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Java Programming : Arrays, Lists and Structured Data
My submission for the week assignments
|Weeks                                |Assignments                                 |Description                                   | 
|Week 1                               |Word play                                   |Replace vowels with an input of string        |
                                      |Word length                                 | Count word length in a file                  |
                                      |Caesar cipher                               | Caesar encryption                            |
                                      |Caesar Cipher(decryption)                   | Caesar cipher decryption                     |
                                      |Object Oriented Caesar cipher               | Caesar cipher one key encryption             |
                                                                                   | and decryption in OOP                        |
                                      |Object Oriented Caesar cipher               |Caesar cipher two keys encryption             |
                                                                                   |and decryption in OOP                         |
|Week 2                               |Characters names                            |Find characters in macbethSmall.txt           |
                                      |Codon count                                 |How many times each codon occurs
                                                                                   |in a DNA Sequence
                                      |Most frequent word                          |Count the frequency of words in a file
                                      |Word in files                               |Find the maximum occurrence of a word in 
                                                                                   |a group of file
                                      |GladLib                                     |GladLib 
                                      |GladLibMap                                  |GladLib with HashMap

|Week 3                               |WebLogProgram                               |Template of the week                          |

                                      |Find unique IP addresses                    |From a weblog generate a log entry            |
                                                                                   |that displays a unique IP address at a 
                                                                                   |given day
                                      |Website Visits                              |From a Weblog generate a log entry            |
                                                                                   |that displays a unique IP address at a
                                                                                   |given day. Multiple methods to sort out
                                                                                   |weblog problems.
|Week 4                               |Viginere Program                            |Viginere Cipher                               |
                                      |Viginere Program multiple languages         |Viginiere Cipher with several languages
                                                                                   |"Danish", "Dutch", "English", "German"
                                                                                   |"Italian", "Portuguese", "Spanish", "French"
                                      |Viginere Program Unknown key length         |Decrypt the Viginere without providing the    |
                                                                                   |key length

Aymar Sedami's comments

I shall confess that it is a very interesting course on Java data structures. Several techniques are provided to sort out problems in Java through pseudo code. Thereafter, it is easier to move to advanced Java techniques.
Thank you very much.