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Aries RFC 0034: Message Tracing

  • Authors: Daniel Hardman
  • Status: PROPOSED
  • Since: 2018-10-24
  • Status Note: Not yet implemented broadly, but Evernym has been exploring it as a solution to some debugging needs.
  • Start Date: 2018-10-24
  • Tags: feature, decorator


Define a mechanism to track what happens in a complex DIDComm interactions, to make troubleshooting and auditing easier.


Anyone who has searched trash and spam folders for a missing email knows that when messages don't elicit the expected reaction, troubleshooting can be tricky. Aries-style agent-to-agent communication is likely to manifest many of the same challenges as email, in that it may be routed to multiple places, by multiple parties, with incomplete visibility into the meaning or state associated with individual messages. Aries's communication is even more opaque than ordinary email, in that it is transport agnostic and encrypted...

In a future world where DIDComm technology is ubiquitous, people may send messages from one agent to another, and wonder why nothing happened, or why a particular error is reported. They will need answers.

Also, developers and testers who are working with DIDComm-based protocols need a way to debug.



Many systems that deliver physical packages offer a "cerified delivery" or "return receipt requested" feature. To activate the feature, a sender affixes a special label to the package, announcing who should be notified, and how. Handlers of the package then cooperate to satisfy the request.

certified mail, by Doug Coldwell, Flickr CC by 2.0 --

DIDComm thread tracing works on a similar principle. When tracing is desired, a sender adds to the normal message metadata a special decorator that the message handler can see. If the handler notices the decorator and chooses to honor the request, it emits a notification to provide tracing.

The main complication is that DIDComm message routing uses nested layers of encryption. What is visible to one message handler may not be visible to another. Therefore, the decorator must be repeated in every layer of nesting where tracing is required. Although this makes tracing somewhat verbose, it also provides precision; troubleshooting can focus only on one problematic section of an overall route, and can degrade privacy selectively.


Tracing is requested by decorating the JSON plaintext of an DIDComm message (which will often be a forward message, but could also be the terminal message unpacked and handled at its final destination) with the ~trace attribute. Here is the simplest possible example:

example of ~trace

This example asks the handler of the message to perform an HTTP POST of a trace report about the message to the URI

The service listening for trace reports--called the trace sink-- doesn't have to have any special characteristics, other than support for HTTP 1.1 or SMTP (for mailto: URIs) and the ability to receive small plaintext payloads rapidly. It may use TLS, but it is not required to. If TLS is used, the parties that submit reports should accept the certificate without strong checking, even if it is expired or invalid. The rationale for this choice is:

  1. It is the sender's trust in the tracing service, not the handler's trust, that matters.
  2. Tracing is inherently unsafe and non-privacy-preserving, in that it introduces an eavesdropper and a channel with uncertain security guarantees. Trying to secure the eavesdropper is a waste of effort.
  3. Introducing a strong dependency on PKI-based trust into a protocol that exists to improve PKI feels wrong-headed.
  4. When tracing is needed, the last thing we should do is create another fragility to troubleshoot.

Trace Reports

The body of the HTTP request (the trace report) is a JSON document that looks like this:

trace report


Message IDs

If messages have a different @id attribute at each hop in a delivery chain, then a trace of the message at hop 1 and a trace of the message at hop 2 will not appear to have any connection when the reports are analyzed together.

tracing unrelated messages

To solve this problem, traced messages use an ID convention that permits ordering. Assume that the inner application message has a base ID, X. Containing messages (e.g., forward messages) have IDs in the form X.1, X.2, X.3, and so forth -- where numbers represent the order in which the messages will be handled. Notice in the sample trace report above that the for_id of the trace report message is 98fd8d72-80f6-4419-abc2-c65ea39d0f38.1. This implies that it is tracing the first hop of inner, application message with id 98fd8d72-80f6-4419-abc2-c65ea39d0f38.


Sometimes, a message is sent before it is fully wrapped for all hops in its route. This can happen, for example, if Alice's edge agent delegates to Alice's cloud agent the message preparation for later stages of routing.

In such cases, tracing for the delegated portion of the route should default to inherit the tracing choice of the portion of the route already seen. To override this, the ~trace decorator placed on the initial message from Alice's edge to Alice's cloud can include the optional full-route attribute, with its value set to true or false.

