diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eaf96f..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-PREFIX = /data/data/com.termux/files/usr
-MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/man
- @echo Run \'make install\' to install Awesomeshot.
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
- @cp -p awesomeshot $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/awesomeshot
- @cp -p awesomeshot.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
- @chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/awesomeshot
- @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/awesomeshot
- @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/awesomeshot.1*
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 939a407..2f01735 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,29 +3,126 @@
Awesomeshot is command-line screenshot tool written in bash 5.1.16+. Awesomeshot editing automatically your screenshot.
-## More:
-- [Wiki](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/wiki)
-- [Dependencies](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/wiki/Dependencies)
-- [Installation & Uninstallation](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/wiki/Installation-&-Uninstallation)
-- [Customizing Config File](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/wiki/Customizing-Config-File)
+## Dependencies
+Arch Linux
+### Packages
+sudo pacman -S imagemagick flameshot dunst bc make
+### Application
+- [Termux:API](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux.api/)
+> Optional
+- [Screen Master](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pro.capture.screenshot)
+### Packages
+pkg i -y termux-api imagemagick inotify-tools bc make
+## Installation
+Arch Linux
+### Download or Clone
+- Download or clone the latest release.
+git clone -b linux https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot
+- Run `make install` inside the script directory to install the script.
+sudo make install
+### Download or Clone
+- Download or clone the latest release.
+git clone -b termux https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot
+- Run `make install` inside the script directory to install the script.
+make install
+## Uninstallation
+> Run `make uninstall` inside the script directory to uninstall the script.
+> _NOTE_: for linux user need `sudo` command
+make uninstall
+## More:
+- [Wiki](https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot/wiki)
+- [Customizing Config File](https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot/wiki/Customizing-Config-File)
+## Preview
+- Linux
## How awesomeshot work?
-- [https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/issues/2#issuecomment-1052047095](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/issues/2#issuecomment-1052047095)
+- [How do i actually use this?](https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot/issues/2#issuecomment-1052047095)
## Showcase
-**Upload your custom config or script `Awesomeshot` [here](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/issues/4)**
-## Credits
-- [https://bandithijo.github.io/blog/memodifikasi-screenshot-dari-flameshot-dengan-imagemagick](https://bandithijo.github.io/blog/memodifikasi-screenshot-dari-flameshot-dengan-imagemagick)
-- [https://github.com/berrabe/awesome-flameshot](https://github.com/berrabe/awesome-flameshot)
-- [https://github.com/lwotcynna/shot-magick](https://github.com/lwotcynna/shot-magick)
+**Upload your custom config or script `Awesomeshot` [here](https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot/issues/4)**
+## Acknowledgements
+| Inspiration and Resources |
+| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [Bandithijo](https://bandithijo.github.io/blog/memodifikasi-screenshot-dari-flameshot-dengan-imagemagick) |
+| [berrabe/awesome-flameshot](https://github.com/berrabe/awesome-flameshot) |
+| [lwotcynna/shot-magick](https://github.com/lwotcynna/shot-magick) |
-## Contributors
-- [usernob](https://github.com/usernob) - [Title Bar](https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot/pull/5)
+| **Contributors** | **Contributions** |
+| ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [usernob](https://github.com/usernob) | [Title Bar](https://github.com/Awesomesh0t/awesomeshot/pull/5) |
diff --git a/awesomeshot b/awesomeshot
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e8b4ea..0000000
--- a/awesomeshot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,897 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Awesomeshot: A command-line screenshot tool written in bash 5.1.16+.
-# https://github.com/mayTermux/awesomeshot
-# Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022 xShin
-# Color
-# Awesomeshot default config
-read -rd '' config <<'EOF'
-# Make sure when your phone screenshot the result file image
-# PATH is same with this variable. Default my phone result file
-# image PATH on "/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots". If not same,
-# you can edit this variable value
-# This variable serves to set the convert image with file type non PNG, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# Convert to PNG if file not PNG
-# This variable serves to function to backup original photo
-# (screenshot result), change this value to blank or whatever for disable
-# function and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set the original photo backup PATH
-# Array Hex Color
- "#F8F9FA" # white
- "#000000" # black
- "#282C34" # black-gray
- "#333333" # gray
- "#A8D7FE" # blue sky
- "#6D6B70" # another gray
- "#726A7B" # slate gray
- "#A2AAAD"
-# This variable serves to convert title bar when editing the image, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set where the title bar place, if "yes" the title bar add on image,
-# if blank or whatever the title bar will be added at out of image
-# This variable serves to set the width and height size of title bar.
