Step 1 : Download Visual Studio code from Link
- Terminal → New Terminal menu option
- Type ssh [email protected] where zz is replaced by your username letters.
- For Example, ls and ls < directory > :
- Here, List of folders in group is only perl5 so commands ls and ls gives same output
- Writing the code first ,
- Using scp to copy
- logging into server using ssh and username
- checking the list on server using ls command
- Logging out using exit
Step 5 : To avoid using password again and again after using commands like scp, we setup a public key ( on server ) and private key ( on desktop )
- Type ssh-keygen
- Enter file when prompted. Here,
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/linux/ieng6/cs15lsp22/cs15lsp22aaq/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/linux/ieng6/cs15lsp22/cs15lsp22aaq/.ssh/id_rsa