- Assorted translations (Polish, Hungarian, Ukrainian, German, Russian)
- Added tooltips to buttons (#376)
- Various code cleanup and refactoring (Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs, Sonar)
- Added CREDITS and updated icons
- Added more Unit tests (#393, #394, #396)
- Replaced 'gradle install' with 'gradle installApp'
- 4K background image (#402)
- Switch file handling to Java NIO (#407)
- Removed guava dependency (#411)
- Fixed file and zip handling (#395, #403)
- Fix for Jenkins upgrade causing available game version scanning to fail
- Sorts languages in drop-down menu for launcher settings
- Assorted translations
- Tiny flag icons for everybody woo!
- Better UI alignment
- Various code cleanup and refactoring
- Allow setting the game log level from the launcher
- Fix launcher hanging when the game data directory was edited on the settings page
- More JavaFX improvements. Increases minimum Java 8 version to update 40
- Small freeze fix on some OSes
- More translations
- Fixes Japanese
- Fixes loading bar stalling while processing available game versions
- Reverted to old exe file until JRE bundling is entirely ready
- Marked Java 8 as required now - no more Java 7 (makes sense anyway since Terasology won't run on 7)
- Fixed the JavaFX bug responsible for causing a stall before loading a file chooser dialog
- Launcher should exit more gracefully if the user cancels out of choosing initial directories to use
- First new major release. Not backwards compatible.
- Shiny new look and feel using JavaFX
- Retired old "Legacy" and "Multi" version lines - Legacy still available in Jenkins
- Launcher now retrieves the "Omega" zip which is base Terasology + the modules in the standard lineup
- Structure of Terasology.zip changed, Terasology.jar is now inside the "libs" directory (no user action needed)
- More options for customizing the game launch (command line parameters)
- Changelogs are aggregated for older builds
- Substantial rework of how game and engine jars are detected and used
- Renamed "Nightly" to "Develop" and "Stable" to "Release" in various places
- Lots of translation work including several new languages
- Experimental support for JRE bundling and Java Webstart (more info later)
- Support for using the OS proxy server config
- Using Gradle 2.1 now and Java 8 for compiling (but not required at runtime yet)
- Probably more stuff we forgot about :-)
- Fix for OS X when selecting game and launcher directory at first start
- Small GUI change (removed "Mods" link)
- Rebuild of v1.4.0 with new URLs after server crash
- Translation into Polish
- Fallback for missing language translations
- New setting "Save downloaded files" and new "download" directory
- Update "TerasologyLauncher.exe"
- Better handling for failed or change-less game builds
- Delete old and unused cache files
- Note: Old cached information about game versions are not compatible. These are automatically reloaded.
- Internal changes
- Restructure and refactor code
- Change Checkstyle and FindBugs configurations
- Load and log game engine version
- More and better logging
- Some small bug fixes
- Update compile and runtime dependencies
- Update gradle wrapper (1.10 -> 1.12)
- Update launch4j (3.0.2 -> 3.4)
- Allow all memory (heap size) values (512 MB - 16 GB)
- Optimize zip file download (checks, logging, timeout, file name, ...)
- Delete content of game installation sub directory before downloading and extracting a game version
- Translation into Russian
- Optimize language selection
- Optimize launcher self update
- Note: Old cached information about game versions are not compatible. These are automatically reloaded.
- Internal changes
- Update libraries (logback, slf4j)
- Restructure and refactor code
- Some small bug fixes
- Choose, edit, show and use game data directory
- Translation into Spanish
- Fix for finding game version information
- Show outdated nightly multiplayer job only if it is installed
- Show old nightly versions only if they are installed
- Internal changes
- Gradle update (1.10)
- Java source code check tool 'FindBugs'
- License header supports year 2014
- Fix for a wrong game version info (git branch)
- Fix wrong horizontal scroll bar
- Add progress indicators
- Downloading and updating the launcher
- Loading game versions (with change log)
- Change min java version for 'TerasologyLauncher.exe' (1.7.0)
- Avoid unnecessary downloading game version info
- Some minor internal code improvements (checkstyle, warnings, logging)
- Show launcher change log
- Cancel game download
- Add new game type "legacy"
- STABLE : TerasologyLegacy (legacy, pre-multiplayer)
- Supports new structure ('The Great Convergence')
- Internal changes
- Gradle update (1.8)
- Java source code check tool 'PMD'
- Better support for 'IntelliJ-IDEA'
- Download, install and start the game Terasology
- Supports setting a custom game installation directory and managing multiple installations / versions
- Supports three game types
- STABLE : TerasologyStable (master)
- NIGHTLY : Terasology (develop)
- NIGHTLY : TerasologyMulti (multiplayer)
- Supports memory settings (Java heap size)
- Displays comments for each version (git comment)
- Download, install and start the launcher (self updatable)
- Supports multiple languages (english, german)
- Displays many "Terasology"-related links