#WebEd theme commands
####Disable themes
php artisan theme:disable {alias}
####Enable themes
php artisan theme:enable {alias}
####Install theme dependencies: When you enable a theme, it's still not have some related things like database schema, sample data..., it's time that you need to run install.
There are two ways to install theme:
php artisan theme:install {alias}
or you go to Admin Dashboard page --> Themes. Then just click to Install button.
####Uninstall theme dependencies: When you want to remove all installed dependencies of a theme like database schema..., it's time that you need to run uninstall.
php artisan theme:uninstall {alias}
or you go to Admin Dashboard page --> Themes. Then just click to Uninstall button.
####Create a new theme
php artisan theme:create {alias}
####Other helpers: These commands will generate php files with specified type to the current activated theme.
php artisan theme:make:controller {name} {--resource}
php artisan theme:make:command {name}
php artisan theme:make:provider {name}
php artisan theme:make:view {name}
For example:
php artisan theme:make:controller SystemController --resource
php artisan theme:make:provider HookServiceProvider