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File metadata and controls

150 lines (111 loc) · 8.03 KB


Newvie is a bot to help you and your friends on Discord create a movie club. Newvie creates a list of 10 movies, creates a poll that users can react to, and once the poll closes, creates a discussion thread for the winning movie.

  1. Newvie will create a list of movies and post a poll to the movie voting channel. This poll will have a thread created on it with embeds for each movie.

  2. Newvie will close the poll, total the reactions and create a discssion thread in the designated discussion channel.

  3. After a week of inactivity, the thread will close and the process begins again.


  • Newvie retrieves a user specificed Number_of_Movies in config.ini from TMDB with the following criteria:
    • Movie has over a 7.0 average rating.

    • Movie has over 100 votes casted.

    • The movie is not an adult movie.

    • Movie is not a part of the following genres:

      • Comedy
      • Documentary
      • Family
      • Music
      • Romance
      • TV Movie
    • Newvie creates a poll in the designated voting channel.This poll has reactions for each movie added. image

    • After this poll post is created, the poll will be open for the user specificed Vote_Time in config.ini (This time is in hours).

    • Users react to which movie they would like to watch. Users are limited to 1 vote per poll, the bot removes all but their latest reaction.

  • Newvie posts winning movie's embed message to the discussion channel, and creates a thread on that message.


  • If there is a tie, Newvie will pick a random winner of movies with the most votes.
  • Users can type and discuss the movie in the thread.
  • List of all movie candidates and their votes are saved to mc.txt.
  • List of the time and winning movie is saved to motw.txt.

Enviornment Setup

To use the bot, you will need to configure a few variables in .env and config.ini. All Discord related IDs can be retrieved by right clicking the object after enabling Developer Mode in Settings > Advanced.


  • DISCORD_TOKEN = <Your Bot's Discord Token>
  • TMDB_API = <Your TMDB API Token>



  • Guild_ID = <id of server the bot will post in>
  • Vote_Channel_ID = <id of channel vote threads will be posted in>
  • Discussion_Channel_ID = <id of channel discussion threads will be posted in>
  • Role_ID = <id of role to be pinged on vote and discussion posts>
  • Admin_IDs = <list of ids of admins capable of using commands, comma separated, example: 118503143762128371,118503143762618331,11850314376261873>
  • Banned_Voters = <list of ids of users whose votes you want removed from the poll, comma separated, example: 118503143762128371,118503143762618331,118503143762618736>


  • Number_of_Movies = <Number of movies you want in each poll, max 10>
  • Poll_Day = <Day of the week for the poll posted, 0-6, 0 = Monday, 6 = Sunday, in systems time zone.>
  • Poll_Hour = <Hour that you want the poll posted, 24h format, in systems time zone.>
  • Vote_Time = <# of hours you want the poll open for before the discussion post is made.>
    • Keep in mind, movie candidates are not saved through reboots, so the movie list would need to be created and posted before the device reboots.

sample.env and sample-config.ini are provided in this repository. Take those two files and add your specific information to make the bot work properly. Rename them to .env and config.ini respectively. Values in either file do not need to be surrounded by quotes.


All commands are part of the /newvie command group.

All Users

  • /newvie recommend [number]: Send a list movies to the user's DMs. Currently uses the criteria that the main recommendation list is using.
    • number: Number of movies to recommend. Must be between 1-10.

Admin only

  • /newvie ping: Bot replies with version number, changes and environment set-up. Used as a health check to see if the bot is online and responding to commands.

  • /newvie create: Creates the server wide movie list, creates the poll, and starts the timer for the discussion post. Used as a backup if scheduling fails.

  • /newvie discuss: Closes the poll and creates the discussion thread. Used as a backup if scheduling fails.

  • /newvie set_vote_channel [channel]: Sets the voting channel to the user specified text channel.

  • /newvie set_discussion_channel [channel]: Sets the discussion channel to the user specified text channel.

  • /newvie set_newvie_role [role]: Sets the role to be pinged on Newvie posts.

  • /newvie add_admin [member]: Sets the member as a Newvie admin.

  • /newvie remove_admin [member]: Removes the member as a Newvie admin. You cannot remove yourself via this command.

  • /newvie ban_voter [member]: Bans the member from reacting to movie polls.

  • /newvie unban_voter [member]: Unbans the member form reacting to movie polls.

  • /newvie set_number_of_movies [number]: Changes the number of movies to added to the weekly poll.

    • number: Number of movies to recommend. Must be between 1-10.
  • /newvie set_poll_post_time [day] [hour]: Sets the day and time of the weekly poll.

    • day: Day for movie to be posted. Must be 0-6 (0 = Monday, 6 = Sunday)/
    • hour: Hour for the movie to be posted. Must be 0-24.
  • /newvie set_vote_timer [hours]: Sets the number of hours the poll will be open for.

    • hours: A float. Will be converted to seconds for asyncio.sleep.
    • Keep in mind, movie candidates are not saved through reboots, so the movie list would need to be created and posted before the device reboots.

Discord Setup

While it is certainly not necessary, I recommend to have 4 text channels and one role for this to work and look nice:


  • Movie Role
    • Role for members of your Discord that want to be a part of Movie Club.

Text Channels

  • movie-club-command-spam
    • Channel for users to post commands.
  • movie-club-info
    • Channel to give a summary to users of your specfic setup and timing.
  • movie-voting
    • Channel for bot to post movie discussion polls and threads.
  • movie-discussion
    • Channel for discussion threads to be posted.

I recommend making these text channels private to those that have the role, so that they don't get spammed.

Known Issues

  • If a user reacts fast to a poll, it can remove all their reactions on the poll. User must wait for the bot to check for all their reactions to be checked/removed before adding an extra reacton. To be safe, users should not vote more than once a minute.
  • Event scheduling is not accurate. Due to issues I had with scheduler, I did a workaround where the tasks module is running a command every hour, that command checks if the day and hour at that time is equal to when the user sets, and will run the process.
    • This creates a scenario where if the system starts/script is ran at 9:43am, tasks will check every hour (10:43am, 11:43am... etc). So if the creation of the poll is set to 10:00am on Sunday, it will not be created until 10:43am.
  • config.ini has two blank lines added to it when being opened by configparser.

To Do

Future changes I want to add, in no particular order.

  • Allow movie candidates to be saved between reboots.
  • Add configurability to the TMDB search parameters.
    • Genres to include.
    • Genres to exclude.
    • Average Score.
    • Number of Votes.
  • Add flexibility on the number of movies. Currently hardcoded to be 10.
  • Add a list of services that the movie is available on streaming/rent.
  • Create new poll and discussion once certain number of users react that they have seen the movie.
  • Add parameters to /recommend to help change what movie results are returned.
    • Number of movies
    • Genres
    • Average rating
  • Add configuration to the scheduled time.
  • Add support to use the users timezone.
  • Clean up errors and log more.
  • Clean up "Bot did not respond error" that appears in the Discord.
  • Add pictures of real bot in Readme.