All our documentation is written using markdown slightly customized. You can find all details on the repository sort here and info on our customized markdown here.
All docs appear on
The contributions should be done using GitHub Pull Requests on develop branch only. We use a standard form for all commits : <Language - Type of change (Add / Update) - Directory name>. For example : FR Update Change email password. Product shortcut can be added if relevant.
All pull requests are reviewed by our Technical Copywriter team to ensure that our guide style is respected and that all technical information are correct. Your pull request won't be merged immediately, each request will be reviewed. So changes may apply when merged is done.
Once validated by our reviewers, the request will be merged and the updated doc will be online. If online version doesn't suit to what you wanted when you applied, feel free to tell us.
Our team will do his best to answer and deal with your request as fast as possible but don't forget that all requests are reviewed and it takes time.
When you ask for a change on OVH docs platform, you accept the LICENCE requirement.