I used vimdiff on the results of running a bash for loop
Both implementations reads File 499's link incorrectly. This is because we need to ignore characters preceeded by backslash. Our outputs : Left is my MarkdownParse and right is by the LAB 9's given repository Correct output should be : foo):
My implementation does not read the character # and hence misses the link. The given MarkdownParse.java does read the link but does not convert " to its hexadecimal ASCII code.
The correct ouput should be : %22title%22
1. Adding if statement that checks the presence of backslash before any bracket or parentheses. I just added for brackets in my Markdown Parse.java during Lab 7. Additionally it should be for parentheses also
2. Converting special characters to their ASCII code and consider # within link. For Lab 7, I tried converting backticks to their ASCII code and read them within link. Similarly, we should do for other characters.
Thanks for supporting throughout the Quarter!