SELECT {$distinct}{$columns} FROM {$snippet}{$where}{$order}{$limit}");
+ $this->count++;
+ }
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$async)
+ {
+ $c = $this->num_rows($result);
+ if($c==0) return 0;
+ if($c>1) {
+ $res = array();
+ $count = false;
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) $res[] = $row;
+ $result = &$res;
+ } else $result = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $result - A MySQLi resource variable.
+ *
+ **/
+ function fetch_array($result, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC) { return mysqli_fetch_array($result, $type); }
+ function fetch_all($result, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC) { return mysqli_fetch_all($result, $type); }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $result - A MySQLi resource variable.
+ *
+ **/
+ function loop($result, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC)
+ {
+ $data = array();
+ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, $type)) $data[] = $row;
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $table - The name of the table which you wish to query.
+ * $update - A string containing the data which is being updated.
+ * $where - A string holding the location of the data which you wish to update.
+ * $critical - A true or false value over whether this is a query that is critical to the script's operation.
+ *
+ **/
+ function update($table, $update, $where = null, $shutdown = false)
+ {
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Execute this..
+ if($shutdown) return register_shutdown_function(function($con) use($prefix, $table, $update, $where)
+ {
+ $result = mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE {$prefix}{$table} SET {$update}{$where}");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($con), true);
+ }
+ }, $this->con);
+ else $result = mysqli_query($this->con, "UPDATE {$prefix}{$table} SET {$update}{$where}");
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $table - The name of the table which you wish to query.
+ * $update - A string containing the data which is being updated.
+ * $where - A string holding the location of the data which you wish to update.
+ * $current - A string holding the value of the field before updating.
+ *
+ **/
+ function diff_update($table, $update, $where = null, $current = false)
+ {
+ // Has someone not provided the current state?
+ if($current)
+ {
+ // Let's split this into two bits..
+ $up = explode("=", $update);
+ // Did someone forget to use equals?
+ if(!isset($up[1])) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query('There was no assignment operator in the $update variable', true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $new = &$up[1];
+ // Strip all three kinds of string delimiters..
+ $new = str_replace(array("'",'"','`'),'', $new);
+ // Is it the same? Abort the function then.
+ if($new==$current) return false;
+ }
+ // Has someone provided which areas to update?
+ if($where==null) $where = "";
+ elseif(is_array($where)) $where = parseWhere($where);
+ else $where = " WHERE {$where}";
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ // Run this query..
+ $result = mysqli_query($this->con, "UPDATE {$prefix}{$table} SET {$update}{$where}");
+ // Increment this..
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$result) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * $table - The name of the table which you wish to bulk query.
+ * $update - A multi-dimensional array holding each update to be executed in array form.
+ * $shutdown - A true or false value over whether this is a query which will be run after everything else.
+ *
+ **/
+ function bulk_update($table, $update, $shutdown = false)
+ {
+ if(!is_array($update)) $update = array($update);
+ $query = "";
+ // Table prefix..
+ $prefix = &$this->prefix;
+ $last = count($update);
+ $i = 0;
+ // Loop through the queries..
+ foreach($update as $up)
+ {
+ $i++;
+ if(!isset($up['where'])) $up['where'] = "";
+ elseif(is_array($up['where'])) $up['where'] = parseWhere($up['where']);
+ else $up['where'] = " WHERE {$up['where']}";
+ $query .= "UPDATE {$prefix}{$table} SET {$up['data']}{$up['where']}";
+ if($last!=$i) $query .= ';';
+ }
+ // Execute this..
+ if($shutdown) register_shutdown_function(function($con, $query) use($prefix, $table){
+ $result = mysqli_multi_query($this->con, $query);
+ while(mysqli_more_results($con)) mysqli_next_result($con);
+ $this->count++;
+ if(mysqli_error($this->con)) $this->main->getErrors()->query(mysqli_error($con), true);
+ }, $this->con);
+ else {
+ $result = mysqli_multi_query($this->con, $query);
+ while(mysqli_more_results($this->con)) mysqli_next_result($this->con);
+ $this->count++;
+ if(mysqli_error($this->con)) {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*function bulk_select()
+ {
+ }*/
+ // Check whether this table exists..
+ public function exists($name)
+ {
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!mysqli_query($this->con, "SELECT '{$this->prefix}{$name}' FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{$this->dbname}' AND table_name = '{$this->prefix}{$name}';"))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function addColumn($table, $column, $type, $order = null)
+ {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ if($order==null) $order = "";
+ else $order = ' '.$order;
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$query = mysqli_query($this->con, "ALTER TABLE '{$this->prefix}{$table}' ADD '{$column}' {$type}{$order};")) return false;
+ {
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function removeColumn($table, $column)
+ {
+ $error = $this->main->getErrors();
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!$query = mysqli_query($this->con, "ALTER TABLE '{$this->prefix}{$table}' DROP '{$column}';"))
+ {
+ $error->query(mysqli_error($this->con), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function columnExists($table, $column)
+ {
+ $this->count++;
+ if(!mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$this->dbname}' AND TABLE_NAME = '{$this->prefix}{$table}' AND COLUMN_NAME = '{$column}';", $this->con))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function getColumns($table)
+ {
+ $this->count++;
+ return mysqli_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->prefix}{$table}",$this->con);
+ }
+ // Get the ID for the last row which was inserted.
+ function last_id() { return mysqli_insert_id($this->con); }
+ // Is this really needed as we have an error handler.
+ function error() { return mysqli_error($this->con); }
+ // Make sure the connection is closed when the object is destroyed
+ function __destruct() { mysqli_close($this->con); }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hadron/database/int_database.php b/hadron/database/int_database.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a7e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadron/database/int_database.php
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+events['lock']($this->tmpls); exit; }
- if(!extension_loaded("mysql") && !extension_loaded("mysqli")) { $this->events['dbexts']($this->tmpls); exit; }
+ if(!extension_loaded("mysqli")) { $this->events['dbexts']($this->tmpls); exit; }
public function getTemplates()
@@ -137,15 +137,9 @@ public function writeFile($path, $content = "")
if(is_writeable($path) || (!file_exists($path) && is_writeable(dirname($path))) || @chmod($path,0666))
- // Create the file handle
$hd = fopen($path,"w");
- // Write to the file
- fwrite($hd, $content);
- // Close the handle
+ fwrite($hd,$content);
return true;
return false;
diff --git a/hadron/install/class_templates.php b/hadron/install/class_templates.php
index 75b66d9..c92dc3e 100644
--- a/hadron/install/class_templates.php
+++ b/hadron/install/class_templates.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* Hadron Framework: Installation System: Simple Template Class.
* Created by Azareal.
* Licensed under the terms of the GPLv3.
-* Copyright Azareal and Hadron Framework (c) 2013 - 2017
+* Copyright Azareal (c) 2013 - 2017
diff --git a/hadron/threading.php b/hadron/threading.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2603a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadron/threading.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+callback = $callback;
+ $this->data = null;
+ }
+ public function run()
+ {
+ $this->data = $callback();
+ $this->notify();
+ }
+ protected function getResult()
+ {
+ return $this->data;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file