Top-level bar that hosts app and organization selection, as well as (several) menu(s). The TopBar component itself is just a wrapper for the different sections, and its up to you to use the proper components inside the bar.
The styling is still not completely controller by the wrapper components, so you still need to insert a vertical divider yourself between the organization and profile menu (see example).
If you want to use this already now, then be prepared to make changes in the future, but otherwise this should be useable and support customization. There is support for a single app (no selection if only 1 app). You can also inject your own menu items in the profile menu, and add additional menu items in the right section.
yarn add @axiscommunications/fluent-topbar
npm install @axiscommunications/fluent-topbar
import { Topbar } from "@axiscommunications/fluent-topbar";
export const TopbarExample = () => {
return (
center={<ApplicationMenu />}
<OrganizationMenu />
<Divider vertical />
<ProfileMenu />