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Frequently Asked Questions

Penal Buffalo edited this page Jun 20, 2022 · 60 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.6.2 b650

Here are some questions which we are frequently asked - and of course, the answers!

Why are LM's custom mob labels/nametags not being displayed?

See answer

Note: This information does not pertain to LevelledMobs v3.5 or older, which requires ProtocolLib for 1.16-1.18 (and does not run on 1.19+). Keep your plugins and server software up-to-date!

  • MC 1.16 and 1.17 servers need ProtocolLib installed.
  • MC 1.18+ servers should display the labels natively - if this is not the case, contact support.
  • If you are using a brand new Minecraft version and we haven't stated that LM is compatible with it, then it is highly likely that we are yet to add the custom label feature for that version.

What levelling systems are available?

See answer
  • Weighted Random Levelling (default)
    • Levels are a random number, but you can make certain level ranges more common than others.
    • By default, lower levels are more common than higher levels.
    • Comes with easy, normal, and hard mode presets.
  • Random Levelling
    • Levels are a random number, each level has an equal chance of occurring.
  • Spawn-Distance Levelling
    • Levels are based upon mobs' distance from their world's spawnpoint.
  • Y-Coord Levelling
    • When mobs spawn, their level is based upon their current Y coordinate.
  • Blended Levelling
    • Combines Spawn-Distance Levelling and Y-Coord Levelling together.
  • Player Levelling
    • A special levelling system which allows you to use any player statistic from thousands of plugins (any PlaceholderAPI placeholder!) and make mobs levelled based upon that.
    • For example, you can make mobs have higher levels for players that have more EXP or money. All up to you!
    • We have an answer a few questions below this one where we explain in detail how you can use Player Levelling on your server.
  • .. and more to come!

How do I switch to another levelling system?

See answer

Note: We have documented enabling the Player Levelling system for a separate question below, in case you were looking to enable that instead.

Find this area at the start of the default-rules section (your file may look slightly different):

    - allowed_worlds
    - nametag_using_numbers
    #- nametag_using_indicator
    #- basic_challenge
    - average_challenge
    #- advanced_challenge
    #- extreme_challenge
    #- apply_LevellingVariance
    #- weighted_random_basic
    - weighted_random_average
    #- weighted_random_advanced
    #- weighted_random_extreme
    #- spawn_Levelling
    #- blended_Levelling
    #- ycoord_Levelling
    #- random_Levelling
    #- player_Levelling

Comment out the levelling system you don't want to use, and uncomment the one you want to use.

Afterwards, run /lm reload or restart your server, so that your changes apply.

Note that existing mobs will not have their levels changed. You can run /lm rules force_all to force a rules evaluation for all entities in all worlds, taking any changes that have been made into account. You may alternatively choose to run /lm kill all * /nodrops in order to kill all levelled entities in all worlds without causing them to make any drops as well, allowing new ones to spawn into the world naturally.

Does LM change how many mobs spawn on my server?

See answer

No, LevelledMobs does not change the spawn rate. LevelledMobs only 'levels up' mobs that spawn. It doesn't spawn more mobs in, and it doesn't stop mobs from spawning. Zero spawning mechanics are altered. We are highly reluctant to change this behavior with LevelledMobs, as we don't like to introduce any obscure behaviours. :)

If you are having issues regarding mob spawning, configure your server software and/or anti-lag plugin.

What server software is supported?

See answer

See the Compatibilities Wiki page.

What plugins is LM compatible/incompatible with?

See answer

See the Compatibilities Wiki page.

How are attribute values calculated?

See answer

The formula for each attribute value is:

newValue = defaultValue + ((defaultValue x configValue) x ((entityLevel - 1) / (maxLevel - 1)))

This formula will be simplified in the upcoming LevelledMobs 4.

Will LM make my server lag?

See answer

Nope! We take performance seriously – for the few performance issues that have ever been reported and validated, all were promptly solved.

How do I use Player Levelling?

See answer

Player Levelling is an add-on system, which modifies the level of an entity based on a variable provided by the nearest player. It requires an actual levelling strategy to be enabled alongside this to function properly (for example, Weighted Random or Spawn-Distance Levelling plus Player Levelling). The default variable: used for Player Levelling is the Minecraft level of the player, though any placeholder through PlaceholderAPI (PAPI) can be used (for example, AureliumSkills, MCMMO, etc.).

