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LeetCode Solutions in Java

CI with Maven

Welcome to my LeetCode Solutions repository! This project contains my solutions to various LeetCode problems implemented in Java.

How to Navigate

Each problem has its own Java package named after the problem's number in the format S0000.
Inside each package is all of the needed code, as well as a file containing the problem description.
Feel free to explore and learn from the implementations.


Contributions are welcome! If you have a more efficient solution or want to add solutions to new problems, feel free to create a pull request.


Number Title Runtime Memory Problem description
1 Two Sum 2 ms 44.5 MB Problem
2 Add Two Numbers 2 ms 45 MB Problem
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 6 ms 44.4 MB Problem
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 1 ms 45.7 MB Problem
9 Palindrome Number 7 ms 44.4 MB Problem
13 Roman to Integer 11 ms 45.2 MB Problem
14 Longest Common Prefix 3 ms 41.6 MB Problem
20 Valid Parentheses 1 ms 41.3 MB Problem
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 8 ms 43.1 MB Problem
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 1 ms 44.7 MB Problem
27 Remove Element 0 ms 41.8 MB Problem
28 Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String 0 ms 42 MB Problem
35 Search Insert Position 0 ms 43.2 MB Problem
58 Length of Last Word 0 ms 41.7 MB Problem
66 Plus One 0 ms 41.4 MB Problem
67 Add Binary 1 ms 42.4 MB Problem
69 Sqrt(x) 1 ms 40.9 MB Problem
70 Climbing Stairs 1 ms 39.8 MB Problem
75 Sort Colors 1 ms 41.5 MB Problem
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 0 ms 43.5 MB Problem
88 Merge Sorted Array 0 ms 41.8 MB Problem
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 0 ms 41.3 MB Problem
125 Valid Palindrome <- Could improve 15 ms 44.8 MB Problem
206 Reverse Linked List 1 ms 42.4 MB Problem
344 Reverse String 0 ms 48.4 MB Problem
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 6 ms 44.8 MB Problem
409 Longest Palindrome 6 ms 42.4 MB Problem
506 Relative Ranks <- Needs work! 27 ms 45.4 MB Problem
633 Sum of Square Numbers 5 ms 40.8 MB Problem
648 Replace Words 686 ms 53 MB Problem
786 K-th Smallest Prime Fraction <- Needs work! 672 ms 106.5 MB Problem
826 Most Profit Assigning Work 11 ms 46 MB Problem
846 Hand of Straights 59 ms 45.5 MB Problem
945 Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique 38 ms 60 MB Problem
1002 Find Common Characters 12 ms 44.8 MB Problem
1122 Relative Sort Array 3 ms 42.4 MB Problem
1296 Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers 133 ms 56.8 MB Problem
1509 Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves 15 ms 57.39 MB Problem
1550 Three Consecutive Odds 0 ms 41.98 MB Problem
1791 Find Center of Star Graph 0 ms 66.5 MB Problem
2037 Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone 2 ms 44.3 MB Problem
2441 Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative 5 ms 44.5 MB Problem
2486 Append Characters to String to Make Subsequence 3 ms 45.3 MB Problem
2487 Remove Nodes From Linked List 8 ms 63.5 MB Problem
2678 Number of Senior Citizens 0 ms 42.34MB Problem
2816 Double a Number Represented as a Linked List 6 ms 45.6 MB Problem
3075 Maximize Happiness of Selected Children <- Needs work! 34 ms 61.1 MB Problem