Home of 'auscopecat', a Python package that aims to allow access to AuScope's catalogue of geoscience datasets from sources all over Australia
- Install Python v3.10 or higher (https://www.python.org/)
- Install PDM (https://pdm.fming.dev/latest/)
- 'pdm install' will install the python library dependencies
eval $(pdm venv activate)
will start a Python env, 'deactivate' to exit
pdm run $SHELL
will run an environment in a new shell
$ pdm run $SHELL
$ python3
>>> from auscopecat.api import search, download
>>> from auscopecat.auscopecat_types import ServiceType, DownloadType
>>> first_wfs = search('borehole', ServiceType.WFS)[0]
>>> BBOX = {
... "north": -24.7257367141281, "east": 131.38891993801204,
... "south": -25.793715746583374, "west": 129.77844446004175
... }
>>> download(first_wfs, DownloadType.CSV, bbox=BBOX)