social media app, e.g. twitter
- user profile, e.g. -> posts
- friends -
an ecommerce app, e.g. ubereats, airbnb
e.g. skyscanner - list of days - list of flights (1-2-many)
entertainment app, e.g. netflix, audible, imdb, spotify, dribble
e.g. imdb
- list of movies - critics commetns on movies (1-2-many)
productivity app, e.g. trello, basecamp?
dashboard analytics, e.g.
- climb name
- climb difficulty
- style (e.g. onsight, flash, groundup, dogged )
- partners
- date
- crag (e.g. location)
number of routes climbed in time period
hardest route climbed
statistics on type of style
mentorme app
profile with mentees
list of mentors
list of mentees
skills table
stretch goal to match mentors and mentees
music production app
- like a soundcloud
- sharing playlists
- share collections
- star list collections
recipe app
- saerch reciptes
- GET list recipes
- receipt page
- comments
- PUT create recipe
- form page
user creation page
auth / 0auth2
get request list recipes
1-2-many ingredients
recipe, image, instructions, creator, comments +, ratings +
search for recipes
save collection
curate ingredients for shopping list
campsites app, e.g. campermate
Possible names: "The Happy Camper"
Audience: people who camp?
landing page: select location
results page: returns list of campsites
list of campsites
stretch goal location on longitudinal and latitudinal
reponses database relationships
end ppoints (notepad )
-> data returned from those endpoints (json )
-> what dtabase structure (excel)