-# NOTE (Bug Found):
-# - Sometimes the title bar result is too big or too small
-# width_img=$(magick ${file_name} - format "%w" info:)
-# height_img=$(magick ${file_name} - format "%h" info:)
-# if (( ${width_img} > ${height_img} )); then
-# height_img=${width_img}
-# elif (( ${width_img} < ${height_img} )); then
-# width_img=${height_img}
-# fi
-# This variable serves to set titlebar color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to convert the titlebar text, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# This variable serves to set titlebar text, if you want to use icon
-# you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet)
-# NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure "titlebar_text_font" using nerd fonts to!
-# This variable serves to set text position of titlebar text, the value contain 8 wind direction:
-# - NorthWest
-# - North
-# - West
-# - Center
-# - East
-# - SouthWest
-# - South
-# - SouthEast
-# NOTE: Default value is "North"
-# This variable serves to set font size
-# This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set titlebar text background color (background text), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
-# available to use for ImageMagick by command:
-# - magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
-# This variable serves to set position of "X" and "Y" titlebar text
-# This variable serves to convert rounded corner, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set how many rounded corners
-# This variable serves to convert tiny first border (background image) when editing the image,
-# change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set tiny first border color (background image), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set how many size of the first border
-# NOTE: make sure this value is small, otherwise it will look weird
-# This variable serves to convert border (background image) when editing the image,
-# change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set border color (background image), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# NOTE: if convert_second_border enable and second_border_color value not none
-# will be conflict
-# This variable serves to set how many size of the second border
-# This variable serves to convert border with gradient color,
-# change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to convert gradient color method
-# More information: https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/misc/
-# List available method:
-# - saddle
-# - mesh
- "#C850C0"
- "#FFCC70"
- "#4158D0"
- "#FE7FAA"
-# This variable serves to convert the shadow of image, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# This variable serves to set shadow color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set shadow size, this variable has four values:
-# shadow_size="75x30+0+30"
-# that mean:
-# - bottom shadow is x75
-# - right shadow is +30
-# - top shadow is +0
-# - left shadow is +30
-# This variable serves to convert the footer text, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# This variable serves to set text of footer, if you want to use icon
-# you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet)
-# NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure "footer_font" using nerd fonts to!
-footer_text=" Shot by Awesomeshot"
-# This variable serves to set text position of footer, the value contain 8 wind direction:
-# - NorthWest
-# - North
-# - West
-# - Center
-# - East
-# - SouthWest
-# - South
-# - SouthEast
-# NOTE: Default value is "South"
-# This variable serves to set position of "X" and "Y"
-# This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
-# available to use for ImageMagick by command:
-# - magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
-# This variable serves to set font size
-# This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set footer background color (background text), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to open the result of image (when editing finished), change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# init
