Chinese Menu checks for button inputs and sets 0|1 flag in $108104 to $108107 (RAM). Game-launch is then starting from $FF000 (ROM)
0E036C: jmp $ff000.l
0FF000: move #$2700, SR ; disable Interrupts
Complete instructions for game launch on chinese menu:
0E0372: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; restore registers
0E0376: rte ; return from exception
; -------------------------------------------
0FF000: move #$2700, SR ; disable Interrupts
0FF004: nop ; x20 <----------- ; 20 nops
0FF02C: jsr $ff246.l
0FF246: movem.l D0-D7/A0-A6, -(A7) ; save registers
0FF24A: move.b D0, $3a001d.l ; REG_SRAMUNLOCK: Unprotects backup RAM (MVS)
0FF250: lea $d08000.l, A4 ; EXT_00AD
0FF256: lea (-$7edc,A4), A3 ; load address $d08000-$7edc=$D00124 in a3
0FF25A: move.b #$7, D1 ; set counter 8-1 in d1
0FF25E: move.b D0, $300001.l ; kick Watchdog
0FF264: move.l #$ffff, (A3)+ ; move 0x0000ffff in ($D00124)+
0FF26A: dbra D1, $ff25e ; repeat 8 times
0FF26E: nop ; x75 <----------- ; 75 nops
0FF304: movem.l (A7)+, D0-D7/A0-A6 ; restore registers
0FF308: rts ; return from subroutine
0FF032: nop
0FF034: nop
0FF036: nop
0FF038: move.w $108004.l, D3 ; Arrow position -|
0FF03E: move.w $108002.l, D2 ; List offset -|
0FF044: add.w D2, D3 ; |
0FF046: addi.w #$1, D3 ; |-> sum+1=listNumber
0FF04A: cmpi.w #$a2, D3 ; compare listNumber to $a2(#162)
0FF04E: bge $ff056 ; greater than or Equal? jump to loc_000E0372 when true
0FF052: bra $ff05c ; skip next opcode
0FF056: jmp loc_000E0372 ; jump to E0372 (see above)
0FF05C: move.w D3, D0 ; copy listNumber in d0 for game launch
0FF05E: lea $100200.l, A0 ; address in ram for copying launch code
0FF064: movea.l A0, A1 ; make a copy in a1 for jump
0FF066: move.l #$33c0002c, (A0)+ ; -|
0FF06C: move.l #$fee4e71, (A0)+ ; -|
0FF072: move.l #$4e704ef9, (A0)+ ; -|
0FF078: move.l #$c00402, (A0) ; -|-> copy opcodes (see below) to RAM
0FF07E: jmp (A1) ; jump to code starting at $100200 (RAM)
100200: move.w D0, $2c0fee.l ; send listNumber to CPLD
100206: nop ; wait a little
100208: reset ; trigger a reset in the M68K
10020A: jmp $c00402.l ; jump to "Reset Exception Vector" (same as ROM:00000004)
I'm assuming there are several versions of the V3 cart. Pick-n-mix works for some, but not for others.
As for my custom cart - I've made several menu edits relative to the original dump:
- I changed the procedure for switching ROMs (it was more convenient for me)
- I removed (did not add) the return procedure for each game in order to preserve the original game code and checksum.
- I removed all interaction with the MCU. This includes last game saves and software dip-switches.
If you need and interested in this functionality, you will need to do a few things yourself:
- provide the bsram file containing the default bsram data for each game;
- implement interaction with MCU in the menu;
- (most important) implement interaction with MCU in CPLD.
Color | P.RAM | P.No. | Col.Idx. |
$0EEE | $400022 | 1 | 2 |
$0111 | $400024 | 1 | 3 |
$0A96 | $400042 | 2 | 2 |
$0111 | $400044 | 2 | 3 |
$0402 | $400062 | 3 | 2 |
$0111 | $400064 | 3 | 3 |
$0555 | $400082 | 4 | 2 |
$0111 | $400084 | 4 | 3 |
$0100 | $40008A | 4 | 6 |