nohup python -u 2>&1 &
We use Pytorch 1.4.0
and Python 3.7
Name | Description | Value |
gae_lambda | lambda parameter for GAE | 1.00 |
gamma | discount factor for rewards | 0.99 |
lr | learning rate | 0.0001 |
entropy_coef | entropy term coefficient | 0.01 |
value_loss_coef | value loss coefficient | 0.5 |
max_grad_norm | clamping the values of gradient | 40 |
num_processes | how many training processes to use(asynchronous) | 32 |
num_steps | number of forward steps in A3C | 20 |
no_shared | use an optimizer without shared momentum | False |
env_name | environment to train on | Breakout-v0 |
Input | Input size | [1, 80, 80] |
In this model, a CNN is used to extract the feature of images and a Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) is used to process temporal dependencies. Thereafter, the two fully-connected layerswhich sit at the top of the network will provide the probability distribution and value functionapproximation given the current state.
Instead of the experience replay used in DQN, the A3C asynchronously execute multiple agentsin parallel on multiple instances of the environment. This parallelism decorrelates the agents’ datainto a more stationary process and make the model learn online, since at any given time-step, theparallel agents will be experiencing a variety of different states.
Suddenly goes down may because of the action 'fire' problem. (We don't use wrappers.)
Do not use wrappers whose input is [4, 84, 84], it indeed influences the preformance of the model. After 40000K steps, only get score below 100. See log.
# You can use the trained model to see the simulation, or use it as your baseline.
# Test the model and see the simulation.
# Do not change below code in, it will cause some bugs in Ubuntu.
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ""
os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK'] = 'True'