-function getUserConfig() {
- if [ -f "${config_file}" ]; then
- source "${config_file}"
- elif [ ! -f "${config_file}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/awesomeshot/"
- printf '%s\n' "$config" > "$config_file"
- source "${config_file}"
- fi
- checkConfig
-function generateDefaultConfig() {
- if [ ! -f "${config_file}" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "~/.config/awesomeshot" ]; then
- mkdir ~/.config/awesomeshot 2> /dev/null
- fi
- printf '%s\n' "$config" > "$config_file"
- stat "SUCCESS" "Success" "Default config has been generated"
- exit
- fi
- if [ -f "${config_file}" ]; then
- read -p " Config '~/.config/awesomeshot/awesomeshot.conf' already exists, do you want to generate default config [y/N] " ask
- case "${ask}" in
- y|Y )
- printf '%s\n' "$config" > "$config_file"
- stat "SUCCESS" "Success" "Default config has been re-generated"
- ;;
- n|N )
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- fi
-function header() {
- printf "\n\n %-18s\n" "AWESOMESHOT v${version}"
-function title() {
- echo ""
- printf "\n\b\r\033[2K***${1}\n" | sed 's/*/ /g'
- echo ""
-function subtitle() {
- printf "%-45s" "*******${1}" | sed 's/ /./g' | sed 's/*/ /g'
-function check() {
- #
- #
- if [[ $? -eq 0 && ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]]; then
- else
- fi
-function run() {
- if [ "${convert_to_png}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertToPng
- fi
- if [ "${backup}" == "yes" ]; then
- backupOriginalPhoto "${file_name}"
- fi
- if [ "${convert_titlebar}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertTitleBar
- if [ "${convert_titlebar_text}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertTitleBarText
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${convert_rounded}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertRounded
- fi
- if [ "${convert_first_border}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertFirstBorder
- convertRounded
- fi
- if [ "${convert_shadow}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertShadow
- fi
- if [ "${convert_second_border}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertSecondBorder
- fi
- if [ "${convert_second_border_gradient}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertSecondBorderGradient
- fi
- if [ "${convert_footer}" == "yes" ]; then
- convertFooter
- fi
- termux-media-scan "${file_name}" &> /dev/null
- termux-toast -b "${hex_color[0]}" -c "${hex_color[1]}" -g top "${file_name} ✅"
- termux-notification --action "termux-open '${file_name}'" --icon "camera_enhance" \
- --image-path "${file_name}" --priority "high" --title "📸 Awesomeshot v${version}"
-function autoRun() {
- getUserConfig
- count=1
- header
- inotifywait -m -e create ${screenshot_result_path} 2> /dev/null | \
- while read get_file_name_result; do
- get_file_name=$(echo -e "${get_file_name_result}" | awk '{print $3}')
- if [[ "${screenshot_result_path}/${get_file_name}" != "${file_name}" || -z ${file_name} ]]; then
- subtitle "[+]*Execute*Program*"
- # Fix bug screenshot filename ".pending"
- if [ ${get_file_name%%-*} == ".pending" ]; then
- file_name="${screenshot_result_path}/${get_file_name##*-}"
- else
- file_name="${screenshot_result_path}/${get_file_name}"
- fi
- echo -e ""
- run
- if [ "${open_image}" == "yes" ]; then
- termux-open "${file_name}"
- fi
- count=$(( ${count} + 1 ))
- fi
- done
-function getPwd() {
- pwd=$(pwd)
-function manualRun() {
- getUserConfig
- header
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Status*File*"
- if [ -f ${file_name} ]; then
- check
- run
- setterm -cursor on
- if [ "${open_image}" == "yes" ]; then
- termux-open "${file_name}"
- fi
- else
- echo -e "\n"
- stat "ERROR" "Danger" "${COLOR_DANGER}${file_name}${COLOR_DEFAULT}: file not found"
- fi
-function backupOriginalPhoto() {
- change_filename_backup=$(echo $1 | sed 's/.png/_backup.png/g')
- get_filename_suffix=${change_filename_backup##*/}
