You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 12
The -QueryParameters
Parameter is used when appending filters,sorting,paging limits and more to a GET method API call. When used effectively, these can be a powerful way to return only the data you want.
As a best practice, consider the type of information you want to receive and include it as a shaping parameter. If all you need is a computer name and/or ID, include the query parameter ?shaping=machine limited
. You can still filter on additional criteria, but performance is improved by not retrieving useless fields.
Get-SmaMachineInventory -Server https://kace.example.com -Org Default -Credential (Get-Credential) -QueryParameters "?shaping=machine limited&filtering=machine_bitlocker_volume.conversion_status eq fully encrypted"
TIP: You can display a nice table of the resulting computers/status by saving the query above to a variable*
, then:
$encrypted.Machines | %{[pscustomobject]@{'Computer'=($_.Name);'Conversion Status'='Fully Encrypted'}}
Get-SmaMachineInventory -Server https://kace.example.com -Org Default -QueryParameters "?filtering=software.name eq arduino" -Credential (Get-Credential)
Get-SmaMachineInventory -Server https://kace.example.com -Org Default -Credential (Get-Credential) -QueryParameters "?shaping=machine all&paging=limit ALL&filtering=label.name eq D - SmartLabel - Test"
$result = Get-SmaSoftwareInventory -Server https://kace.example.com -Org Default -Credential (Get-Credential) -QueryParameters "?paging=limit ALL&shaping=software ALL&filtering=software.name co vmware"
$result.Software | Select Name,Display_Version,Uninstall_String
Create a new Service Desk ticket with New-SmaServiceDeskTicket
. This will submit a new ticket for an SMA user with an ID of 1 into a Service Desk queue with an ID of 1 and a category with an ID of 1234.
NOTE: IDs can often be found when hovering over a url. For example, hovering over a queue shows
, revealing it's queue ID is 1.
$NewTicket = @{
'Tickets' = @(
'title' = "My Title"
'hd_queue_id' = 1 # ID of desired queue
'submitter' = 1 # ID of submitter
"custom_1" = 'value to populate custom field 1 with'
"custom_4" = 'value to populate custom field 4 with'
"category" = 1234 # ID of category to set
New-SmaServiceDeskTicket -Server 'https://kace.example.com' -Credential (Get-Credential) -Body $NewTicket
Get information about a service desk ticket, with parameter shaping:
PS $queryparameters = "?shaping= hd_ticket all,status limited,owner limited,submitter limited,category limited"
PS $t = Get-SmaServiceDeskTicket -Server $testserver -Credential $cred -TicketID 1234 -QueryParameters $queryparameters
PS $t.Tickets
title : This is my awesome ticket
custom_1 : value of field custom_1
custom_2 :
custom_4 :
custom_3 :
is_manual_due_date : 0
cc_list :
resolution : i rock.
created : 2018-10-01 11:54:36
modified : 2018-10-01 14:46:41
id : 1234
hd_queue_id : 1
status : @{id=123; name=Closed; ordinal=7; state=closed}
owner : @{id=2; user_name=artisanbytecrafter; email=email@example.com; full_name=abc}
submitter : @{id=1; user_name=submittername; email=submitter@example.com; full_name=submitter}
category : @{id=1; name=Queue Name::Category Name}
sla_dates : {}
Add a new task to an existing script
This is a table of Task IDs
Task Name | Task ID | Parameters |
Verify a path exists | 6 | path |
Log a message | 27 | type,message |
$taskparams = @{
'attempts' = 2
'onFailure' = 'break'
'onRemediationFailure' = @(
'id'= 27
'params'= [ordered]@{
'message'='test remediation message2'
New-SmaScriptTask -Server https://kace.example.com -Org Default -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptID 1234 -Body $taskparams
Run a script against an array of machines
Invoke-SmaScript -Server 'https://kace.example.com' -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptID 1234 -TargetMachineIDs 5678,2345,4567
Duplicate a Script
This example uses Get-SmaScript
to retrieve the attributes of an existing script, removes the ID and name fields, then creates a new script with a new name that is a copy of the source script.
$OldScript = <ID_of_script_to_duplicate_here>
$NewScriptName = "Copy-MyNewScriptName"
$ToDuplicate = Get-SmaScript -Server https://kace.example.com -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptID $OldScript
$ToDuplicate | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'name' -NotePropertyValue $NewScriptName
$hashtable = @{}
foreach( $property in $ToDuplicate.psobject.properties.name )
$hashtable[$property] = $ToDuplicate.$property
$NewScript = @{
'Scripts' =@(
New-SmaScript -Server $server -Credential $credentials -Body $NewScript