This tells handlers that are wrapping subsequent portions of a routed message to either propagate or truncate the routing request in any new forward messages they compose.

Timing and Sequencing

Each trace report includes a UTC timestamp from the reporting handler. This timestamp should be computed at the instant a trace report is prepared--not when it is queued or delivered. Even so, it offers only a rough approximation of when something happened. Since system clocks from handlers may not be synchronized, there is no guarantee of precision or of agreement among timestamps.

In addition, trace reports may be submitted asynchronously with respect to the message handling they document. Thus, a trace report could arrive out of sequence, even if the handling it describes occurred correctly. This makes it vital to order trace reports according to the ID sequencing convention described above.

Tracing the original sender

The original sender may not run a message handling routine that triggers tracing. However, as a best practice, senders that enable tracing should send a trace report when they send, so the beginning of a routing sequence is documented. This report should reference X.0 in for_id, where X is the ID of the inner application message for the final recipient.

Handling a message more than once

A particular handler may wish to document multiple phases of processing for a message. For example, it may choose to emit a trace report when the message is received, and again when the message is "done." In such cases, the proper sequence of the two messages, both of which will have the same for_id attribute, is given by the relative sequence of the timestamps.

Processing time for each handler--or for phases within a handler--is given by the elapsed_milli attribute.


Tracing inherently compromises privacy. It is totally voluntary, and handlers should not honor trace requests if they have reason to believe they have been inserted for nefarious purposes. However, the fact that the trace reports can only be requested by the same entities that send the messages, and that they are encrypted in the same way as any other plaintext that a handler eventually sees, puts privacy controls in the hands of the ultimate sender and receiver.

Tracing entire threads

If a sender wishes to enable threading for an entire multi-step interaction between multiple parties, the full_thread attribute can be included on an inner application, with its value set to true. This signals to recipients that the sender wishes to have tracing turned on until the interaction is complete. Recipients may or may not honor such requests. If they don't, they may choose to send an error to the sender explaining why they are not honoring the request.


Trace decorator (~trace)

Value is any URI. At least http, https, and mailto should be supported. If mail is sent, the message subject should be "trace report for ?", where ? is the value of the for_id attribute in the report, and the email body should contain the plaintext of the report, as utf8.

Trace Report Attributes

  • @type: Should always be "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/tracing/1.0/trace_report", or some evolved version thereof. Required for version control and to support trace sinks that process other HTTP payloads as well.
  • for_id: The ID of the message that the handler is looking at when it composes the trace report. Required.
  • handler: A string that identifies the handler in a way that's useful for troubleshooting purposes. For example, it might identify a particular agent by DID+keyref, or it might be a friendly string like "iPhone" or "AgentsRUs Cloud Agent, geocaching extension v1.3.7". Optional but encouraged.
  • elapsed_milli: How many milliseconds did the handler have this message before composing the trace report? If the same handler emits more than one trace report, how long has it been since the last trace was composed? Optional but encouraged.
  • traced_type: What was the message type of the traced message? Optional but encouraged.
  • report_time: What was the UTC timestamp of the system clock of the handler when the handler composed the trace report? ISO 8601 format with millisecond precision. Optional but encouraged.
  • outcome: A string that describes the outcome of the message handling. The string MUST begin with one of the following tokens: "OK" (meaning the handler completed its processing successfully; "ERR" (the handler failed), or "PEND" (the handler is still working on the message and does not know the final outcome). After this token, the string SHOULD contain a parenthetical explanation suitable for use by humans that want to troubleshoot. For forward messages that have an outcome of OK, the recommended explanation is something like "(forwarded to did:sov:1234abcd#4)".


Tracing makes network communication quite noisy. It imposes a burden on message handlers. It may also incur performance penalties.

Rationale and alternatives

Wireshark and similar network monitoring tools could give some visibility into agent-to-agent interactions. However, it would be hard to make sense of bytes on the wire, due to encryption and the way individual messages may be divorced from routing or thread context.

Proprietary tracing could be added to the agents built by particular vendors. However, this would have limited utility if an interaction involved software not made by that vendor.

Prior art

The message threading RFC and the error reporting RFC touch on similar subjects, but are distinct.

Unresolved questions



The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.

Name / Link Implementation Notes