- if [ ! -d ${path_backup} ]; then
- mkdir -p "${path_backup}"
- fi
- cp "${file_name}" "${path_backup}/${get_filename_suffix}"
- if [ -f ${path_backup}/${get_filename_suffix} ]; then
- subtitle "[+]*Backup*File*"
- check
- else
- subtitle "[+]*Backup*File*"
- check
- fi
- termux-media-scan -r "${path_backup}" &> /dev/null
- termux-media-scan "${path_backup}/${change_filename_backup}" &> /dev/null
-function convertToPng() {
- extension="${file_name##*.}"
- if [ "${extension}" != "png" ]; then
- subtitle "[+]*Convert*.${extension}*To*.png*"
- convert "${file_name}" "${file_name%.*}.png"
- rm "${file_name}"
- termux-media-scan "${file_name}" &> /dev/null
- file_name=${file_name%.*}.png
- check
- fi
-function convertTitleBar(){
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Title*Bar*"
- g="#27C93F" #green
- y="#FFBD2E" #yellow
- r="#FF5F56" #red
- b="#282C34" #black
- rad=$( echo "0.0025 * ${width_img} * ${height_img} / 100" | bc )
- br=$( echo "${rad} * 5" | bc )
- x0=$( echo "${rad} * 3" | bc )
- y0=$( echo "${br} * 0.5" | bc )
- x1=$( echo "${x0} + ${rad}" | bc )
- declare -A arr=()
- for i in {0..2}; do
- arr[$i,0]=$x0
- arr[$i,1]=$y0
- arr[$i,2]=$x1
- arr[$i,3]=$y0
- x0=$( echo "${x0} + ${rad} * 3" | bc )
- x1=$( echo "${x0} + ${rad}" | bc)
- done
- #1520x720
- #760x360
- if [[ "${add_on_img}" == "yes" ]]; then
- magick $file_name -fill $b \
- -background ${titlebar_color} \
- -gravity north \
- -chop 0x$br \
- -splice 0x$br \
- -draw "fill ${r} circle ${arr[0,0]},${arr[0,1]} ${arr[0,2]},${arr[0,3]}
- fill ${y} circle ${arr[1,0]},${arr[1,1]} ${arr[1,2]},${arr[1,3]}
- fill ${g} circle ${arr[2,0]},${arr[2,1]} ${arr[2,2]},${arr[2,3]}" \
- $file_name
- else
- magick $file_name -fill $b \
- -background ${titlebar_color} \
- -gravity north -splice 0x$br\
- -draw "fill ${r} circle ${arr[0,0]},${arr[0,1]} ${arr[0,2]},${arr[0,3]}
- fill ${y} circle ${arr[1,0]},${arr[1,1]} ${arr[1,2]},${arr[1,3]}
- fill ${g} circle ${arr[2,0]},${arr[2,1]} ${arr[2,2]},${arr[2,3]}" \
- $file_name
- fi
- check
-function convertTitleBarText() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Title*Bar*Text*"
- echo -n "${titlebar_text}" |
- convert "${file_name}" \
- -gravity "${titlebar_text_position}" \
- -pointsize "${titlebar_text_size}" \
- -fill "${titlebar_text_color}" \
- -undercolor "${titlebar_text_background}" \
- -font "${titlebar_text_font}" \
- -annotate "${titlebar_text_xy}" \
- @- "${file_name}"
- check
-function convertRounded() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Rounded*Corner*"
- convert "$file_name" \
- \( +clone -alpha extract -draw \
- "fill black polygon 0,0,0,${border_radius} ${border_radius},0 fill white circle ${border_radius},${border_radius},${border_radius},0" \
- \( +clone -flip \) -compose Multiply -composite \
- \( +clone -flop \) -compose Multiply -composite \
- \) \
- -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite "$file_name"
- check
-function convertFirstBorder() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Image*First*Border*Color*"
- convert "$file_name" -bordercolor "${first_border_color}" -border ${first_border_size} "$file_name"
- check
-function convertShadow() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Image*Shadow*"
- convert "$file_name" \
- \( \
- +clone \
- -background "${shadow_color}" \
- -shadow "${shadow_size}" \
- \) \
- +swap \
- -background none \
- -layers merge \
- +repage "$file_name"
- check
-function convertSecondBorder() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Image*Second*Border*Color*"
- convert "$file_name" -bordercolor "${second_border_color}" -border ${second_border_size} "$file_name"
- check
-function interpolateSaddle() {
- convert \
- "$file_name" \
- \( \
- \( \
- xc:${saddle_color_top_left} xc:${saddle_color_top_right} +append \
- \) \
- \( \
- xc:${saddle_color_bottom_left} xc:${saddle_color_bottom_right} +append \
- \) -append -size $size_wh \
- xc: +swap -fx 'v.p{i/(w-1),j/(h-1)}' \
- \) \
- -gravity center \
- -compose Dst_Over -composite \
- "$file_name"
-function interpolateMesh() {
