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File metadata and controls

358 lines (273 loc) · 13.1 KB


Manage multiple package.json files, such as in Lerna Monorepos and Yarn/Pnpm Workspaces

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Table of Contents

🌩 Installation

npm install --global syncpack

📝 Commands


Ensure that multiple packages requiring the same dependency define the same version, so that every package requires eg. [email protected], instead of a combination of [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected].

See versionGroups if you have advanced requirements.

-s, --source [pattern]  glob pattern for package.json files to read from
-p, --prod              include dependencies
-d, --dev               include devDependencies
-P, --peer              include peerDependencies
-f, --filter [pattern]  regex for dependency filter
-i, --indent [value]    override indentation. defaults to "  "
-h, --help              output usage information
# uses defaults for resolving packages
syncpack fix-mismatches
# uses packages defined by --source when provided
syncpack fix-mismatches --source "apps/*/package.json"
# multiple globs can be provided like this
syncpack fix-mismatches --source "apps/*/package.json" --source "core/*/package.json"
# uses dependencies regular expression defined by --filter when provided
syncpack fix-mismatches --filter "typescript|tslint"
# only inspect "devDependencies"
syncpack fix-mismatches --dev
# only inspect "devDependencies" and "peerDependencies"
syncpack fix-mismatches --dev --peer
# indent package.json with 4 spaces instead of 2
syncpack fix-mismatches --indent "    "


Organise package.json files according to a conventional format, where fields appear in a predictable order and nested fields are ordered alphabetically. Shorthand properties are used where available, such as the "repository" and "bugs" fields.

-s, --source [pattern]  glob pattern for package.json files to read from
-i, --indent [value]    override indentation. defaults to "  "
-h, --help              output usage information
# uses defaults for resolving packages
syncpack format
# uses packages defined by --source when provided
syncpack format --source "apps/*/package.json"
# multiple globs can be provided like this
syncpack format --source "apps/*/package.json" --source "core/*/package.json"
# indent package.json with 4 spaces instead of 2
syncpack format --indent "    "


List all dependencies required by your packages.

-s, --source [pattern]  glob pattern for package.json files to read from
-p, --prod              include dependencies
-d, --dev               include devDependencies
-P, --peer              include peerDependencies
-f, --filter [pattern]  regex for dependency filter
-h, --help              output usage information
# uses defaults for resolving packages
syncpack list
# uses packages defined by --source when provided
syncpack list --source "apps/*/package.json"
# multiple globs can be provided like this
syncpack list --source "apps/*/package.json" --source "core/*/package.json"
# uses dependencies regular expression defined by --filter when provided
syncpack list --filter "typescript|tslint"
# only inspect "devDependencies"
syncpack list --dev
# only inspect "devDependencies" and "peerDependencies"
syncpack list --dev --peer


List dependencies which are required by multiple packages, where the version is not the same across every package.

See versionGroups if you have advanced requirements.

-s, --source [pattern]  glob pattern for package.json files to read from
-p, --prod              include dependencies
-d, --dev               include devDependencies
-P, --peer              include peerDependencies
-f, --filter [pattern]  regex for dependency filter
-h, --help              output usage information
# uses defaults for resolving packages
syncpack list-mismatches
# uses packages defined by --source when provided
syncpack list-mismatches --source "apps/*/package.json"
# multiple globs can be provided like this
syncpack list-mismatches --source "apps/*/package.json" --source "core/*/package.json"
# uses dependencies regular expression defined by --filter when provided
syncpack list-mismatches --filter "typescript|tslint"
# only inspect "devDependencies"
syncpack list-mismatches --dev
# only inspect "devDependencies" and "peerDependencies"
syncpack list-mismatches --dev --peer


Ensure dependency versions used within "dependencies", "devDependencies", and "peerDependencies" follow a consistent format.