Below is the default preset used for Player Levelling, located in rules.yml.

    name: 'LVLling Strategy - Player Based NORMAL DIFFIULTY'
        match-level: true
        use-player-max-level: false
        decrease-level: true
        player-level-scale: 1.0
        level-cap: 30
          1-15: 1-10
          16-30: 11-20
          31-45: 21-25
        variable: '%level%'

If you are going to use any other variable:, you will want to set match-level: and use-player-max-level: to false, as they will override the variable: settings. Refer to the wiki for Player Levelling regarding the various settings and their descriptions.

When you change the variable, you will need to understand what range of possible values that variable can produce. Your variable might only provide numbers as high as 50-100, or as high as 100,000 or more. If you're unsure of the value, you can use /papi parse me <placeholder>, replacing <placeholder> with the variable of your choosing. Once you understand the range of your variable:, then you can adjust the possible tiers:, which determine the potential levels that an entity will be adjusted to when near a player, based on the possible values of the variable:. The values on the left side of tiers: represent the potential values of the variable:, while the values on the right side of tiers: represent the potential level that LevelledMobs will adjust the entity to.

By default, LevelledMobs includes this preset within your rules.yml file in a disabled state. To enable this feature, you can locate the below section and enable the - player_Levelling preset by removing the # before the line (uncommenting it).

    - allowed_worlds
    - nametag_using_numbers
#    - nametag_using_indicator
#    - hard_difficulty
    - normal_difficulty
#    - easy_difficulty
#    - apply_LevellingVariance
#    - weighted_random_hard
    - weighted_random_normal
#    - weighted_random_easy
#    - spawn_Levelling
#    - blended_Levelling
#    - ycoord_Levelling
#    - random_Levelling
    - player_Levelling

How do I translate the names of entities/mobs?

See answer

Note: There are several pre-made translations available in the Official Translations and Unofficial Translations Wiki pages, which are ready to go! There might be a translation for the language you want to translate the mob names to, and the translations for your language might have entity names bundled too which you can simply copy and paste into the entity-name-override section (see below for info on that).

See the entity-name-override section in rules.yml. This is at line 396 of the default rules.yml file, as of writing this answer.

Note: The translation process has been significantly simplified in the upcoming LevelledMobs 4. :)

Does LevelledMobs make higher level mobs drop more/better items/XP?

See answer

By default, LevelledMobs will multiply the item and experience orb drops on levelled mobs, where higher level mobs will drop more of them. You can customise the drops using our Custom Drops system.

How does LevelledMobs work?

See answer

Here is a short explanation for laymen:

When mobs spawn on your server, LevelledMobs checks if they should be levelled. If they pass this inspection, then LevelledMobs will generate and assign a number to the mob (their 'level'). This level determines various qualities about the mob, such as the increase in strength and speed for higher level mobs. You can customise LevelledMobs to great extents, such as by adding your own custom drops for levelled mobs, and so much more!

How do I change the label/nametag format?

See answer

Firstly, let's check which nametag type preset you are using.

Open up rules.yml and scroll down to the use-presets section for your default-rule. As of writing, this is approximately line 348.

You should see a section that looks similar to this:

    - allowed_worlds
    - nametag_using_numbers
    #- nametag_using_indicator

Now, the nametag preset you are using is either nametag_using_numbers or nametag_using_indicator, whichever one is not commented out. By default, this is nametag_using_numbers.

Now that you know which nametag preset you're using, scroll up to the area where such preset is configured. As of writing, this is either line 310 (for nametag_using_indicator), or line 328 (for nametag_using_numbers).

You should see a section that looks similar to this:

    name: 'Nametag - Health Indicator'
        nametag: '&8&l༺ %tiered%Lvl %mob-lvl%&8 | &f%displayname%&8 | &f%entity-health-rounded% %tiered%%heart_symbol% &r%health-indicator% &8&l༻'
            merge: true

    name: 'Nametag - Health Numerical'
        nametag: '&8&l༺ %tiered%Lvl %mob-lvl%&8 | &f%displayname%&8 | &f%entity-health-rounded%&8/&f%entity-max-health-rounded% %tiered%%heart_symbol% &8&l༻'

Simply edit the value of the relevant nametag option to customise the format. Then, run /lm reload (or restart your server) to apply the changes.

Answers we would like to add here in the future:

  • "How can I make levelled mobs easier/harder?"
  • "How do I make certain worlds have levelled or non-levelled mobs?"
  • "How do I make certain entities levelled or not levelled?"
  • "How can I change the max level?"
  • "How do I allow mobs to drop items from other plugins such as ExecutableItems and EcoItems?"
  • "What formula is used to determine mob attributes and drop amounts?"

Your question not listed?

Please ask our staff on the ArcanePlugins Discord Server.

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