- convert \
- "$file_name" \
- \( \
- \( \
- xc:${mesh_color_top_left} xc:${mesh_color_top_right} +append \
- \) \
- \( \
- xc:${mesh_color_bottom_left} xc:${mesh_color_bottom_right} +append \
- \) -append -size $size_wh \
- xc: +swap -interpolate Mesh -fx 'v.p{i/(w-1),j/(h-1)}' \
- \) \
- -gravity center \
- -compose Dst_Over -composite \
- "$file_name"
-function convertSecondBorderGradient() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Image*Second*Border*Gradient*"
- size_wh=$(identify -format %wx%h $file_name)
- case ${interpolate_method} in
- "saddle"|"Saddle" )
- interpolateSaddle
- ;;
- "mesh"|"Mesh" )
- interpolateMesh
- ;;
- esac
- check
-function convertFooter() {
- subtitle "[+]*Set*Image*Footer*"
- echo -n "${footer_text}" |
- convert "$file_name" \
- -gravity ${footer_position} \
- -pointsize ${footer_font_size} \
- -fill ${footer_foreground} \
- -undercolor ${footer_background} \
- -font ${footer_font} \
- -annotate ${footer_xy} \
- @- "$file_name"
- check
-function handleInterruptByUser() {
- #pkill com.termux
- echo -e "
- setterm -cursor on
- read -n 1 -s -r -p " Press any key to exit "
- exit 1
-function stat() {
- if [ "${2}" == "Success" ]; then
- echo -e " [ ${COLOR_SUCCESS}${1}${COLOR_DEFAULT} ]\n ${COLOR_SUCCESS}|\n ╰─${COLOR_DEFAULT} ${3}"
- elif [ "${2}" == "Warning" ]; then
- echo -e " [ ${COLOR_WARNING}${1}${COLOR_DEFAULT} ]\n ${COLOR_WARNING}|\n ╰─${COLOR_DEFAULT} ${3}"
- elif [ "${2}" == "Danger" ]; then
- echo -e " [ ${COLOR_DANGER}${1}${COLOR_DEFAULT} ]\n ${COLOR_DANGER}|\n ╰─${COLOR_DEFAULT} ${3}"
- fi
-function main() {
- trap "handleInterruptByUser 'Interrupt By User'" 2
- setterm -cursor off
- ${1} ${2}
-function help() {
- echo -e "
- $(version)
- A command-line screenshot tool written in bash 5.1.16+
- Usage:
- awesomeshot [args] [file]
- -h, --help Show list of command-line options
- -v, --version Show version of awesomeshot
- -a, --auto Run awesomeshot with automatic while take screenshot
- -m, --manual Run awesomeshot with manual (this option require filename)
- -c, --config Generate default config awesomeshot.conf
- screenshot_result_path Make sure when your phone screenshot the result file image
- PATH is same with this variable. Default my phone result file
- image PATH on '/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots'. If not same,
- you can edit this variable value
- convert_to_png This variable serves to set the convert image with file type non PNG, change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
- Convert to PNG if file not PNG
- backup This variable serves to function to backup original photo
- (screenshot result), change this value to blank or whatever for disable
- function and 'yes' for enable function
- path_backup This variable serves to set the original photo backup PATH
- hex_color Array Hex Color
- convert_titlebar This variable serves to convert title bar when editing the image, change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
- add_on_img This variable serves to set where the title bar place, if 'yes' the title bar add on image,
- if blank or whatever the title bar will be added at out of image
- width_img & height_img This variable serves to set the width and height size of title bar.
- NOTE (Bug Found):
- - Sometimes the title bar result is too big or too small
- width_img=magick file_name - format '%w' info:
- height_img=magick file_name - format '%h' info:
- if (( width_img > height_img )); then
- height_img=width_img
- elif (( width_img < height_img )); then
- width_img=height_img
- fi
- titlebar_color This variable serves to set titlebar color, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- convert_titlebar_text This variable serves to convert the titlebar text, change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
- titlebar_text This variable serves to set titlebar text, if you want to use icon
- you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet)
- NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure 'titlebar_text_font' using nerd fonts to!
