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How to create bindings
Avalonia Community

Creating bindings for avalonia controls is fairly easy. You just need to know a little bit about the source of the control and its public properties/events.

You can create bindings for any public styled/direct properties for example the IsPressed Property of Button.cs

public static readonly StyledProperty<bool> IsPressedProperty = 
    AvaloniaProperty.Register<Button, bool>(nameof(IsPressed));

In the case of an event, the event should be a RoutedEvent for example the ClickEvent of Button.cs

/// <summary>
/// Defines the <see cref="Click"/> event.
/// </summary>
public static readonly RoutedEvent<RoutedEventArgs> ClickEvent =
    RoutedEvent.Register<Button, RoutedEventArgs>(nameof(Click), RoutingStrategies.Bubble);

That's all we need to know before we start creating a binding. To create bindings like Avalonia.FuncUI ones, we need to define a module with the name of the control and add two things, a create function and augment the existing control with some static methods.

Let's check Button.fs in Avalonia.FuncUI.source code

module Button =
    (* omitting the other existing open statements for clarity *)
    open Avalonia.Controls
    open Avalonia.FuncUI.Builder
    open Avalonia.FuncUI.Types
    (* omitting the other existing open statements for clarity *)

    let create(attrs: IAttr<Button> list): IView<Button> =

    type Button with 
        (* omitting the other existing bindings for clarity *)

        static member isPressed<'t when 't :> Button>(value: bool) : IAttr<'t> =
            AttrBuilder<'t>.CreateProperty<bool>(Button.IsPressedProperty, value, ValueNone)

        static member onClick<'t when 't :> Button>(func: RoutedEventArgs -> unit, ?subPatchOptions) =
            AttrBuilder<'t>.CreateSubscription<RoutedEventArgs>(Button.ClickEvent, func, ?subPatchOptions = subPatchOptions)

        (* omitting the other existing bindings for clarity *)

Please note that in the case of events, there is an optional value subPatchOptions that is provided for performance reasons

type [<Struct>] SubPatchOptions =
    /// Always updates the subscription. This should be used if you can't explicitly express your outer dependencies.
    | Always
    /// Never updates the subscription. This should be used most of the time. Use this if you don't depend on outer dependencies.
    | Never
    /// Update if 't changed. This is useful if you're using some state ('t) and need to update the subscription if that state changed.
    | OnChangeOf of obj

this property will indicate to Avalonia.FuncUI when to update a subscription.

You can also provide overloaded methods to improve the API surface of a control for example in Textblock.fs we provide two background functions, one takes an IBrush and the other one takes a string.

module TextBlock =
    open Avalonia
    open Avalonia.Controls
    open Avalonia.Media
    open Avalonia.Media.Immutable
    open Avalonia.FuncUI.Builder
    open Avalonia.FuncUI.Types

    let create (attrs: IAttr<TextBlock> list): IView<TextBlock> =

    type TextBlock with
        (* omitting other bindings for clarity *)

        static member background<'t when 't :> TextBlock>(value: IBrush) : IAttr<'t> =
            AttrBuilder<'t>.CreateProperty<IBrush>(TextBlock.BackgroundProperty, value, ValueNone)

        static member background<'t when 't :> TextBlock>(color: string) : IAttr<'t> =
            color |> Color.Parse |> ImmutableSolidColorBrush |> TextBlock.background

        (* omitting other bindings for clarity *)

If you wanted you could also add a Color overload to ease developer's time if it were the case

static member background<'t when 't :> TextBlock>(color: Color) : IAttr<'t> =
    color |> ImmutableSolidColorBrush |> TextBlock.background