- Introduction - syntax, statement, variable, operators, arithmetic, assignments, loops and conditions.
- Variable Hoisting
- Undefined and undeclared variable
- using
"use strict"
- data types and dynamic typing in javascript
- common data structures: Array, Object, Array-like objects, JSON.
- string, string methods, number, number methods.
- math, JS date, JS Date methods.
- boolean, comparison, condition.
- Regular Expression.
- Why are functions first-class citizens
- Passing functions as arguments
- Addition, substraction, comparisons
- the this keyword
- closure
- classical inheritance
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
- http://www.tutorialspoint.com/javascript/
- http://javascriptissexy.com/understand-javascripts-this-with-clarity-and-master-it/
- http://blog.jhades.org/really-understanding-javascript-closures/
- http://www.crockford.com/javascript/inheritance.html