-s, --source [pattern]      glob pattern for package.json files to read from
-p, --prod                  include dependencies
-d, --dev                   include devDependencies
-P, --peer                  include peerDependencies
-f, --filter [pattern]      regex for dependency filter
-i, --indent [value]        override indentation. defaults to "  "
-r, --semver-range <range>  see supported ranges below. defaults to ""
-h, --help                  output usage information
# uses defaults for resolving packages
syncpack set-semver-ranges
# uses packages defined by --source when provided
syncpack set-semver-ranges --source "apps/*/package.json"
# multiple globs can be provided like this
syncpack set-semver-ranges --source "apps/*/package.json" --source "core/*/package.json"
# uses dependencies regular expression defined by --filter when provided
syncpack set-semver-ranges --filter "typescript|tslint"
# use ~ range instead of default ""
syncpack set-semver-ranges --semver-range ~
# set ~ range in "devDependencies"
syncpack set-semver-ranges --dev --semver-range ~
# set ~ range in "devDependencies" and "peerDependencies"
syncpack set-semver-ranges --dev --peer --semver-range ~
# indent package.json with 4 spaces instead of 2
syncpack set-semver-ranges --indent "    "

🛠 Configuration File

Creating a configuration file is optional, syncpack will search up the directory tree in the following places:

  • a syncpack property in package.json
  • a .syncpackrc file in JSON or YAML format
  • a .syncpackrc.json, .syncpackrc.yaml, .syncpackrc.yml, .syncpackrc.js, or .syncpackrc.cjs file
  • a syncpack.config.js or syncpack.config.cjs CommonJS module exporting an object

Default Configuration

  "dev": true,
  "filter": ".",
  "indent": "  ",
  "peer": true,
  "prod": true,
  "semverRange": "",
  "sortAz": ["contributors", "dependencies", "devDependencies", "keywords", "peerDependencies", "scripts"],
  "sortFirst": ["name", "description", "version", "author"],
  "source": ["package.json", "packages/*/package.json"],
  "versionGroups": []

dev, peer, and prod

Whether to search within devDependencies, peerDependencies, and dependencies respectively. All of these locations are searched by default but they can be disabled individually in your config file. If any are set via the command line options --dev, --peer, or --prod then only the options you provide will be searched.


A string which will be passed to new RegExp() to match against package names that should be included.


The character(s) to be used to indent your package.json files when writing to disk.


Defaulted to "" to ensure that exact dependency versions are used instead of loose ranges, but this can be overridden in your config file or via the --semver-range command line option.

Supported Ranges

<  <1.4.2
<= <=1.4.2
"" 1.4.2
~  ~1.4.2
^  ^1.4.2
>= >=1.4.2
>  >1.4.2
*  *


When using the format command, determines which fields within package.json files should be sorted alphabetically. When the value is an Object, its keys are sorted alphabetically. When the value is an Array, its values are sorted alphabetically. There is no equivalent CLI Option for this configuration.


When using the format command, determines which fields within package.json files should appear at the top, and in what order. There is no equivalent CLI Option for this configuration.


Defaults to ["package.json", "packages/*/package.json"] to match most Projects using Lerna or Yarn Workspaces, but this can be overridden in your config file or via multiple --source command line options. Supports any patterns supported by glob.


If some packages in your Monorepo relate to "alpha" (or legacy) versions of your software, you will need to manage dependencies differently within those packages. Your alpha packages might use latest or unstable versions of some 3rd party dependencies, while the rest of the repo might need to remain on older versions. You don't want mismatches within your alpha packages, or within the other packages in your monorepo – but you do want those groups to use different versions to each other and not have syncpack fix-mismatches make them all the same.

In the following example, 2 packages in our monorepo are using different versions of react and react-dom to the rest of the project.

  "versionGroups": [
      "dependencies": ["react", "react-dom"],
      "packages": ["@alpha/server", "@alpha/ui"]

syncpack will make ensure that:

  • The versions of react and react-dom are the same within @alpha/server and @alpha/ui.
  • The versions of react and react-dom are the same across every package except @alpha/server and @alpha/ui.
  • The versions of react and react-dom within @alpha/server and @alpha/ui can be different to the other packages in the monorepo.
  • The versions of every other dependency in the monorepo (eg lodash) are the same across every package including @alpha/server and @alpha/ui.

🕵🏾‍♀️ Resolving Packages

package.json files are resolved in this order of precendence:

  1. If --source glob patterns are provided, use those.
  2. If using Yarn Workspaces, read workspaces from ./package.json.
  3. If using Lerna, read packages from ./lerna.json.
  4. If using Pnpm, read packages from ./pnpm-workspace.yaml.
  5. Default to 'package.json' and 'packages/*/package.json'.

🙋🏿‍♀️ Getting Help

Get help with issues by creating a Bug Report or discuss ideas by opening a Feature Request.

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