- titlebar_text_position This variable serves to set text position of titlebar text, the value contain 8 wind direction:
- - NorthWest
- - North
- - West
- - Center
- - East
- - SouthWest
- - South
- - SouthEast
- NOTE: Default value is 'North'
- titlebar_text_size This variable serves to set font size
- titlebar_text_color This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- titlebar_text_background This variable serves to set titlebar text background color (background text), change this value
- to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- titlebar_text_font This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
- available to use for ImageMagick by command:
- magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
- titlebar_text_xy This variable serves to set position of "X" and "Y" titlebar text
- convert_rounded This variable serves to convert rounded corner, change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
- border_radius This variable serves to set how many rounded corners
- convert_first_border This variable serves to convert tiny first border (background image) when editing the image,
- change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
- first_border_color This variable serves to set tiny first border color (background image), change this value
- to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- first_border_size This variable serves to set how many size of the first border
- NOTE: make sure this value is small, otherwise it will look weird
- convert_second_border This variable serves to convert border (background image) when editing the image,
- change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
- second_border_color This variable serves to set border color (background image), change this value
- to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- second_border_size This variable serves to set how many size of the second border
- convert_second_border_gradient This variable severs to convert border with gradient color,
- change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
- interpolate_method This variable serves to convert gradient color method
- More information: https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/misc/
- List available method:
- - saddle
- - mesh
- convert_shadow This variable serves to convert the shadow of image, change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
- shadow_color This variable serves to set shadow color, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- shadow_size This variable serves to set shadow size, this variable has four values:
- shadow_size='75x30+0+30'
- that mean:
- - bottom shadow is x75
- - right shadow is +30
- - top shadow is +0
- - left shadow is +30
- convert_footer This variable serves to convert the footer text, change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
- footer_text This variable serves to set text of footer, if you want to use icon
- you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet)
- NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure 'footer_font' using nerd fonts to!
- footer_position This variable serves to set text position of footer, the value contain 8 wind direction:
- - NorthWest
- - North
- - West
- - Center
- - East
- - SouthWest
- - South
- - SouthEast
- NOTE: Default value is 'South'
- footer_xy This variable serves to set position of 'X' and 'Y'
- footer_font This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
- available to use for ImageMagick by command:
- magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
- footer_font_size This variable serves to set font size
- footer_foreground This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- footer_background This variable serves to set footer background color (background text), change this value
- to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
- change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
- open_image This variable serves to open the result of image (when editing finished), change this value
- to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
- "
-function version() {
- echo -e "awesomeshot v.${version}"
-function checkConfig() {
- if [[ $convert_second_border == "yes" && $convert_second_border_gradient == "yes" ]]; then
- if [ $second_border_color != "none" ]; then
- stat "ERROR" "Danger" "Conflict detected on config '${COLOR_WARNING}convert_second_border${COLOR_DEFAULT}' and '${COLOR_WARNING}convert_second_border_gradient${COLOR_DEFAULT}' enable at the same time"
- echo -e "
- both variable can be enable if '${COLOR_WARNING}second_border_color${COLOR_DEFAULT}' value is none
- "
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-case "${1}" in
- -a|--auto )
- main autoRun
- ;;
- -c|--config )
- generateDefaultConfig
- ;;
- -m|--manual )
- if [ ${2} ]; then
- file_name="${2}"
- main manualRun
- else
- echo ""
- stat "ERROR" "Danger" "This option require filename"
- help
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -h|--help )
- help
- ;;
- -v|--version )
- version
- ;;
- *)
- help
- ;;
diff --git a/awesomeshot.1 b/awesomeshot.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2871f91..0000000
--- a/awesomeshot.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-.TH AWESOMESHOT 1 "27 May 2022" "Awesomeshot 1.1.0" "User Commands"
-.B awesomeshot
-\fI\,[args] [file]\/\fR
-Awesomeshot \- A command-line screenshot tool written in bash 5.1.16+
-Report bugs to
-Upload your custom config or script
-\fB\-h, \-\-help\fR
-Show list of command-line options
-\fB\-v, \-\-version\fR
-Show version of awesomeshot
