Releases: Automattic/newspack-theme
Releases · Automattic/newspack-theme
Updates in this version include: * Fix issue in editor preview with styles 4 and 5. * Correct bugs with group and columns blocks. * CSS optimization.
- Simplify nav css selectors to reduce CSS size.
- Add support for Co-Authors plus.
- A new Small featured image style option.
- Support for Co-Authors Plus.
Updates in this release include: * Reworking Style Pack 2 to make the width more consistent. * Fixes issue with a background colour being incorrectly applied to categories in the article block in the editor. * Fixes issue with wide and full blocks not working on pages with the One Column template. * Fixes issue with page titles sitting too close to featured images.
Updates in this release include: * Better display behaviour for missing images in the archives. * When set, limits categories set on single posts to their 'primary' one. * Removes ads, menu toggle on PWA offline template. * Removes text decoration from linked headers. * Removes 'clear: both' on headers. * Improves author alignment on archive pages. * Updates the style 2 drop cap. * Removes extra space at the start of the menus. * Fixes custom colour issue with the style 3 category links.
Updates in this release include: * Adds offline template for PWA. * Improves loading speed for the Google fonts that were missing it.
1.0.0-alpha.15: This release includes:
* Style 3: Simplification of article block 'overlap' styles, and visual improvements when paired with the block's 'image behind' styles.
1.0.0-alpha.14: Updates in this release include:
* Updating category styles when displayed in the article block, to better work with their new, not-overlapping style. * Corrects issue with author email toggle displaying. * Style 3: Updates border styles for the columns block. * Style 3: Updates border styles for the article block. * Style 3: Fix missing article block image overlap. * Fixes issue with custom colour displaying correctly in the editor. * Fixes issue with the 'Above Copyright' footer spacing. * Make sure too-small featured image styles are applied correctly.
Updates in this release include: * Spacing fixes for the new Above Copyright widget area.
Updates in this release include: * Adding a widget area above the copyright, for menus, disclaimers, or sponsor links. * Adding an avatar to the author archive page. * Fixing an issue with the avatars being duplicated elsewhere when Jetpack lazy-loading was enabled. * Making sure the widgets appear on the WooCommerce checkout page.