- Author: Audris Arzovs;
- Game has the same launch formats;
- The game can be called as a game now, meaning,
- clients can join the lobby (as it was before);
- start playing the game by moving around using W, A, S, D keys;
- eat stuff in the maze;
- eat other players;
- get eaten by other players;
- see scoreboard which holds all player scores in descending order;
- any player can leave the game at any time with no consequences other than forfeiting the game;
- to leave a game press L key.
- any player that was eaten can still watch the game until it ends;
- after a winner has been found:
- by eating all the players or;
- by being the last one in the game;
- a message shows that the player is the winner and the game ends.
- Initial authors: Audris Arzovs (server) un Viktors Vradijs (client) (from third course in bachelor studies):
- Game had lobby and the start of the map sending to clients, that didn't work correctly;
- Viktors wrote quite a lot client side pseudo-code/code for next tasks that was really helpful for the reborn version;
- see master branch.
- Server launch format: {server} {port path to map} (./server 4098 map.txt);
- Client launch format: {client} {server_ip} {port} (./client 4098).
Tested with 64-bit and 32-bit systems. For 32-bit system the program should be recompiled because it is compiled on 64-bit system by default.