-\fB\-a, \-\-auto\fR
-Run awesomeshot with automatic while take screenshot
-\fB\-m, \-\-manual\fR
-Run awesomeshot with manual (this option require filename)
-\fB\-c, \-\-config\fR
-Generate default config \fI\,awesomeshot.conf\/\fR
-Make sure when your phone screenshot the result file image\fR
-PATH is same with this variable. Default my phone result file\fR
-image PATH on
-If not same,\fR
-you can edit this variable value\fR
-This variable serves to set the convert image with file type non PNG, change this value\fR
-to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.\fR
-Convert to PNG if file not PNG\fR
-This variable serves to function to backup original photo\fR
-(screenshot result), change this value to blank or whatever for disable\fR
-function and 'yes' for enable function\fR
-This variable serves to set the original photo backup PATH\fR
-Array Hex Color\fR
-This variable serves to convert title bar when editing the image, change this value\fR
-to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function\fR
-This variable serves to set where the title bar place, if 'yes' the title bar add on image,\fR
-if blank or whatever the title bar will be added at out of image\fR
-\fB\/width_img & height_img\fR
-This variable serves to set the width and height size of title bar.\fR
-NOTE (Bug Found):
-- Sometimes the title bar result is too big or too small
-width_img=$(magick file_name - format '%w' info:)
-height_img=$(magick file_name - format '%h' info:)
-if (( ${width_img} > ${height_img} )); then
- height_img=${width_img}
-elif (( ${width_img} < ${height_img} )); then
- width_img=${height_img}
-This variable serves to set titlebar color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.\fR
-This variable serves to convert the titlebar text, change this value
-to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-This variable serves to set titlebar text, if you want to use icon
-you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (\fI\,https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet\fR)
-NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure "titlebar_text_font" using nerd fonts to!
-This variable serves to set text position of footer, the value contain 8 wind direction:
-- NorthWest
-- North
-- West
-- Center
-- East
-- SouthWest
-- South
-- SouthEast
-NOTE: Default value is 'North'
-This variable serves to set font size
-This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to set titlebar text background color (background text), change this value
-to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
-available to use for ImageMagick by command:
-magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
-This variable serves to set position of "X" and "Y" titlebar text
-This variable serves to convert rounded corner, change this value
-to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
-This variable serves to set how many rounded corners
-This variable serves to convert tiny first border (background image) when editing the image,
-change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
-This variable serves to set tiny first border color (background image), change this value
-to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to set how many size of the first border
-NOTE: make sure this value is small, otherwise it will look weird
-This variable serves to convert border (background image) when editing the image,
-change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
-This variable serves to set border color (background image), change this value
-to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to set how many size of the second border
-This variable severs to convert border with gradient color,
-change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and 'yes' for enable function
-This variable serves to convert gradient color method
-More information: (\fI\,https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/misc/\fR)
-List available method:
-- saddle
-- mesh
-This variable serves to convert the shadow of image, change this value
-to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
-This variable serves to set shadow color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to set shadow size, this variable has four values:
-that mean:
-- bottom shadow is x75
-- right shadow is +30
-- top shadow is +0
-- left shadow is +30
-This variable serves to convert the footer text, change this value
-to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
-This variable serves to set text of footer, if you want to use icon
-you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (\fI\,https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet\fR)
-NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure 'footer_font' using nerd fonts to!
-This variable serves to set text position of footer, the value contain 8 wind direction:
-- NorthWest
-- North
-- West
-- Center
-- East
-- SouthWest
-- South
-- SouthEast
-NOTE: Default value is 'South'
-This variable serves to set position of 'X' and 'Y'
-This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
-available to use for ImageMagick by command:
-magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
-This variable serves to set font size
-This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to set footer background color (background text), change this value
-to 'none' for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-This variable serves to open the result of image (when editing finished), change this value
-to blank or whatever for disable function and 'yes' for enable function.
diff --git a/awesomeshot.conf b/awesomeshot.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f341b3c..0000000
--- a/awesomeshot.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Make sure when your phone screenshot the result file image
-# PATH is same with this variable. Default my phone result file
-# image PATH on "/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots". If not same,
-# you can edit this variable value
-# This variable serves to set the convert image with file type non PNG, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# Convert to PNG if file not PNG
-# This variable serves to function to backup original photo
-# (screenshot result), change this value to blank or whatever for disable
-# function and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set the original photo backup PATH
-# Array Hex Color
- "#F8F9FA" # white
- "#000000" # black
- "#282C34" # black-gray
- "#333333" # gray
- "#A8D7FE" # blue sky
- "#6D6B70" # another gray
- "#726A7B" # slate gray
- "#A2AAAD"
-# This variable serves to convert title bar when editing the image, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set where the title bar place, if "yes" the title bar add on image,
-# if blank or whatever the title bar will be added at out of image
-# This variable serves to set the width and height size of title bar.
-# NOTE (Bug Found):
-# - Sometimes the title bar result is too big or too small
-# width_img=$(magick ${file_name} - format "%w" info:)
-# height_img=$(magick ${file_name} - format "%h" info:)
-# if (( ${width_img} > ${height_img} )); then
-# height_img=${width_img}
-# elif (( ${width_img} < ${height_img} )); then
-# width_img=${height_img}
-# fi
-# This variable serves to set titlebar color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to convert the titlebar text, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# This variable serves to set titlebar text, if you want to use icon
-# you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet)
-# NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure "titlebar_text_font" using nerd fonts to!
-# This variable serves to set text position of titlebar text, the value contain 8 wind direction:
-# - NorthWest
-# - North
-# - West
-# - Center
-# - East
-# - SouthWest
-# - South
-# - SouthEast
-# NOTE: Default value is "North"
-# This variable serves to set font size
-# This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set titlebar text background color (background text), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
-# available to use for ImageMagick by command:
-# - magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
-# This variable serves to set position of "X" and "Y" titlebar text
-# This variable serves to convert rounded corner, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set how many rounded corners
-# This variable serves to convert tiny first border (background image) when editing the image,
-# change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set tiny first border color (background image), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set how many size of the first border
-# NOTE: make sure this value is small, otherwise it will look weird
-# This variable serves to convert border (background image) when editing the image,
-# change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to set border color (background image), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# NOTE: if convert_second_border enable and second_border_color value not none
-# will be conflict
-# This variable serves to set how many size of the second border
-# This variable serves to convert border with gradient color,
-# change this value to blank or whatever for disable convert and "yes" for enable function
-# This variable serves to convert gradient color method
-# More information: https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/misc/
-# List available method:
-# - saddle
-# - mesh
- "#C850C0"
- "#FFCC70"
- "#4158D0"
- "#FE7FAA"
-# This variable serves to convert the shadow of image, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# This variable serves to set shadow color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set shadow size, this variable has four values:
-# shadow_size="75x30+0+30"
-# that mean:
-# - bottom shadow is x75
-# - right shadow is +30
-# - top shadow is +0
-# - left shadow is +30
-# This variable serves to convert the footer text, change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.
-# This variable serves to set text of footer, if you want to use icon
-# you can search on Nerd Fonts Website (https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet)
-# NOTE: if you use icon from Nerd Fonts, make sure "footer_font" using nerd fonts to!
-footer_text=" Shot by Awesomeshot"
-# This variable serves to set text position of footer, the value contain 8 wind direction:
-# - NorthWest
-# - North
-# - West
-# - Center
-# - East
-# - SouthWest
-# - South
-# - SouthEast
-# NOTE: Default value is "South"
-# This variable serves to set position of "X" and "Y"
-# This variable serves to set the font used when converting, you can check the list font
-# available to use for ImageMagick by command:
-# - magick convert -list font | grep -iE 'font:.*'
-# This variable serves to set font size
-# This variable serves to set the text color, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to set footer background color (background text), change this value
-# to "none" for transparent background, if you want to custom the color, you can
-# change this value with hex color or use the one in the array list.
-# This variable serves to open the result of image (when editing finished), change this value
-# to blank or whatever for disable function and "yes" for enable function.